OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF BOSTON, FOR THE MUNICIPAL YEAR 1886, Commencing Monday, January 4, 1886, and ending Saturday, January 1, 1887. BEING REPRINTS OF REPORTS AS PUBLISHED BY CONTRACT IN THE BOSTON: ROCKWELL AND CHURCHILL, CITY PRINTERS, 39 ARCH STREET. (REPRINTS OF REPORTS FROM THE TRAVELLER PRESS.) 1 The following index has been prepared in accordance with an Order of the City Council and a vote of the Committee on Printing. A street. INDEX TO PROCEEDINGS OF FOR 1886. [Preceding the figures indicating page, a signifies Aldermen, c Common Council.] sidewalk or plank-walk: petition a 657 Abell, J. G., et als. petition to macadamize Franklin st., B., a 391 Abolition of City Architect's Dept. (See Architect's Department.) Abby & Schoeffel. license, dramatic entertainment Park theatre, granted a S14 Accounts. committee: appointed a 66 c 86 a 554 auditor: report for refreshments and carriage-hire of the Common Council (C.D. 6) c 14; James H. Dodge appointed a 508-confirmed auditor's annual report: order to submit in print, and that 5,500 copies be printed for distribution, passed c 587 a 598; (C.D.124) € 689 a 701 annual estimates: (see appropriation) clerk-hire in auditor's dept.: ordinance to amend chap. 6, Rev. Ord., etc., passed a 705, 706 c 718 monthly exhibits: (C.D.3) a 5, 11c 13; (C.D.36) c 101 a 120; (C.D.63) c 198 a 218; (C.D.82) a 340; (C.D.115) c 560; (C.D.129) c 627 a 658; (C.D.153) a 766 c 830; (C.D.162) a 812 c $30; (C.D.170) c S29 a 841: (C.D.181) a 914 C 920; (C.D.195) c 1016 a 1025; (C.D.204) c 1097 a 1112 Accounts, County. (See County Accounts.) Adair, Mrs. T. stable, Dorset st., petition a S21-granted a 848 Adams, Hon. Charles Francis. person bay-window and chimney, Gloucester st., petition and order for hearing a 237-hearing a 303-granted a 343 Adams, Wm. H. sidewalk, Isabella st., petition a 1112-granted a 1240 steam-engine, Isabella st., petition a 1044 Adams, Waldo, and 41 others. to pro remonstrance against cable road, Beacon st., a 304 Adams place. eulogy upon death: order to invite some suitable nounce a eulogy, etc., and to appoint committee to make arrangements for, discussed, first part passed, second part, laid over a 1114-laid on table a 1118-passed c 1126-taken from table, referred to next government a 1205 Adams, Mrs. C. F., Jr. steam-engine, Gloucester st., petition a 908-granted a 941 Adams, Edwin. a 576 c 592 petition, adjustment of tax on real estate, closing: Old Colony R.R. Co., petition a 263-granted a 271, 272 buildings: Abel Goss, petition to build a 337-granted a 437 € 443 old town-pump: order to remove, passed c 614 a 622 stable: Henry Hall, petition a 674-granted a 703; W. Puffer, petition a 874-granted a 916 steam-engine: Walter Baker & Co., petition a 770-granted a 808 trees: W. H. Puffer, petition a 338-granted a 395; Mrs. Michael Mahoney, petition to trim a 391-granted a 576; Brock & Crane, petition to remove c 627-granted a 1204 watering: Wm. Hannon, petition a 304; petition that city defray a portion of the expense a 391 Address, Inaugural. (See Executive Department and Adulterated Coal. (See Health.) appropriation : request (C.D.42) for an additional appropriation c 129report, and order for transfer, accepted, passed a 158 c 164; request (C.D.209) additional appropriation, referred to finance a 1116-report, and order for transfer accepted, passed a 1201 c 1230 order that expense attending the advertising for proposals for loans be charged to appropriation for advertising passed a 725 c 744 Agent for Suppression of Vice. petition for an amendment to ordinances to prevent bathing in a nude state in the waters within as well as surrounding the city a 721 Ahern, Edward. petition, compensation for damages by overflow of Stony brook a 227 Ahern, John J. Alaska street. sidewalk: petition a 674-granted a 704 |