Fundamental Considerations in Language TestingOxford University Press, 1990 - 408 σελίδες Here is a clear and authoritative discussion of the basic concerns which underlie the development and use of language tests, and an up-to-date synthesis of research on testing. Primarily for students on teacher education courses, it is also an invaluable resource for all those professionally involved in designing and administering tests, acting as a complement to practical 'how to' books. |
Measurement | 2 |
Uses of Language Tests | 63 |
Features for classifying different types of language test | 70 |
Πνευματικά δικαιώματα | |
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Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων
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abilities we want applied linguistics appropriate authenticity Bachman and Palmer basis Chapter characteristics cloze coefficient communicative language ability construct validation content relevance correlation CR test criterion criterion-referenced criterion-referenced tests Cronbach cut-off score defined discourse discussed domain effects error scores evaluation examining example expected response face validity factors foreign language framework function G-theory generalizability generalizability theory given test grammatical Hambleton hypotheses illocutionary illocutionary acts illocutionary force indicators individual's individuals input interaction interpretation item response theory language performance language proficiency language testing research level of ability measurement error measurement theory multiple-choice test observed scores oral interview performance on language problem procedures psychometric questions raters ratings real-life relationship RL approach sample scale score variance second language acquisition sociolinguistic sources of error specific test development test method facets test performance test takers test tasks test users testing situations theory TOEFL true score types want to measure