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Βιβλία Βιβλία
" Mathematical and Physical Papers. By Sir W. THOMSON, LL.D., DCL, FRS, Professor of Natural Philosophy, in the University of Glasgow. Collected from different Scientific Periodicals from May, 1841, to the present time. "
Calendar - Σελίδα 22
των University of Cambridge - 1870
Πλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο

Notes and Queries

1867 - 698 σελίδες
...minutes' walk from ihc Stattun. NEW CLARENDON PRES-S PUBLICATIONS. A TEEATISE on NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, By Sir W. Thomson, LL.D., DCL, .F.RS., Professor of...Natural Philosophy in the University of Glasgow ; and Г. G. TAIT, М.Л., Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh, formerly Fellow...

The Bookseller

1866 - 1352 σελίδες
...OXFORD. N EW VOLUM ES. A TREATISE ON NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. By W. THOMSON-, LL..D., DCL, FR8., Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Glasgow, and...Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh ; formerly Fellows of St. Peter's College, Camb. Vol. I., demy 8vo, cloth, 25s. i {Immediately....

An Elementary Treatise on Heat

Balfour Stewart - 1866 - 440 σελίδες
...this manual, and contribute much to the esteem in which we are disposed to hold it." — John Bull. 2. A Treatise on Natural Philosophy. Volume I. By Sir...Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh ; formerly Fellows of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. (Demy 8vo., cloth, price 25s.) "...

An Elementary Treatise on Heat

Balfour Stewart - 1866 - 446 σελίδες
...VI. PHYSICAL SCIENCE. I. A Treatise on Natural Philosophy. In four Volumes. By Sir W. THOMSON, LL.D., FRS, Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University...Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh ; late Fellow of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. Vol. I. nearly ready. 1. Also, by the...

The elements of deductive logic

Thomas Fowler - 1867 - 218 σελίδες
...Natural Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh ; formerly Fellow of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. 6. A Treatise on Natural Philosophy. Volume I. By Sir...Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh ; formerly Fellows of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. (Demy Svo. ) 7. A Treatise on Harmony....

The preliminary history to the election of Eadward the Confessor. 3d ed ...

Edward Augustus Freeman - 1867 - 764 σελίδες
...inconvenient for reference even to the Astronomer, and absolutely out of the reach of the general reader. 2. A Treatise on Natural Philosophy. Volume I. By Sir...Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh ; formerly Fellows of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. [Nearly ready. " Our object is twofold...

Descriptive Astronomy

George Frederick Chambers - 1867 - 888 σελίδες
...this manual, and contribute much to the esteem in which we are disposed to hold it." — John Bull. z. A Treatise on Natural Philosophy. Volume I. By Sir...Natural Philosophy in the University of Glasgow, and PG TATT, MA, Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh ; formerly Fellows of St....

Book I-II of the Faery Queene, Τόμος 1

Edmund Spenser - 1867 - 304 σελίδες
...education; and will be thankful for hints, &c. addressed to the Rev. GW KTTCH1N, Oxford. Now Heady. i. A Treatise on Natural Philosophy. Volume I. By Sir...Natural Philosophy in the University of Glasgow, and PG TA1T, MA, Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh ; formerly Fellows of St....

An elementary treatise on quaternions

Peter Guthrie Tait - 1867 - 364 σελίδες
...disposed to bold it."— John Bull. 2. A Treatise on Natural Philosophy. Volume I. By Sir W.THOM8ON, LL.D., DCL, FRS, Professor of Natural Philosophy in...Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh; formerly Fellows of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. (Demy 8vo., cloth, price 25'.) "...

An Elementary Treatise on Quaternions,

Peter Guthrie Tait - 1867 - 366 σελίδες
...manual, and contribute much to the esteem in which we are disposed to hold it." — John IJull. 2. A Treatise on Natural Philosophy. Volume I. By Sir...Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Cihtfgow, and PG TAIT, MA, Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh ; formerly...

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