Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

seldom equalled, and whose name will ever remain dear to the lovers of the green fields and hedge-rows, the beauties of which he has so ably and clearly displayed. C. A.



JESUS Christ helps and delivers his people in conflict by the nearer prospect of the rest of heaven. How often have generals animated their soldiers with the hope of soon seeing their peaceful homes, their fathers, brothers, sisters, friends, all anxiously waiting to congratulate them on their victory. Think, O tried believers, of your eternal home, to which Jesus, your Captain, will soon conduct your souls, and in due time your bodies also. You have a Father there, the most gentle, gracious, and affectionate, that ever bore that name of love. You have brothers there and sisters also, even all that ever lived who, through grace, repented of sin, believed in Christ, and fought the good fight. You have friends there, whom you have never seen in the flesh, but who long to see you with them in that pleasant land. And there, they are all so loving, so pure, so gentle, and so gracious; they are all of such kindred minds and congenial spirits; they will all welcome you so gladly, telling you their gracious history, and listening to yours, and adoring with you your common Saviour; that the very thought of that happy meeting, in that land of peace, should re-animate the most fainting among you, to go on praying, believing, wrestling, with holy perseverance, till his or her turn to enter into rest shall in due order come.

song now.

And then, no more conflict! Ye angels, write that upon the jasper walls! Spirits of the just made perfect, chaunt that with your golden harps! Ye that are to wear garments made white in the blood of the Lamb, and to carry palmbranches in your hand, anticipate that 'There shall be no more conflict! There is no war in heaven now! Flesh and blood, in their present state, shall not enter there! No law in the members shall militate against the law of the mind there! No evil world, no crafty tempter there! Blessed, my brethren, whatever our selfish, ignorant minds may sometimes object, thrice "blessed are the dead, which die in the Lord."-Hambleton.


IN page 113, of the first vol. of the Weekly Visitor, the reader will find a representation of the planetary system, accompanied with an interesting account of their sizes, motions, distances, &c. We shall endeavour to show that the highest and most extended ideas we can ever form of these subjects, more especially as relates to distances, will still fall very far short of the truth: that it will for ever baffle the human intellect to form any thing like an adequate conception of the immensity of creation, even that limited portion of it cognizable by our senses, even when aided by instruments.

When we hear of bodies like our earth being several millions of miles from the sun, we ought to endeavour to form something like an accurate idea of the number denoted by the word million. It is not, perhaps, difficult, having the idea of a mile, to conceive of a 100 miles. It is not, however, easy to conceive, except we have actually passed over the distance, of a 1000 miles; and it is only by a very powerful effort of a mind accustomed to judge of great distances, that 25,000 miles, the circumference of our planet, can be adequately Now it presented to the mind's eye. would take more than forty times the circumference of the earth to make one million of miles! Or, to show this in another light, let a line be drawn of such a length that every inch shall represent a mile; then a million miles on this scale would require the line to be more than a mile and a half/ long! Or, if a person were to attempt to count the number, and were to count 120 every minute, without ceasing, it would take him six days, all but about five hours, to accomplish his task! allowing not a single moment's cessation from the commencement to the completion of his labour. Now Mercury, the nearest of the planets yet discovered, is thirty-seven millions of miles from the sun; while the most distant, Herschel, is not less than 1800 millions! *

A million sovereigns, placed singly in a line, so as to touch one another, would reach more than fifteen miles in length; placed one upon the other, they would form a column nearly a mile in height, wanting only about twenty-four yards. The weight of such a number would be 7 tons, 16 cwts., 3 qrs., 15lbs., or a full load for two wagons, drawn by four horses each.

A million leaves of paper, of about the same quality as the reader now holds in his hand, would be more than one hundred yards in thickness, or if laid upon the ground, would be more than half as high again as the monument! A million pages of the same size as these in this book, if spread out singly, but close together, so as to lose no space between them, would occupy nearly 7 acres, or onefourth larger than Grosvenor-square!

Now, let us again have recourse to the method of representing the distance of Herschel by a line drawn upon some given scale. We shall find it impossible to represent it to the eye in one view, without making use of so minute a scale as to lose all proportion in the relative sizes and distances of the other planetary bodies. A well-known lecturer on astronomy used to say, that when he was a boy, in the infancy of his astronomical knowledge, he attempted to draw a plan of the solar system, in which all their sizes and distances should be correctly proportioned to each other. As he proceeded, he found his paper too small. He tried again, and again failed. He then set about calculating how large his paper must be, to confine his plan in as small a compass as possible, and found that it would require a sheet of paper six miles square! Nor will this appear improbable upon a little calculation. We showed before, that a line, an inch to the mile, would

153/4 miles require to be above a mile-and-a-half-leng

to represent a million miles. Now let us
suppose an inch divided into ten equal
parts, and each of those divided again into
ten parts this will be as small a division as
can be readily perceived by the naked eye:
if each of these divisions denoted a mile,
which would be upon the scale of 100 miles
to the inch, it would require a line more
than 280 miles long to represent the dis-
tance of Herschel! If we decrease the
scale tenfold, and assume 1000 miles to the
inch, then an equivalent line would be
more than twenty-eight miles in length. If
a map of England were constructed upon
the same scale, the whole length and breadth
of the kingdom, from the border to the chan-
nel, and from the North Foreland to the
Land's End, would be included in less
space than half an inch square! If we de-
scend a hundred-fold lower in the scale,
and instead of a line a mile and a half
long to represent a million miles, denote
that distance by a single inch, then it will
be necessary to make use of a line 150 feet
in length, or fifty yards, to express the dis-
tance of Herschel from the sun. On this
scale, the earth must be represented by a
circular dot, the one hundred and twenty-
fifth part of an inch in diameter, while the
1-500th of an inch would suffice to repre-
sent the size of the moon! Our sight
would require the assistance of glasses to
discern so small an object; and yet, were
the solar system drawn even upon this di-
minished proportion, in the same manner
as the sketch we have alluded to, page 113,
vol. i., it would require a circular space of

100 yards diameter. Jupiter, which is 1400 times larger than the earth, would occupy a circle less than one-tenth of an inch in diameter; his orbit would be above eighty feet in diameter; while at the outer circumference of this circle would be placed Herschel, one twenty-eighth of an inch in diameter, and invisible to our eyes when we were placed in the centre !

Here let us pause and adore. Let us endeavour to view in the immensity of a part, and but a small part comparatively, of the celestial regions, the marks of infinite power and infinite skill. Let us trace His hand who makes "the heavens to display his glory, and the firmament to show his handywork." Let us adore Him who "bringeth out the stars by number, who calleth them all by name; for that he is strong in power, not one faileth.”

We shall endeavour, in our next paper, to give some account of the astonishing distances of some of the fixed stars. E.

SCRIPTURE EXPLANATIONS.-No. XXV. (Continued from page 142.)

PHILADELPHIA, a city of Asia Minor, derived its name from its founder, Attalus Philadelphus, and is situated about twenty-seven miles to the south-east of Sardis, on a rising ground, beneath the snowy mount, Tmolus. The houses are embosomed in trees, which gives pleasing effect to the scene. Not long before the date of the apocalyptic epistle, this city had suffered so much from earthquakes, that it had been in a great measure deserted by its inhabitants; which may in some degree account for the poverty of this church, as described in this epistle. And its poverty may also in some degree account for its virtue, which is so highly commended. Philadelphia appears to have resisted the attacks of the Turks in 1312, with more success than the other cities. At a distance from the sea, forgotten by the emperor, encompassed on all sides by the Turks, her valiant citizens defended their religion and freedom above fourscore years, and at length capitulated with the proudest of the Ottomans (Bajazet) in 1390. In these words Gibbon, the sceptical historian, bears a testimony, perhaps unconsciously, to the truth of scripture: he states, that among the Greek colonies and churches of Asia, Philadelphia is still erect; a column, "a pillar," in a scene of ruins. Whatever may be lost of the spirit of christianity, there is still the form of a christian

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"Its crime

church in this city, which is now called | utter rejection as a church.
Allah-Shelah," or the "City of God."
It contains about 1000 christians, chiefly
Greeks, most of whom speak only the
Turkish language. They have twenty-
five places of public worship, five of
which are large and regular churches,
with a resident bishop and inferior clergy,
and in twenty others of a smaller descrip-
tion, the Greek liturgy is read once a-
year. The lamp still exists, but where is
its oil? When the very epistle to their
own church is read, they understand it
not! The remains of antiquity here are
not numerous, but a few beautiful sarco-
phagi may be seen used as troughs.

was pride; its punishment, desolation.
Infidelity itself must confess that the me-
nace of the scriptures has been executed
and accomplished; it now stands rejected
of God, and deserted of men; its glory a
ruin, its name a reproach.”—From Hart-
ley, Arundell, Emerson, and Horne.

LAODICEA is about forty-two miles to the south of Ephesus, and in the vicinity of Colosse and Therapolis. Its earlier name was Diospolis or Cesarea, but after being enlarged by Antiochus 11., it was called Laodicea, in honour of his wife Laodice. This city was often damaged by earthquakes, and restored either by the opulence of its inhabitants, or by the munificence of the Roman emperors. From the researches of modern travellers, it appears to have been seated on a volcanic hill, of moderate height, but of considerable extent. Its ruins attest that it was large, opulent, and splendid; and there are still to be seen the remains of an amphitheatre, an aqueduct, and many other buildings. In the primitive time of christianity, as appears from Saint Paul's Epistle to the Colossians, in which the Laodiceans are frequently mentioned, this place possessed a flourishing church. But the doom of Laodicea seems to have been more severe and terrible than that of the other six apocalyptical churches, as its state was more degraded; and its present condition is in striking conformity with the rebukes and threatenings of God. Not a single christian resides at Laodicea! No Turk, even, has a fixed residence on the spot. A fox, discovered by its ears peeping over a brow, was the only inhabitant seen by Chandler. It is even more solitary than Ephesus: the latter has a prospect of a rolling sea, or a whitening sail, to enliven its decay: the former sits in widowed loneliness. Its temples are desolate; the stately edifices of ancient Laodicea are now peopled with wolves and jackals. The prayers of the Moslem are the only prayers heard near the still splendid ruins of the city, on which the prophetic denunciation seems to have been fully executed in its


THE jewish "publicans" were tax-gatherers. These persons were thoroughly hated by the jews, both on account of their extortions, and of the government whose officers they were. And yet from this class of men the Saviour chose Matthew to be a disciple, an evangelist, and an apostle. God is no respecter of persons. He can select and qualify individuals for his service from all ranks. The circumstances of Matthew's conversion are interesting and remarkable.

He was busily occupied at the customhouse, collecting taxes. Jesus, passing by while he was thus engaged, called to him, and said, "Follow me." At the utterance of these words, Matthew felt an irresistible impulse to rise from his seat, quit his desk, and follow the Saviour. What power accompanied these two words! What a change of views and desires must have been instantaneously produced! His conversion was sudden, preceded by no convictions, and attended with no painful, doubting, trembling apprehensions. He heard and believed. He heard and obeyed. The Saviour's look penetrated his soul. The Saviour's love melted his heart. He instantly becomes the humble, willing, and devout follower of the Redeemer.

The promptitude with which he obeyed the Saviour is truly admirable. He "rose up, left all, and followed him." Here was no parleying with conscience: no excusing himself on the ground of his occupation. He left his all, and joined the throng who were pressing around the Lord.

But what became of Matthew's creditors? and how did he dispose of his office? Does religion warrant the instant abandonment of business, whether its accounts are settled or not? By no means. Nor does it appear that this was the case with Matthew. When he had attended the Saviour a short time, perhaps only a few hours, it is probable that he was allowed to return home, and arrange and settle his affairs. This being done, Matthew made a great feast" in honour of his Lord and Master.

At this feast he bade farewell to his old friends and companions, whom he had invited to meet the Saviour. On this occasion, he doubtless gave a statement of the reasons which had induced him to abandon

his "calling," and to become a disciple of the despised Nazarene; and finally relinquished his employment.

It would have been a suspicious and hazardous meeting for Matthew, if Jesus had not been there. But as the entertainment was in honour of his illustrious Mas

ter, he felt no hesitation in sending his invitation to his former associates, for such were frequently the attendants of the Sa

viour. "This man receiveth sinners."

There was another reason which might have influenced this newly converted and obedient tax-gatherer, in the selection of his guests. His heart was burning with love to Christ, and hence to the souls of men. Saved himself, he wished to bring all to salvation. And how could he better show his love to his friends, and how hope to benefit them at his parting, more than by introducing them to the Redeemer? He hoped and prayed, that as Jesus had "snatched him as a brand from the burning," so he would display his matchless grace, in saving many of his companions. Nor is it improbable, that many were saved at that interview.

This conjecture is supported by the conversation that arose betwixt Jesus and the pharisees, who, either as guests or spectators, had expressed surprise and disgust that Jesus should "feast with publicans and sinners." His reply was cutting to the proud pharisee, and cheering to the trembling publican: "I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." What joy must have beamed in Matthew's countenance, at these words of Christ. His prayers would now ascend for the conversion of his guests; his hope would be elated to the greatest degree, that as the very persons were assembled whom he specially became incarnate to save, so he would bestow on them his mercy and love.

Nothing too hard for the Lord;" Matthew, the publican, is saved! His prompt and cheerful obedience, and his endeavours to bring others to Christ, are the evidences of his conversion. Blessed evidences! May every reader possess them.

greater injuries than the seeming despicable creatures, weevils, wire-worms, thripes, aphides, or those atoms which we denominate blight. The feeble aphis, now crawling over my paper, with limbs exceedingly slender, seems yet endowed with every requisite for a larger body; joints, integuments, circulation of fluids, and every mechanical activity requisite for its well-being; and yet the whole is so fragile as to be overturned by the puff of criterion of inferiority of power: an apple breath. But smallness of bulk is no my tree, several feet, perhaps, in its circumference, spreading its branches over a rood of land, sickens and dies, from the puncture of the aphis lanata, a creature so small as to leave the distinction of joint and limb imperceptible to the naked eye.


FENELON, Archbishop of Cambray, author of Telemachus, when his illustrious pupil the Duke of Burgundy lay dead in his coffin, on coming into the room where the nobles of his court stood weeping around the corpse-fixing his eyes upon it, broke out, at length, in terms to this effect: "There lies my beloved Prince, for whom my affection was equal to the tenderest parent. Nor was my affection lost; he loved me in return, with the ardour of a son. There he lies, and all my worldly happiness lies dead with him. But, if the turning of a straw would call him back to life, I would not, for ten thousand worlds, be the turner of that straw, in opposition to the will of God."


By a sparingness in diet, and eating as much as may be what is light and easy of digestion, I shall, doubtless, be able to think more clearly, and shall gain time. First, by lengthening out my life. Secondly, I shall need less time for digestion after meals. Thirdly, I shall be able to study more closely, without injury to my health. Fourthly, I shall need less time for sleep. Fifthly, I shall more seldom be troubled with the head-ache.-President Edwards.


VORACIOUS beasts, says the Journal of a Naturalist, might ravage our flocks and our herds, but could scarcely accomplish

JOHN DAVIS, 56, Paternoster-Row, London. Price d. each, or in Monthly Parts, containing Five

Numbers in a Cover, 3d.

W. TYLER, Printer, 4, Ivy Lane, St, Paul's.

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THE singular animal which we now present to our readers, is a native of Southern Africa, where in some districts it is very common, and from its habits has acquired the name of Aardvark, or Earth Hog. For a long time it was considered by naturalists as a species of the great South American ant-eater, (Myrmecophaga jubata,) of which we have previously given a figure and description. See Weekly Visitor, vol. p. 137. It differs, however, essentially from that animal, in the possession of molar teeth, the structure of which is not a little singular. They are of a cylindrical form, perforated, longitudinally, with an infinite number of minute tubes, such as we observe in a piece of cane, to which they bear a close resemblance. Their surface is nearly flat, and well adapted for the bruising of the soft insects upon which the creature feeds. The nails are hoof-like, strong, and well adapted for the purpose of excavating the ground. The head is elongated, the limbs are short and powerful; the hair


is scanty, especially about the head, and approaches bristles in its texture, being coarse and stiff; the toes are four in number before, and five on each posterior limb. The tongue is extensible, though not to so great a degree as in the American ant-eater. The food of this animal consists exclusively of the ants, whose dome-like buildings are so numerous in the places adjacent to the Gariep river, and in other localities, in the thinly-peopled districts of South Africa.

Mr. Burchell, returning from the river alluded to, says, "We travelled over a plain of boundless extent, producing much grass in some places, and a few bushes of tarconanthus and rhigozum. Innumerable ant-hills, of large dimensions, interrupted the evenness of the surface; they were of an obtuse conical form, and so hard and firm as to bear the weight of a man, yet the wheels of a loaded wagon easily cut through them.

"Sometimes, however, they are found to resist even this weight, and, in such cases,


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