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Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων

Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις

Δημοφιλή αποσπάσματα

Σελίδα 8 - An Analysis of the Exposition of the Creed, written by the Right Rev. Father in God, JOHN PEARSON, DD, late Lord Bishop of Chester. Compiled, with some additional matter occasionally interspersed, for the use of the Students of Bishop's College, Calcutta, by WH MILL, DD late Principal of Bishop's College, and Regius Professor of Hebrew in the University of Cambridge.
Σελίδα 33 - The Prayer Book Interleaved; with Historical Illustrations and Explanatory Notes arranged parallel to the Text, by the Rev. WM Campion, BD, Fellow and Tutor of Queens
Σελίδα 2 - BARRETT (AC) Companion to the Greek Testament For the use of Theological Students and the Upper Forms in Schools. By AC Barrett, MA, Caius College; Author of "A Treatise on Mechanics and Hydrostatics.
Σελίδα 6 - History of the Articles of Religion ; to which is added a Series of Documents from AD 1536 to AD 1615. Ed. by Rev. F. Proctor. NS HENRY'S (Matthew) Exposition of the Book of Psalms. Numerous Woodcuts. PEARSON (John, DD) Exposition of the Creed.
Σελίδα 15 - AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON THE LUNAR THEORY, with a Brief Sketch of the Problem up to the time of Newton. Second Edition, revised. Crown 8vo. cloth. 5*. 6d. Hemming. — AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON THE DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS, for the Use; of Colleges and Schools.
Σελίδα 240 - SMITH'S PRIZEMEN. THE Rev. ROBERT SMITH, DD late Master of Trinity college, left two annual prizes of £25. each, to two commencing Bachelors of Arts, the best proficients in Mathematics and Natural Philosophy.
Σελίδα 22 - Mathematical and Physical Papers. By Sir W. THOMSON, LL.D., DCL, FRS, Professor of Natural Philosophy, in the University of Glasgow. Collected from different Scientific Periodicals from May, 1841, to the present time.
Σελίδα 2 - The executive branch of the university is committed to the following officers : — A CHANCELLOR, who is the head of the whole university, and presides over all cases relative to that body.
Σελίδα 267 - Chancellor, gives annually, a third gold medal, to be conferred upon a resident undergraduate, who shall compose in English, the best- ode or best poem in heroic verse t.
Σελίδα 15 - THE FIRST THREE SECTIONS OF NEWTON'S PRINCIPIA, With Notes and Illustrations. Also a collection of Problems, principally intended as Examples of Newton's Methods. By PERCIVAL FROST, MA Third Edition.

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