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Βιβλία Βιβλία
" AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON THE LUNAR THEORY, with a Brief Sketch of the Problem up to the time of Newton. Second Edition, revised. Crown 8vo. cloth. 5*. 6d. Hemming. — AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON THE DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS, for the Use; of... "
Calendar - Σελίδα 15
των University of Cambridge - 1870
Πλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο

De vocabuli duo usu Homerico Hesiodeoque et Attico specimen i

Friedrich Zander - 1834 - 488 σελίδες
...Cambridge. A TREATISE ON ASTRONOMY, for the Use of Colleges and Schools. New Edition. 8vo. cloth, izs, 6d. AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON THE LUNAR THEORY, with...Brief Sketch of the Problem up to the time of Newton. Second Edition, revised. Crown 8vo. cloth. 5i. 6d. Hemming. — AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON THE DIFFERENTIAL...

Elementary Mechanics

Sir John Budd Phear - 1850 - 304 σελίδες
...make themselves masters of the important subject of which it treats ."'— ATHZN.SHJM, March 12, 1853. An Elementary Treatise on the Lunar Theory, with a brief Sketch of the History of the Problem up to the time of Newton. By HUGH GODFRAY, BA, of St. John's College, Cambridge....

D. Junii Juvenalis satiræ xiii. Thirteen satires of Juvenal. The Lat. text ...

Juvenal - 1853 - 516 σελίδες
...MA, late Fellow and Assistant Tutor of St. John's College, Cambridge. 8vo. sewed, 2s. Cambridge. xx. An Elementary Treatise on the Lunar Theory, •with a brief Sketch of the History of the Problem up to the time of Newton. By HUGH GODFRAY, MA, of St. John's College, Cambridge....

An Elementary Treatise on the Lunar Theory: With a Brief Sketch of the ...

Hugh Godfray - 1853 - 140 σελίδες
...and Assistant Tutor of St. John's College, Cambridge. 8vo. sewed, 2s. Cambridge. 16 Mathematics. xx. An Elementary Treatise on the Lunar Theory, with a brief Sketch of the History of the Problem up to the time of Newton. By HUGH GODFRAY, MA, of St. John's College, Cambridge....

Solutions of the Problems and Riders Proposed in the Senate-house ...

William Walton, Charles Frederick Mackenzie - 1854 - 266 σελίδες
...Poems in Commemoration of Great Men and Great Events. By TH GILL. Fcap. STo. cloth, 5*. GODFRAY.— An Elementary Treatise on the Lunar Theory. With a brief Sketch of the History of the Problem up to the time of Newton. By HUGH GODFRAY, MA of St. John's College, Esquire...

The Hulsean lectures for M.DCCXLV and M.DCCCXLVI.

Richard Chenevix Trench (abp. of Dublin.) - 1854 - 356 σελίδες
...Cambridge. 8vo. cloth, Is. 6d. \.Reur:s " Done in a highly satisfactory manner." — Alhenaum. GODFRAY.— An Elementary Treatise on the Lunar Theory. With a brief Sketch of the History of the Problem up to the time of Newtor.. By HUGH GODFRAY, BA of St. John's College, Cambridge....

Lectures on the Ecclesiastical History of the First and Second Centuries

Frederick Denison Maurice - 1854 - 446 σελίδες
...John's College, Cambridge. Svo. cloth, 7*. 6d. " Done in a highly aatiifactury mmn*T."— GODFRAY.— An Elementary Treatise on the Lunar Theory. With a brief Sketch of the History of the Problem up to the time of Newton. By HUGH GODFKAY, BA of St. John's College, Cambridge....

Leipziger repertorium der deutschen und ausländischen literatur ..., Τόμοι 45-46

1854 - 820 σελίδες
...Dr. C. Schöpf tr. Mit Abbildd. Braunschweig, Dehnte u. Müller. 1893. 52 S. gr.8. (10 Nffr.) [1809] An Elementary Treatise on the Lunar Theory, with a brief Sketch of the History of the Problem up to Time of Newton, fij Hugh Godfray. Cambridge. 1853. 112S. gr.8. (5sb.6d.)...

Arithmetic for Schools

Barnard Smith - 1854 - 368 σελίδες
...forcibly brought before us the claims which Christian Missions hace on the State," — CHRISTIAN EXAMINER. An Elementary TREATISE on the LUNAR THEORY. With a brief Sketch of the History of the Problem up to the time of Newton. By HUGH GODFRAY, BA, of St. John-s College, Cambridge....

Bibliotheca mathematica: Verzeichniss der bücher über die gesammten zweige ...

Ludwig Adolph Sohncke - 1854 - 434 σελίδες
...Unterricht bearb. Mit 10 Figurentnf. (¡n qu. % Fol.) gr. 8. Karlsruhe 1839. Groos. !•/, ,% Godfray, Hugh, An elementary treatise on the lunar theory; with a brief sketch of the history of the problem up to the time of Newton. In-8. Cambridge 1853. 5 sh. 6 d. Godillot, J. В.,...

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