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Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
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nest must have been a work of great labour and assiduity, for, compared to the bulk of the diminutive architects, it is of large dimensions; the circumference being eleven inches, while the bird itself is but three inches and three quarters in length.

WE have given above a sketch from nature | walls. The weaving of this substantial of the nest of that most beautiful little bird, the golden-crested wren, (regulus auricapilius. Selby.) It is a nearly globular mass, compacted of moss and lichen externally, and lined with a thick bed of feathers, having a very small entrance at the top, but proportioned to the size of the internal cavity, which bears no relation to the magnitude of the whole,owing to the thickness of the mossy


The situation of this nest is not the least interesting part for consideration. It is suspended on the under-surface of a fir


branch, thickly clothed with foliage, by | which it is almost entirely concealed, and quite protected from the rain. Thus, beneath a natural canopy, this little bird rears her diminutive brood, whose cradle swings to and fro with every breeze, yet is safe from the pelting of the storm. Such is the situation usually adopted; and the fir-tree is that to which preference is given, but in failure of the fir-tree, the nest has been observed suspended from the small branch of an oak, or attached to the underside of the bough of a cedar or yew. The eggs are from seven to ten in number, and of a pale yellowish brown.

The following anecdote, in "Montague's Dictionary of Ornithology," may not be here out of place. A pair of golden-crested wrens (observes the writer) having taken possession of a fir-tree in the garden, "I thought it a favourable opportunity to become acquainted with some of the manners of this minute species, and to endeavour to discover whether the male ever sung by way of instructing the young ones. Accordingly, I took the nest when the young were about six days old, placed it in a small basket, and by degrees enticed the old ones to my study window; and after they became familiar with that situation, the basket was placed within the window, then at the opposite side of the room. It is remarkable, that although the female seemed regardless of danger, from her affection to her young, the male never once entered within the room; and yet would constantly feed them while they remained at the outside of the window on the contrary, the female would feed them at the table at which I sat, and even when I held the nest in my hand, provided I remained motionless. But on moving my head one day while she was on the edge of the nest, which I held in my hand, she made a precipitate retreat, mistook the open part of the window, knocked herself against the glass, and lay breathless on the floor for some time. However, recovering a little, she made her escape, and in about an hour after, I was agreeably surprised by her return; and she would afterwards frequently feed the young while I held the nest in my hand. The male bird constantly attended the female in her flight to and fro, but never ventured within the window frame; nor did he latterly ever appear with food in his bill. He never uttered any note but when the female was out of sight, and then only a small chirp. At first there were ten young in the nest, but, probably for want of the male's assistance in providing food,

two died. The visits of the female were generally repeated in the space of a minute and a half or two minutes, or, upon an average, thirty-six times in an hour; and this continued full sixteen hours in a day, which, if equally divided between the eight young ones, each would receive seventytwo feeds in the day; the whole amounting to 576."

We need hardly observe that insects and their larvæ constitute the food: these it seeks for, much in the same manner as the well known Blue Tit, (Parus cæruleus,) searching with great activity among the leaves and buds of trees, and the crevices of the bark.

Though the smallest of our British birds, the golden-crested wren is hardy and vigorous, and braves the winters of our island, united in small flocks, which separate in spring. On the continent, it is abundant in the extensive pine forests of the north, whence it migrates southwards, after the summer is over, unwilling to contend with the severities of winter in those dreary regions. Hence it occasionally happens that the flocks permanently residing in our island, have their numbers increased by multitudes of strangers, which (as happened in October, 1822) suddenly make their appearance on the coast, driven out of their usual course by violent stress of weather the gale blowing from the north-east.


CONTENTMENT THE FRUIT OF FAITH. "I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."-Phil. iv. 11-13.

THIS, then, is a primary duty of every one who belongs to Christ-To be content with the allotments of God's providence, to exercise the graces suitable for prosperity or adversity. It is not superfluous to speak a word on this duty; for ours is a discontented world. Even professing christians are too often a murmuring, fretful, dissatisfied people. I speak not of their complaints of indwelling sin, nor of their dissatisfaction with their slow progress in Divine things. I speak of their being too much like the children of this world, over-anxious for the things of time and sense, careful and troubled about many things, too often peevish, restless, covetous, even as others.

But, brethren, if genuine believers, it


must not be so with you. In giving yourselves up to Christ, you leave all your outward circumstances to his Divine will. You then seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and you depend on him to fulfil his own promise, that all these things, food, raiment, necessaries for this life, shall be added unto you, Matt. vi. 33. You will still use diligence, prudence, activity, in worldly duties; but you will cheerfully leave the measure of your worldly prosperity with God. Does he prosper you in worldly things? You will know how to abound; which is no easy thing; how to use abundance with holy moderation, to be temperate in all things, to employ wealth, influence, station, not to gratify pride and ostentation, but as faithful stewards for Jesus Christ. There is, according to the Bible, much cause to fear for rich and prosperous christians : see Matt. xix. 23, 24; Luke xii. 16; xvi. 19; James v. 1; Rev. vi. 15-17. There is such danger, lest riches should be turned into golden chains to fetter down the soul to earth; lest they should pamper pride, nourish sensuality, and minister to the natural selfishness of the heart, that it is, perhaps, a merciful dispensation, that the majority of God's people, in every age, have been comparatively poor. Yet the rich may learn-Christ can teach them-how to abound and to be full, not only without sin, but in such a manner as to glorify God. The way is simply this-They are to consider all they have as belonging to Jesus Christ, and therefore to be employed, wisely and discreetly, yet cheerfully and liberally, in his service. They will still provide for themselves and for their families; for Christ tells them to do so: "If any one provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel," 1 Tim. v. 8. But they will not make prudence a cloak for covetousness; they will be content with a moderate provision for themselves and theirs, and the remainder will be lent to the Lord, to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, teach the ignorant, relieve distress, and send the gospel of Christ throughout a perishing world. So also with influence; prosperity commonly gives a man a wider sphere of usefulness, and a more commanding position for doing good. Where much is given, much will be required. A city set on a hill cannot be hid, Matt. v. 14. Prosperous christians, receive the

Your example,

word of exhortation. words, actions, have a continual bearing on society. Let them all give a consistent, grateful testimony for Christ. "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven," Matt. v. 16.

But, reader, is adversity or poverty your lot? Then, with the apostle, you will know "how to be abased, how to be hungry, and suffer need," in a manner becoming a christian. You will resort to no unlawful means of supplying your wants. A christian had rather dig than beg, rather beg than defraud, rather starve than steal. But more than this: no hard thought of God will fill your mind: no pining anxieties will fret your spirit. You will think with yourself thus:-I certainly have given myself to Christ: it seems his will, that I should be poor as to this world's goods. Well: be it so! He gives me no worse condition than what he took himself. He had not where to lay his head, yet he gives me a cottage or a room, and deigns to hallow it with his gracious presence. If I know hunger and thirst, so did he and his apostles. If I have not the benefit of great riches, I, at least, have not their responsibility. Though I get on but roughly, God helps me forward; and then, the riches of Christ, the bread of life, the new wine of consolation, the hope of glory, these are mine for every day's use. The poor christian passes a fine mansion; he need not covet. I have a better mansion than that, he may say,


even a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens," 2 Cor. v. 1. Does a splendid equipage roll by? He need not envy. The Lord, who walked with the disciples to Emmaus, honours him with his converse. He can pray for the rich and great, that they also may have fellowship with Christ. At another time, trains of servants sweep along: I have more glorious attendants; are not the angels all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister to them who shall be heirs of salvation? Heb. i.14. Does one pass, clad in gay attire? My soul, thou needest not envy. Hast thou not robes made white in the blood of the Lamb, garments of praise, a mantle of salvation?

And then, if your means be ever so scanty, and if you have ever so little of this world's goods, you may yet do something for Christ with that little. Remember the widow's mite. Let not the one talent be wrapped in a napkin. Imitate her, of

whom the Lord said, "She hath done | him the fact, that however pungently he what she could," Mark xiv. 8.-Ham- might grieve on account of sin, he yet knew bleton.


but little of its heinousness, and felt but little of the sorrow it should induce. I was increasingly pleased with his state of mind. He was frank in his communications, and received with kindness the advice I gave. His views became more settled, and he appeared to rest in the faith of the gospel. He had been the subject of religious impressions before, but they had gradually worn off, and this gave rise to distressing apprehensions that they would do so again. I directed him to the promises of God, assuring him, if he confided in their faithfulness, and asked their performance, he would be kept from backsliding.

E. B. was a young man of an inquisitive mind, and fond of reading. I had known him for some time as one of my hearers, and had frequently remarked that he was one of the most attentive. His countenance occasionally indicated deep feelings, and the tear that started from his eye indicated that those feelings were of a penitential kind. I was not, therefore, surprised, when a mutual friend informed me, that he was deeply anxious about spiritual things. It was what I had supposed from his appearance in the house of God. On inquiry, I found his habits had undergone an important change. He had become thoughtful and inquiring; a reader of the Bible, and a companion of them that feared God. In his family, (for he was a husband and a father,) this change was most visible. Family prayer was established, and the solemn truths of religion became the subjects of conversation in his domestic circle. As I was in the habit of setting apart one evening in the week for the purpose of meeting such of my hearers as were solicitous for my advice, I invited him to my house. His visits were renewed weekly for some months, and I shall never forget the anxiety and earnest-length reluctantly discontinued my visits. ness with which he requested advice. I found him to be labouring under deep conviction of sin, with a most depressing apprehension that he should relapse into his former coldness and negligence. In such cases, I have ever made it a rule, not hastily to administer the consolations of the gospel. I would not think uncharitably of any of my brethren, but I have sometimes feared they are occasionally injudicious in the treatment of such cases. The first prompting of one's benevolence is to allay anxiety, to relieve, in a word, from present suffering. It is eminently pleasing to give the "oil of joy for mourning, the garments of praise for the spirit of heaviness:" but, if this be done before the state of the heart has been ascertained, the consequence will be, a partial abasement before God, and a want of that decision and energy. which forms such an important feature of the christian character. I therefore endeavoured to probe the disease under which E. B. laboured, to ascertain the nature and extent of his convictions, and to learn its influence on the general sentiments and habits of his heart. My object was to impress very deeply on

Just at this period he removed from my neighbourhood, and I saw and heard but little of him for several months. At length he returned, but a change had passed upon him which I was distressed to witness. His visits to me were not renewed, and his attendance at the house of God became less and less frequent. I called frequently at his dwelling; he was respectful and kind, but there was an obvious effort to prevent the introduction of religious topics. His whole manner was uneasy and embarrassed, and I awoke to the painful consciousness that my hopes were disappointed. The charm of our intercourse was gone; the tie which had united us was broken, and I at

I inquired respecting him from time to time, and I found the sabbath was profaned, the house of God abandoned, and the word of truth regarded as a lie. He had become an infidel, or rather a sceptic. I cannot describe my feelings on the reception of this intelligence. I recalled the past, I remembered my anticipations of the future, and trembled at the thought of the mental agony to which he would awake when the season of his delusion had passed. I was satisfied he knew too much of religion, and had felt too much of its power, to be easy in his present state. It was necessary he should retrace his steps, or he must plunge deeper into the mazes of a spurious philosophy, in his efforts to obtain peace of mind. Those only who have passed from the regions of christianity to those of unbelief, can form an adequate conception of the perplexity and self-reproach which accompany the transition.

A considerable period elapsed before I again heard of my friend, when I was greatly surprised by receiving a communication from him, earnestly requesting me to specify the earliest convenient hour when he

would see me. I gladly complied with his request, and those only who have been placed in similar circumstances can tell what my emotions were, when I saw him again enter my study. His countenance told me the errand on which he came. There is a language in the eye which needs no interpreter.

made a profession of christianity, and is
now walking, I hope, in the truth.

Reader dost thou bear the christian name?
Take heed, that thy neglect of duty does
not put a stumbling-block in the way of

I soon found that the religious impressions MEDICAL of E. B. were re-produced. He had been uneasy from the moment of his declension; his heart had experienced a fearful conflict. The principles of light and darkness, of good and evil, had struggled for the ascendancy, and now he wept as he thought of his foolishness, and his heart was full of gratitude to his merciful Preserver. There is an indescribable interest, to my mind, in the movements of a penitent just awaking to the consciousness of its guilt and danger. Its humility and penitence, its apprehension of danger, and thankfulness for proffered mercy; the depth of its abasement, the purity of its peace, the elevation of its joy, are amongst the most absorbing objects of human contemplation.


It has been already intimated, in our paper upon the Ranunculaceæ, that the plants of this order, or family, possess active, if not poisonous qualities. It might, therefore, be asked by some, what profit or delight can be found among poisons ? To this it might be answered, that many substances, long used in medicine, would prove fatal, if given indiscriminately, or in large doses; but, when administered with judgment, in suitable proportions, they become highly efficacious. Few would be tempted to seek for physic where danger seems to lie in ambush to surprise; nor would we encourage After replying to the many and anxious any person to think that he can find the inquiries of my visitor, I asked him if he means of health and cure in the fields, could remember the circumstances which unless he has a scientific and experimentmarked his transition from religious anxiety al knowledge of the human constitution. to the coldness and neglect of scepticism. Our object is, to furnish a few statements I did not want to pry into those secrets of for the instruction of the general reader, his moral history, which are fit only to be and to point out fresh instances of the confessed to God, but to ascertain the lead-goodness and wisdom of the Creator. ing influence which had so fatally led him astray. He told me that the fact of his visiting me had become known to some with whom he was partially acquainted, and that one of these, a religious man, had, in consequence, invited him to spend an evening at his house. "I went," said he, "full of expectation and desire, not doubting that I should hear something that would prove useful to my soul. I found many religious persons assembled, and felt that the only reason why I was among them, was their knowledge of my spiritual anxieties. They talked on various subjects, the occurrences of the day, the changes of the political world, the talents of different ministers, and the interests of their several religious communities; but not one word was dropped which could afford guidance to an inquiring, or solace to a wounded heart. I came away disappointed and chagrined. My heart was chilled, and the thought came across me with a power I shall never forget, that religion, after all, was but a fiction." Such was the account he gave me; and it sank deeply into my heart. He has since

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There is something very delightful, when
we take a turn in the fields, in being able
not only to recognise by name the various
objects which flourish in the sun-beams,
but also to recite to ourselves, or to others,
some particulars about their history. It
is the aim of these papers to afford mate-
rials for such desirable information; and,
in order to secure that object the more ef-
fectually, we shall couple our observations
upon the properties of plants with allusions
to marks by which they are distinguished,
and the places where they may be found.

Ranunculus, or Crow-foot.-The various
species of this genus agree pretty nearly
in the intensity of their acrid and corrod-
ing properties. The round-leaved water-
crow-foot, distinguished by its pale green
and glistening. eaves, (Ranunculus Scelera-
tus,) deserves a separate notice, for the
pounded leaves have been tried as a sub-
stitute for blister-salve, and have been
found to contain all the vesicating or blis-
tering effects of that application, without
any of the ill consequences which are apt
to attend it. Several other species, grow-


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