On motion of Mr. Martin, the Senate bill entitled, "An act to divorce Anna M. Lloyd from her husband, John N. Lloyd," Was taken up for consideration, And further, on his motion, the bill was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate?" It was decided in the affirmative, and the bill, having received the required majority, Ordered to the House for concurrence. Passed the Senate. Mr. McWhorter presented the petition of Mary Elizabeth Manley, praying for a divorce from her husband, James H. Manley,' Which, on his motion, was read, And, on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Divorce. Mr. Cooper, Clerk of the House, being admitted, presented for the signature of the Speaker of the Senate, a duly and correctly enrolled House bill, the same having been signed by the Speaker of the House, viz: "An act to reïncorporate the Town of Wyoming." Mr. Martin, from the Committee on Revised Statutes, reported back a substitute for the original bill entitled, "An act in relation to the exemption from execution process of certain personal property. On motion of Mr. Crossan, the House bill entitled, "A further supplement to the act entitled, 'An act to incorporate the Edgemoor Iron Company,'' Was read a second time by its title, And, on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Corporations. Mr. Martin, from the Committee on Revised Statutes, reported back, with adverse recommendation, the House bill entitled, "An act supplementary to an act in relation to a Mechanics' Lien Law, passed at Dover, March 25, 1879." Mr. Cooper moved that the further consideration of the bill be indefinitely postponed, Which motion And the further consideration of the bill Was Prevailed, Indefinitely postponed. On motion, the Senate took a recess till 3 o'clock, P. M. SAME DAY-3 o'clock, P. M. Senate reässembled at the expiration of the recess. On motion of Mr. Dorman, the House bill entitled, "An act to enable and authorize Samuel Hudson and James B. Deputy to straighten a road running through their lands in Cedar Creek Hundred, Sussex County,' Was read a second time by its title, And, on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Roads and Highways. On motion of Mr. Dorman, the House bill entitled, "An act providing for vesting the Court House and Jail with the lots of ground whereon the same are erected, together with other ground, and situate in the Town of Georgetown, in new trustees, for the only proper use and behoof of Sussex County," Was read a second time by its title. And, on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Cities and Towns. On motion of Mr. Bacon, the Senate bill entitled, "An act to lay out a public road in Nanticoke Hundred, Sussex County," Was read a second time by its title. Mr. Martin, from the Committee on Revised Statutes, reported back, with favorable recommendation, the Senate bill entitled, "An act to amend Chapter 600, Volume 17, Laws of Delaware." On motion of Mr. McWhorter, the bill was taken up for consideration, And, on his further motion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate?" It was decided in the affirmative, and the bill, having received the required majority, Passed the Senate. Ordered to the House for concurrence. Mr. Cooper, Clerk of the House, being admitted, returned to the Senate a duly and correctly enrolled Senate bill, the same having been signed by the Speakers of the two houses, viz: "An act to lay out a public road in Kenton Hundred, Kent County and State of Delaware. Mr. Cooper, Clerk of the House, being admitted, returned to the Senate a duly and correctly enrolled Senate bill, the same having been signed by the Speakers of the two houses, viz: "An act for the renewal of the charter of the Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company of the State of Delaware." Mr. Cooper, Clerk of the House, being admitted, informed the Senate that the House had concurred in the Senate bills entitled, "An act to enable School District No. 78, in New Castle County, to raise funds for the purchase of a lot of ground and the erection of a school house thereon;" "An act to divorce Mary S. Lascelles from her husband William P. Lascelles," And returned the same to the Senate. Mr. Martin offered the following resolutions, which, on his motion, were read, viz: WHEREAS the General Assembly has learned with sorrow of the decease of the Hon. Edward Wootten, so long an honored and respected Associate Judge of the State; and whereas it is becoming that the Assembly should express its feelings upon the great loss to our State and the Judiciary, of which he was so efficient a member; therefore be it Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Delaware: That, in the death of the Hon. Edward Wootten, the Judiciary of the State has lost a learned, conscientious and upright Judge, and the people one of the most useful and obliging of those whose duty it is to pass upon their legal rights. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be published in the papers of the State. Resolved, That as a further mark of respect, a committee of this Assembly will attend the funeral of the deceased. Mr. Martin further moved that the resolutions be adopted, And the resolutions were Prevailed, Adopted. Thereupon, in accordance with the resolutions, the Speaker announced as the committee on the part of the Senate, to attend the funeral, Messrs. Martin and Bacon. Ordered to the House for concurrence. Mr. Cooper, Clerk of the House, being admitted, informed the Senate that the House had concurred in the Senate joint resolution entitled, "Joint resolution of respect to the memory of Hon. Edward Wootten,' And returned the same to the Senate. On motion of Mr. McWhorter, the House bill entitled, "An act authorizing the appointment of a notary public for the Security Trust and Safe Deposit Company, at Wilmington, Delaware;' Was read a second time by its title, And, on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. Mr. McWhorter, from the Committee on Divorce, to whom was referred the petition of George W. Quinn, praying for a divorce from his wife, Annie E. Quinn, reported a bill entitled, "An act to divorce George W. Quinn and Annie E. Quinn from the bonds of matrimony," Which, on his motion, was read, And further, on his motion, Rule 14 was suspended, and, on his further motion, the bill was read a second time by its title. Mr. Cooper, Clerk of the House, being admitted, informed the Senate that the House had passed and asked the concurrence of the Senate in the following House bills, viz: "An act to incorporate School District No. 91, in Sussex County, and for other purposes;" "An act to authorize the laying out of a new public road in Seaford Hundred, Sussex County;" "An act entitled 'An act to extend the limits of united District Nos. 97 and 135, Sussex County;' "An act to incorporate the Pennsylvania Avenue Sewer Company;" "An act to incorporate the West Street Sewer Company of Wilmington;" |