Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

seven thousand one hundred thirteen, four thousand four, seven hundred sixty thousand one hundred seventeen, and one hundred thousand seventy.

43. Add the following numbers, seventy-four thousand thirteen, nineteen thousand seven hundred eight, seven hundred sixteen, one million seven hundred eighteen thousand one, sixty thousand seven hundred eight. 44. Add eighty-seven, nine hundred fifteen, eighteen thousand, one hundred eighty, eighteen, one hundred sixty-one thousand, six hundred sixteen, eight million six hundred eight thousand, six hundred eighty-six.

Section 2.


1. From 715 take 103. 2. From 471 take 183.

3. From 471 take 177.

4. From 471 take 190.

5. From 471 take 197.

6. From 314 take 119.

7. From 441 take 175.
8. Take 17777 from 72341.
9. Take 17717 from 71111.
10. Take 16666 from 44444.
11. Take 18888 from 66666.
12. Take 9171 from 12345.
13. From 671111 take 199999.
14. From 1789100 take 808088.
15. From 1000000 take 999999.
16. From 9999999 take 1607.

17. From 6101507601061 take 3806790989.
18. From 8054010657811 take 76909748598.
19. From 7100071641115 take 10071178.
20. From 501505010678 take 794090589.
21. Take 99999999 from 100000000.
22. Take 44444444 from 500000000.
23. Take 1234567890 from 9987654321.

24. From 800700567 take 1010101.

25. Take twenty-five thousand twenty-five from twentyfive millions.

26. Take nine thousand ninety-nine from ninety-nine thousand.

27. From one hundred one million ten thousand one hundred one take ten million one hundred one thousand ten. 28. From one million take nine.

29. From three thousand take thirty-three.

30. From one hundred million take five thousand.

Section 3.


1. Multiply 675 by 476; 471 by 395.
3. Multiply 679 by 763; 123 by 345.
5. Multiply 899 by 981; 475 by 389.
7. Multiply 7854 by 1234; 4567 by 7895.

9. Multiply 3001 by 6071; 5671 by 4316.

11. Multiply 7117 by 9876; 767123 by 100780.

13. Multiply 376546 by 407091; 78956717 by 70080016.

15. Multiply 7001009 by 7007867.

16. Multiply 8010700 by 9000909. 17. Multiply 70111111 by 11001117. 18. Multiply 10230017 by 99900099. 19. Multiply 12345678 bv 89123456.

20. Multiply 99999999 by 88888888.
21. Multiply 700110000 by 700110000.
22. Multiply 4070607 by 7007000.
23. Multiply 4110000 by 1017010.

24. Multiply 1000001 by 1000001.

25. Multiply 1152921504606846976 by 1152921504606846976.

26. Multiply five hundred eighty-six by nine hundred eighty. 27. Multiply three thousand eight hundred five by one thousand seven.

28. Multiply two thousand seventy-one by seven hundred six. 29. Multiply eighty-eight thousand and eight by three thousand and seven.

30. Multiply ninety thousand eight hundred seven by one thousand ninety-one.

31. Multiply three hundred seventy-five thousand by five thousand seven.

32. Multiply ninety thousand eight hundred seven by nine thousand one hundred six.

33. Multiply fifty thousand and one by five thousand eight hundred seven.

34. Multiply eighty thousand and nine by nine thousand


35. Multiply forty-seven thousand thirteen by eighty thousand eight hundred seven.

36. Multiply twenty-nine million two thousand nine hun dred nine by four hundred four thousand forty.

37. Multiply eighty-seven millions by eight hundred thousand seven hundred.

38. Multiply one million one thousand one hundred one by nine hundred nine thousand ninety.

39. Multiply forty-nine millions forty-nine by four hundred ninety thousand forty-nine.

40. Multiply two hundred millions two hundred by two millions two thousand and two.

Section 4.


1. Divide 1728 by 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12.
11. Divide 123456789 by 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12.
21. Divide 987654 by 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12.
31. Divide 2345678901 by 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 33,
35, and 37.

41. Divide 6789567 by 81, 76, 59, 97, 86, 43, and 69.
48. Divide 8901239 by 89, 46, 38, 15, 19, 91, and 99.
55. Divide 5678901 by 79, 31, 39, 47, 51, 19, and 44.
62. Divide 2345678 by 91, 18, 81, 71, 61, 51, and 41.
69. Divide 9012345 by 31, 41, 51, 61, 72, 82, and 99.
76. Divide 6717890 by 98, 88, 78, 68, 58, 48, and 38.
83. Divide 4567890 by 19, 29, 39, 49, 59, 69, and 79.
90. Divide 1357901 by 87, 77, 67, 57, 37, 47, and 27.
97. Divide 9988891 by 77, 19, 17, 16, 15, 29, and 99.
104. Divide 9999999 by 69, 41, 34, 64, 54, 84, and 94.
111. Divide 3456789567 by 987, 849, 319, and 819.
115. Divide 8997744444 by 345, 678, 907, and 419.
119. Divide 4500700701 by 407, 506, 781, and 309.
123. Divide 7010781009 by 800, 700, 601, and 123.
127. Divide 345678901765 by 4007, 671, and 39.
130. Divide 478956785178 by 56789 and 475.
132. Divide 678957000107 by 10789561.
133. Divide 990070171009 by 900700601.
134. Divide 444440000700 by 87670000.
135. Divide 987654786 by 9867.

136. Divide 985746856 by 9867

137. Divide 9876534444444 by 4444444.
138. Divide 77777777777777 by 3333333.
139. Divide 9900990000999900 by 88001.

140. Divide 800090001003007 by 9000009.
141. Divide 3456789123456787 by 990000.
142. Divide 8000000000000000 by 777777.
143. Divide 1357924680192876 by 34567891231.
144. Divide 4766666000000 by 55550000000.
145. Divide 987654321123 by 100000000.
146. Divide 71897654325 by 700000000.

147. Divide 102340050070 by 102340050070.. 148. Divide three hundred twenty-one thousand three hundred dollars equally among six hundred seventy-five men. 149. Four hundred seventy-one men purchase a township containing one hundred eighty-six thousand forty-five acres; what is the share of each?

150. A rail-road, which cost five hundred eighteen thousand seventy-seven dollars, is divided into six hundred seventynine shares; what is the value of each share?

151. Divide forty-two thousand four hundred thirty-five bushels of wheat equally among one hundred twenty

three men.

152. A prize, valued at one hundred eighty-four thousand seven hundred seventy-five dollars, is to be divided equally among four hundred seventy-five men; what is the share of each?

153. A certain company purchased a valuable township for nine million six hundred ninety-one thousand eight hundred thirty-six dollars; each share was valued at seven thousand eight hundred fifty-four dollars; of how many men did the company consist?

154. A tax of thirty million fifty-six thousand four hundred sixty-five dollars is assessed equally on four thousand five hundred ninety-seven towns; what sum must each town pay?

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