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Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

ernment of the Senate, the joint rules for the government of intercourse between the two Houses, and the standing committees of the Senate.

And, on his further motion, the resolution was Adopted.

Mr. Martin moved that each member of the Senate be furnished with Volume Seventeen, Laws of Delaware,

Which motion


Mr. Martin moved that the Clerk of the Senate transmit to the House sundry State documents, presented to the Senate by the Secretary of State, and request the report of the Superintendent of Public Schools to be presented to the Senate,

Which motion


Mr. Lewis, from the joint committee to draft rules for the government of intercourse between the two houses, presented a report,

Which, on his motion, was read, as follows:


RULE 1. In every case of an amendment to a bill, or any other matter agreed to in one house, and dissented to in the other, if either house shall request a conference, and appoint a committee for that purpose, the other house shall also appoint a committee to confer. Such committee shall, at a convenient hour agreed on by their chairman, meet in the conference chamber, and state to each other, verbally, or in writing, as either shall choose, the reasons of their respective houses for and against the amendment or other matter of disagreement, and confer freely


RULE 2. When a message shall be sent from either house to the other, it shall be announced at the door of the house to which it is sent by the Sergeant-at-Arms, and shall be respectfully communicated to the Chair by the person by whom it may be sent.

RULE 3. Messages shall be sent by such persons as a sense of propriety in each house may determine.

RULE 4. While bills or joint resolutions are on their passage between the two houses, they shall be on paper and under the signature of the Clerk of each house respectively.

RULE 5. After a bill or joint resolution shall have passed both houses it shall be duly enrolled by the Clerk of the house in which it originated, and shall be examined by a committee of each house respectively, who shall carefully compare the enrollment with the original, as passed by both houses, and, after correcting any errors that may be discovered in the enrolled copy, shall make a report to their respective houses.

RULE 6. After examination and report, each bill or joint resolution shall be signed in the respective houses, first by the Speaker of the house in which it originated.

RULE 7. When a bill or resolution which shall have passed in one house is rejected in the other, notice thereof shall be given to the house in which the same shall have passed.

RULE 8. Each house shall transmit to the other all papers on which any bill or joint resolution may be founded.


After each house shall have adhered to their disagreement, a bill or joint resolution shall be lost.

RULE 10. In all cases where a conference takes place, the committee shall be composed of members who voted in the majority on the point or points of difference; but the committee shall not have power or control over any part of a bill, resolution, or order, except such parts upon which a difference exists between the two houses.

Respectfully submitted,



Committee on the part of the Senate.




Committee on the part of the House of Representatives.

Mr. Martin moved that the report of the joint committee be adopted and the committee discharged,

Which motion

Ordered that the House be informed thereof.


Mr. McWhorter offered a "Joint resolution to take into consideration the propriety and necessity of refurnishing the Governor's office and State parlor,"

Which, on his motion, was read,

And, on his further motion,


The Speaker in accordance with said resolution appointed, as a committee on the part of the Senate, Messrs. McWhorter and Martin.

Ordered to the House for concurrence.

Mr. Cooper, Clerk of the House, being admitted, informed the Senate that the House had concurred in the Senate joint resolution entitled

"Joint resolution to take into consideration the propriety and necessity of refurnishing the Governor's office and State Parlor," And had appointed as a committee, on the part of the House, Messrs. Norney, Temple and Waples.

Mr. McWhorter gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce the following bills, viz:

"An act in relation to the Fire Companies of the City of Wilmington;"

"An act to renew the charter of National Lodge, No. 32, I. O. O. F., of Delaware," and

"An act to amend Chapter Eight of the Revised Statutes." On motion, the Senate adjourned.

WEDNESDAY, January 12th, 1887.-10 o'clock, A. M.

Senate met pursuant to adjournment.

Prayer by the Chaplain.

Roll called-Members present-Messrs. Bacon, Crossan, Dorman, Ferguson, Lewis, Martin, McWhorter and Mr. Speaker.

Mr. Ferguson offered a resolution, which, on his motion, was read, as follows:

Resolved, That the Senate Chamber be tendered the Committee on Arrangements for the inauguration of Governor elect B. T. Biggs, to be used as a ladies' dressing-room for that evening, And, on motion of Mr. McWhorter,

The resolution was


Mr. Martin presented the claim of the oyster guard-boat "Blue Wing" against the State of Delaware,

Which, on his motion, was referred, without reading, to the Committee on Claims.

Mr. McWhorter, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Martin, obtained leave to introduce a bill (S. F. No. 1), entitled

"An act in relation to Primary Elections,"

Which, on motion of Mr. McWhorter, was read,

And, on his further motion, Rule 14 was suspended as to this bill, and further, on his motion, the bill was read a second time by its title, and, on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes.

On the further motion of Mr. McWhorter, 200 copies of the bill were ordered to be printed.

Hon. William F. Causey, Secretary of State, being admitted, presented to the Senate the report of the Adjutant-General of the State of Delaware.

Mr. Dorman presented the petition of James H. Legates and others, relating to a private road in Indian River Hundred,

Which, on his motion, was read.

Mr. McWhorter gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill entitled

"An act to incorporate the Tenth and Franklin Streets Drain Company, of Wilmington."

Mr. Dorman gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill entitled

"An act to lay out a private road in Indian River Hundred, Sussex County.'

Mr. Dorman offered a joint resolution concerning the Seventeenth Volume of the Laws of the State of Delaware,

Which, on his motion, was read,

And further, on his motion, was

Ordered to the House for concurrence.


Mr. Martin, on behalf of the joint committee to whom was referred, by a joint resolution of the last General Assembly, the matter of having printed the Minutes of the Council of Delaware State from 1776 to 1792, presented a report,

Which, on his motion, was read, as follows:

"To the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met:

"The undersigned, members of a joint committee appointed at the last session of the General Assembly under a joint resolution of April 1st, 1885, in relation to having printed the Minutes of the Council of Delaware State from 1776 to 1792, have the honor to report, that under the said resolution the committee convened at the Capitol on September 3d, 1885, and, after a

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