November last for Governor, and that two tellers be appointed, to wit: one on the part of the Senate and one on the part of the House of Representatives, to make a list of the votes as the same shall be published from said returns." Mr. Crossan was appointed teller on the part of the Senate, and Mr. Mulligan on the part of the House. John E. Collins, Esquire, Speaker of the Senate, thereupon opened and published the official returns of the election in the several counties of this State for Governor, from which it appears that, on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November last, A. D. 1886, there were given In New Castle County, Joseph Pyle received 151 votes; Benjamin Fooks 3 votes; Alexander Kelly 7 votes; R. L. Armstrong 2 votes; E. King 2 votes; George Z. Tybout I vote; Victor du Pont I vote; R. W. Chambers 1 vote; John Pilling 1 vote; Tally J. Evans I vote; Charles Walton I vote; George Boulden 1 vote; John B. Vandegrift 1 vote; S. E. Hearn i vote; Reuben Sattherwaite 1 vote; James Fletcher 1 vote; Dr. John J. Black 1 vote; J. Paul Brown I vote; George W. Dickinson I vote; William Herbert I vote; William D. Člark 1 vote. Benjamin T. Biggs, having received a majority of the votes, was declared by the Speaker of the Senate to have been duly elected Governor of the State of Delaware, on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November last, for the constitutional term of four years from the third Tuesday of January, instant. The Speaker of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives then signed two certificates of election of Governor, which were attested by the Clerks of the respective Houses. On motion of Mr. Chandler, of the House of Representatives, the certificates, as signed and attested, were read, as follows: STATE OF DELAWARE, SS. BE IT KNOWN, That the General Assembly having met at Dover, John E. Collins, Speaker of the Senate, on the 13th day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven (1887), did open and publish, in the presence of the members of the Senate and of the House of Representatives, according to the Constitution of the said State, the returns of the elections held in the several counties of the said State, on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November last, for Governor, and by said returns it appears that Benjamin T. Biggs was, on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November last, duly chosen Governor of the State of Delaware, according to the Constitution and laws of the State, to hold the said office of Governor during four years from the third Tuesday of January, instant, agreeably to the Constitution. On motion of Mr. Norney, of the House, The journals of the two Houses were read by the respective Clerks and compared. On motion of Mr. McWhorter, of the Senate, The two Houses separated, and the Senators returned to their chamber. Mr. Dorman offered a joint resolution entitled, "Joint resolution concerning adjournment," Which, on his motion, was read, and, On his further motion, Ordered to the House for concurrence. Adopted. Mr. McWhorter gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill entitled, "An act for the renewal of the charter of the Lobdell Car Wheel Company." Mr. Cooper, Clerk of the House, being admitted, informed the Senate that the House had concurred in the Senate joint resolution entitled, "Joint resolution concerning adjournment," And returned the same to the Senate. Mr. McWhorter, on behalf of the joint committee to whom was referred the report of the committee of the last session of the General Assembly concerning the Minutes of the Council from 1776 to 1792, presented a report, Which, on his motion, was read, and On his further motion, was On motion, the Senate adjourned. Laid on the table. MONDAY, January 17th, 1887-5 o'clock, P. M. Senate met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Chaplain. Roll called-Members present-Messrs. Bacon, Cooper, Crossan, Ferguson, Lewis, Martin, McWhorter and Mr. Speaker. Journal read and approved. Mr. Ferguson offered the following resolution, viz: Resolved, That the following committees be appointed, in addition to those already appointed, as standing committees, to wit: A Committee on Constitutional Reform, and a Committee on Temperance. Which, on his motion, was read. Mr. Ferguson moved that the resolution be adopted, Lost. Hon. William F. Causey, Secretary of State, being admitted, presented the report of the Farmers' Bank of the State of Delaware, at Dover. Mr. Cooper, Clerk of the House, being admitted, returned to the Senate the following duly and correctly enrolled Senate joint resolution, the same having been signed by the Speaker of the House, viz: "Joint resolution concerning the Seventeenth Volume of the Laws of the State of Delaware." Mr. Ferguson gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill entitled, "An act proposing amendments to the Constitution of the State." Mr. Lewis gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill entitled, "An act to incorporate the Citizens' Hose Company, of Smyrna, Delaware." Mr. Cooper, Clerk of the House, being admitted, informed the Senate that the House had adopted a joint resolution entitled, "Joint resolution convening the two houses of the General Assembly in joint session for the purpose of attending the inauguration of the Governor elect," And presented the same for the concurrence of the Senate. On motion of Mr. Martin, the House joint resolution entitled, "Joint resolution convening the two houses of the General Assembly in joint session for the purpose of attending the inauguration of the Governor elect," Was read, and, on motion of Mr. Cooper, Was Concurred in. Ordered that the House be informed thereof and the joint resolution returned to that body. Mr. Ferguson presented the petition of A. G. Deakyne, James L. Davis, R. Ferguson and others, to allow the said Á. G. Deakyne to erect and maintain a gate across a road leading from Taylor's Bridge to Deakyne's Landing, Which, on his motion, was read, And, on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Roads and Highways. On motion of Mr. McWhorter, the House bill (No. 1) entitled, "An act to incorporate the Rebman Library Association, of the City of Wilmington, Delaware,” Was, under suspension of Rule 14, read a second time by its |