Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

7. An orchard has 20 trees: how many times 5 trees has it? How many times 4 trees? How many times 10 trees?

8. How many times 6 is 24? How many times 5 is 25? 9. How many times is 5 contained in 15?

SOLUTION. Since 3 times 5 are 15, 5 is contained 3 times in 15. 10. How many times is 4 contained in 20? 11. How many times is 6 contained in 30? 12. How many times is 5 contained in 30? 13. How many times is 3 contained in 18? 14. How many times is 6 contained in 18?

15. If a boy earn 24 dollars, how many times 4 dollars does he earn? How many times 6 dollars? How many times 8 dollars?

16. If a man has 30 cts., how many times 10 cts. has he? How many times 6 cts.? How many times 5 cts.? How many times 3 cts.?

17. How many times 6 boys are 30 boys?
18. How many times 7 horses are 21 horses?
19. How many times is 7 contained in 28?

39. The process of finding how often one number is contained in another is called Division.

40. The number to be divided is called the Dividend.

1. The number which is contained in the other is called the Divisor.

42. The result obtained by the division is called the Quotient.

43. The sign of division,, is read divided by, and when placed between two numbers shows that the first is to be divided by the second. Thus, 165 15 is read 165 divided by 15.

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1. Divide by 2's from 2 to 12; thus, 2 in 2, 1 time; 2 in 4, 2 times, and so on.

2. Divide by 2's from 12 to 2; thus, 2 in 12, 6 times; 2 in 10, 5 times, and so on.

3. Divide

By 3's from 3 to 24.
By 3's from 36 to 12.

4. Divide

By 4's from 4 to 28.
By 4's from 48 to 24.

5. Divide

By 5's from 5 to 40.
By 5's from 60 to 20.

6. Divide

By 6's from 6 to 42.
By 6's from 72 to 24.

7. Divide

By 7's from 7 to 63.
By 7's from 84 to 28.

8. Divide

By 8's from 8 to 56.
By 8's from 96 to 32.

9. Divide

By 9's from 9 to 81.
By 9's from 108 to 27.

10. Divide

By 10's from 10 to 80.
By 10's from 120 to 40.

11. Divide

By 11's from 11 to 132.
By 11's from 132 to 11.

12. Divide

By 12's from 12 to 96.
By 12's from 144 to 48.

1. How many oranges at 5 cents each can I buy for 30


SOLUTION 1.-If 1 orange cost 5 cents, for 30 cents I can buy 6 oranges, because 6 times 5 are 30.

SOLUTION 2.-If 1 orange cost 5 cents, for 30 cents I can buy as many oranges as 5 is contained times in 30, or 6 oranges.

2. If a hat cost 4 dollars, how many hats can be bought for 20 dollars?

3. There are 4 pecks in a bushel: how many bushels are there in 24 pecks?

4. There are 7 days in 1 week: how many weeks are there in 42 days?

5. There are 8 quarts in a peck: how many pecks in 56 quarts?

6. How many coats can be bought for 63 dollars if 1 coat cost 9 dollars?

7. If 1 quart of milk cost 10 cents, how many quarts can be bought for 80 cents?

8. How many pair of boots at 7 dollars a pair can I buy for 77 dollars?

9. There are 12 eggs in a dozen: how many dozen are there in 108 eggs?

10. If 12 yards of calico make a dress, how many dresses can be made from 84 yards?

11. If a sheep cost 6 dollars, how many can be bought for 54 dollars?

12. If a man earn 8 dollars a week, how long will it take to earn 80 dollars?

13. A pair of shoes cost 3 dollars: how many pairs can be bought for 36 dollars?

14. How many horses will eat 60 bushels of corn if 1 horse eat 5 bushels?

15. If a cord of wood is worth 6 dollars, how many cords can be bought for 54 dollars?


The Divisor One Figure.

Ex. Divide 984 by 4.



PROCESS. Explanation. We write the divisor at the left of the dividend, separating them by a curved line, and draw a line under the dividend. 4 is contained in 9 hundred 2 hundreds times, with 1 hundred, equal to 10 tens, remaining; adding this remainder to 8 tens, the next number in the dividend, we have 18 tens; 4 is contained in 18 tens, 4 tens times, with a remainder of 2 tens, or 20 units; adding this remainder to 4

units, the next number of the dividend, we have 24 units; 4 is contained in 24 units 6 units times.

NOTE.-In practice we shorten the operation and say thus: 4 is contained in 9 twice, and 1 remaining; 4 is contained in 18, 4 times and 2 remaining; 4 is contained in 24, 6 times.

[blocks in formation]
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