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Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Was read first time,

And, on his further motion, Rule 14 was suspended as to this bill,

And further, on his motion, the bill was read a second time by its title,

And, on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Corporations.

Mr. Crossan gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill entitled,

"An act to enable School District No. 78, in New Castle County, to raise funds for the purchase of a lot of ground and the erection of a school house thereon."

Mr. McWhorter, from the Committee on Divorce, reported, with favorable recommendation, the Senate bill entitled,

"An act to divorce Mary S. Lascelles from her husband, William P. Lascelles,"

Which, on his motion, was read first time.

On motion, the Senate adjourned.

TUESDAY, February 15th, 1887-11 o'clock, A. M.

Senate met pursuant to adjournment.

Prayer by the Chaplain.

Roll called-Members present-Messrs. Bacon, Cooper, Crossan, Dorman, Ferguson, Lewis, Martin, McWhorter, and Mr. Speaker.

Journal read and approved.

Mr. Crossan presented the petition of Vincent G. Flynn and twenty-five others, praying the Assembly to amend Chapter 384, Volume 16, and repeal Chapter 82, Volume 17,

Which, on his motion, was read,

And, on his further motion, referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes.

Mr. Cooper, Clerk of the House, being admitted, informed the Senate that the House had passed and asked the concurrence of the Senate in the following House bills and joint resolutions, viz :

"An act to incorporate the Inter Nos Manufacturing Company;"

"An act supplementary to an act in relation to Mechanics' Liens, passed at Dover, March 20, 1879;"

"An act to amend Section 15 of the act entitled, 'An act to incorporate the Pint Branch Ditch Company,' passed at Dover, April, 6, 1885;"

"An act to divorce Mary E. Dill and Eben Dill, her husband, from the bonds of matrimony;"

"An act to incorporate the James Bradford Company;"

"An act to locate part of a public road in Lewes and Rehoboth Hundreds, Sussex County;"

"An act to confirm and establish the marriage between William A. Dodd and Ella L. Dodd;"

"Joint resolution in relation to book cases for the Auditor's Office;"

And that Messrs. Waples, Jones and McCoy, had been appointed, on the part of the House, on the joint committee provided for in the joint resolution.

Also, "Joint resolution in relation to the purchase of stationery for the next session of the General Assembly."

Mr. Cooper, Clerk of the House, being admitted, presented for the signature of the Speaker of the Senate the following duly and correctly enrolled House bills and joint resolutions, the same having been signed by the Speaker of the House, viz:

"An act to incorporate the Gilpin Avenue Club Stable;"

"An act to continue in force an act entitled, 'An act to incorporate National Lodge, No. 32, Independent Order_of Odd Fellows, of St. Georges, Delaware,' passed at Dover, February 19, 1867;"

"An act to amend Section 7, Chapter 469, Volume 17, Laws of Delaware, entitled, 'An act to establish a Board of Education for South Milford, and to incorporate the same, and for other purposes;'

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"An act to amend Section 5, Chapter 126, Volume 14, Laws of Delaware;"

"An act for laying out a new public road in South Murderkill Hundred, in Kent County;"'

"An act for the relief of the United School Districts Nos. 44 and 150, in Sussex County;"

"An act to lay out a new public road in South Murderkill Hundred;"

"An act to incorporate the Greenbank Ice Company, of Marshallton, Delaware;"

"An act to authorize the Recorder of Deeds of Kent County to procure a new seal of office;"

"An act to amend Chapter 407 of the 13th Volume of the Laws of Delaware;"

"Joint resolution to pay for cleaning the State House;"

"Joint resolution in relation to the proposed canal between Assawaman and Indian River bays;"

"Joint resolution in relation to the price of the Minutes of the Council,"

He also returned to the Senate, the same having been signed by the Speakers of the two Houses, the following duly and correctly enrolled Senate bill and joint resolutions, viz:

"An act authorizing A. G. Deakyne to erect a gate across the public road;"

"Joint resolution in relation to the disposal of the certificates of the election of Governor;"

"Joint resolution in relation to the State Library."

Mr. Lewis, from the Committee on Corporations, reported back, with favorable recommendation, the Senate bill entitled,

"An act to incorporate the I. O. H. Publishing Company.' On motion of Mr. McWhorter, the bill was taken up for consideration,

And, on his further motion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate.

On the question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate?"

The yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows:

Yeas-Messrs. Bacon, Cooper, Crossan, Dorman, Ferguson, Lewis, Martin, McWhorter, and Mr. Speaker-9.


So the question was decided in the affirmative, and the bill, having received the required constitutional majority,

Ordered to the House for concurrence.

Passed the Senate.

Mr. Bacon, from the Committee on Roads and Highways, reported back, with favorable recommendation, the House bill entitled,

"An act to authorize the laying out of a new public road in West Dover Hundred, Kent County, Delaware."

On motion of Mr. Cooper, the Senate bill entitled,

"An act to repeal an act entitled, 'A supplement to the act entitled, 'An act for the suppression of intemperence,'' passed at Dover, April 8, 1881,"

Was read a second time by its title,

And, on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes.

On motion of Mr. Cooper, the Senate bill entitled,

"An act to amend, 'An an act for the suppression of intemperence,' passed at Dover, April 5, 1881,"

Was read a second time by its title,

And, on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes.

On motion of Mr. Cooper, the Senate bill entitled,

"An act to re-establish School District No. 62, in Sussex County,"

Was read a second time by its title.

On motion of Mr. Bacon, the House bill entitled,

"An act to authorize the laying out of a new road in Broad Creek Hundred,"

Was taken up for consideration,

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