Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

ing in watery places, were for many centuries used for the purpose of reducing granulated flesh in ill-conditioned wounds, and for dispersing the collected matter in boils and imposthumes. To this end the pounded leaves were mixed with lard, and laid upon the part affected. Care, however, was necessary, since this appliance executed its task with so much alacrity, lest it should do more than was assigned it. Laguna, a physician of Salamanca, after saying that all the species of Ranunculus are extremely hot and biting, caustic, and very corrosive, adds, that no person ought even to taste or apply them to the surface of the body. And Apuleius tells his reader, that if he wishes to put the acrimony of the scelerata, under which term several species of water crow-foot were included, to the proof, he might do it by tying a bruised piece of leaf to the | healthy part of his hand, when he would find that it began immediately to corrode the skin. The Sardonic laugh of antiquity was, it seems, produced by eating a plant of this genus, which was, perhaps, no other than the Persian, or garden ranunculus, which has been so long an object of attention and delight among our curious florists. It was found by Dr. Sibthorp growing plentifully in the island of Cyprus, where it is called Wild Parsley. The Spanish writer quoted above, says, it grows very copiously in Sardinia. The terms Ranunculus and Batrachium denote a little frog, and seem to have been given to these plants from a fancied resemblance which their leaves have to the foot of a frog. We call the butter-cup crow-foot, from an imaginary likeness which the leaves have to the claws of that bird.

Delphinium Staphisagria, Stavesacre.The stavesacre is of the same genus as our common garden larkspur, which is familiar to every one who has looked but a little into our rural improvements. It resembles the larkspur in appearance, and is found growing wild in the southern parts of Europe. It is a handsome plant, though less beautiful than some of its relatives, the larkspurs. The medical use is confined to the seeds, which have been used as a masticatory; for, on being chewed, they excite a copious flow of saliva, allay the toothache, and relieve other painful disorders of the face. But relief is thus sought at great risk, for Schultz, by only keeping them in his mouth a few minutes, to assuage the toothache, was, for

It is re

a time, deprived of his senses.
lated, that a dog, by taking five scruples,
or less than a quarter of an ounce of its
seeds, became convulsed, and died soon
after. Its dangerous qualities have pre-
cluded its internal use; it is, therefore,
only applied to the surface of the body,
where it proves efficacious in the cure of
cutaneous eruptions. If a small quantity
of the powder be sprinkled upon the hair,
it becomes fatal to a certain little parasi-
tic, which, amongst filthy people, is apt
to thrive and propagate its kind in that
situation; whence it is called louse-wort.
Those who use it for this purpose, should
remember that they are dealing with a
poison, and, therefore, shape their caution
accordingly. The whole seeds are not
generally kept by chemists, though the
powder may be met with in larger

Aconitum napellus, monkshood. - We conclude by mentioning this common garden flower, merely for the purpose of cautioning parents against it. For it is not only baneful when eaten, but even the vapour or smell arising from it, is said to have produced in children playing near it, all the fearful symptoms of poison. We cannot vouch for the fact ourselves, but to us the statement seems worthy of credit, and ought to put us on our guard, lest our little ones should cultivate too free an acquaintance with a plant so much to be avoided. As those minute particles which affect the organs of smell, cannot be seen by the eye, we are not always sufficiently apprised of their active properties. But when we happen to be closeted with a powerful odour, in a narrow room, as a ship's cabin, we then find to our cost, that smells, even when agreeable in open air, are by no means harmless things. When the writer was living in the Sandwich Islands, his servant dressed up the room one afternoon, in a very tasteful manner, with a native sweetsmelling evergreen, called maire. About four o'clock in the morning the sleepers were awakened by the agonizing feelings of intense pain and sickness, and imagined they felt all the frightful effects of poison. The cause of all this was instantly guessed at; and the pretty garniture which had given the servant so much gratification in displaying, was dismounted without ceremony, and thrown out of the window. The sashes remained up long enough to renew the confined air of the room, and they lay down and waked after a few hours, feeling as if nothing amiss had befallen them.


NEVER am I put out of temper without sinking in my own estimation; but, notwithstanding this deserved punishment, it too often occurs, in spite of all my attempts to the contrary, that my stock of patience is exhausted, and I am angry. Willingly would I be employed, from the crowing of the cock to sunset, in speaking in praise of what is estimable, rather than in censuring what is faulty; but, ever and anon, circumstances occur that require more than the forbearance that Old Humphrey possesses, to put up with them without a reproof. Mistresses of families, I have a word to whisper in your ear.

The duties of a well-regulated house are many: some of these occur every day, and others at periods more remote from each other. Among the latter, there is one that requires considerable address. Most families have occasional visitors, that pass a few days and nights with their friends, in a sociable way, and then take their leave. Now it is respecting the duties you have to attend to, when you have a visitor in the house, that I wish to speak. I will not indulge in a wearisome exhortation, but merely mention the circumstances of a late visit of my own, from which I do trust you will contrive to extract a hint or two that may be useful.

wrote my initials on it with my finger, to render any other admonition unnecessary Now, why could not the good lady of the house have given a glance round the room before I was shown into it?

I must acknowledge that I felt far from happy; but, "Come, come," said I to myself, "the best housewives are sometimes a little negligent. I am an unexpected visitor, and must not expect to find things so orderly as if they had looked for


The day passed, and the night came, and once more I was shown into the chamber, which had then undergone considerable alteration. The slippers and the clothing had been poked all together into a closet, the door of which was left half open. An attempt had evidently been made to wipe the dust off the looking-glass, for only a very small part of my initials could be seen upon it. The dirty water had been emptied out of the wash-hand basin, and a clean towel hung on the small clothes-horse. So far, so good; and I congratulated myself accordingly.

Aged people generally attach a great deal of importance to a good night's rest. It is so wearisome to lie, hour after hour, listening to the ticking of a watch, or to the clock as it lazily strikes the slow-footed hours. For my own part, perhaps I am a little too particular in my preparation for the night's repose. A good long nightgown, and a comfortable, clean, warm

Weary and worn, I arrived at the house of a friend, and was received in the most hospitable manner; I felt that I was wel-night-cap are indispensable. Alas! alas! come. But though the wife of my friend had many excellent qualities, she was sadly deficient in some departments of good housewifery: she did not know how to make a visitor comfortable. At my time of life a little attention is absolutely necessary to my peace. I like to feel that there are those around me who are mindful of my comfort. We all have our little whims and peculiarities, and I have mine. A little attention wins me over directly, while the want of it sadly disturbs my accustomed serenity.

Soon after my arrival, I was shown into an up-stairs chamber, that I might wash my hands and face, adjust my cravat, and pass an opening comb through my few remaining grey hairs. And here I heaved a sigh at the want of good housewifery on the part of my hospitable hostess. A piece o soap lay soaking in dirty water in the wash-hand basin; a dirty towel lay on the dressing table; and dirty shoes, slippers, ar d clothing of different kinds, occupied the chairs and floor at the far end of the room. The looking-glass was so dusty that I

neither night-gown nor night-cap were placed in my chamber for my accommodation. Now why could not my kind-hearted hostess have seen that these things were provided for her aged visitor? "Well," said I, "a happy turn of mind will make the best of every thing; with a little management I shall do very well;" so, tying my silk handkerchief around my brows, I looked forward, being very weary, to a hearty slumber. Turning first on one side, then on the other, I wrapped the bedclothes around me, drew up my feet, and tried all sorts of contrivances, but in vain ; the night was cold, and the blankets scanty, and it was not till I had spread my coat over the bed that I felt comfortable.

I was sure that the good mistress of the house did not mean to neglect me, but it would have been thoughtful of her to have seen that I had an extra blanket.

Bright were the sunbeams that welcomed me, when, on the morrow, I drew up my window-blind, and approached the washhand stand to begin my ablutions. By

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chairs are allowed to be all sixes and sevens; the table littered over with work; the fire without fresh coals; the hearth unswept, and the candles unsnuffed, until a domestic attends to them, an air of negligence reigns around, that is forbidding. Many a husband, of a quiet temper, walks away from such a scene, not only seeing, but feeling, how little his happiness is attended to, to seek, in neater and livelier habitations, that comfort which he finds not in his own.

Old Humphrey, from the days of his boyhood, was dependent on these things: an expiring fire, an unswept hearth, an untidy room, and a candle burning in the socket, are all sources of annoyance to him. Come, ye mistresses of families! see if a useful lesson cannot be learned from my


some strange mishap, no water had been | wife, that is absolutely alluring; but, if the put for me; so, opening my chamber door, called aloud to Sally, who came running, with a face ruddy with health, and lighted up with good humour, to my assistance. No sooner did Sally know what I wanted, than down stairs went the willing but thoughtless girl to supply my wants; this she did with so much good humour, that I heartily forgave her, or rather her mistress, for the neglect. I now prepared to wash in good earnest, but not a morsel of soap could I lay my hands on. Once more Sally was summoned, and once more did she disarm me by her ready alacrity to do my bidding. Sally! Sally!" said I, "I have got no soap! and, stop a moment," | for the girl was off like a shot, "you may as well bring me a little spring water to wash my mouth with, for I do not see any on the table." Sally was 66 very sorry, and winged her way down the stairs so nimbly, that the soap and the spring water were soon forthcoming. When I took up the water-bottle, however, to pour a little water into the glass, no glass was to be found. I used the bottle without a glass, managing matters as well as I could. "Surely, surely," thought I, "mine is a chapter of accidents; the lady of the household cannot always be so forgetful of her friends!" Breakfast passed off very well, but when I wanted my great-coat and shoes, neither the one nor the other had been brushed. Sally ran off with them to John, who hastily performed his task; but why could not it have been done before? It was not John's fault, nor Sally's fault, but that of their mistress; a good housewife would not nave left me to the care of negligent servants. No! she would have seen that they did their duty. One glance of a kindhearted housewife is of great value to the order and comfort of every dwelling. I did not expect my friend's wife to carry me up water and soap; to prepare me a nightgown and night-cap; to clean my shoes, or to brush my great-coat; but surely it was not unreasonable to expect that she would see these things were done for me!

Mistresses of families, let me tell you a plain truth; I know twenty households, that have worthy beings at the head of them, who seem to have almost every other good quality but that of good housewifery; and for the want of this, comfort, instead of being a stated inmate, is only an occasional guest.

There is a cleanliness, an order, a sprightliness given to the abode of a good house..

There is one habitation at which I am an occasional visitor, that presents a pattern of good housewifery. Kind, quiet, and thoughtful, without bustle, and without ostentation, the mistress, by her systematic and persevering attention to her friends, renders her house one of the most comfortable and delightful in the world. All my wants are anticipated; all my peculiarities provided for; so that, whether I go out or come in, I have constantly the feeling that I am cared for. There is no negligent servant in the establishment, and why? because the mistress is a good housewife. She sees that the servants do their duty. She has kindness enough to desire to make her guests happy, and industry sufficient to effect her purpose. Mistresses of families! again I say, listen to the admonitions of Old Humphrey, and be good housewives.


THE intercourse of christians with the world should resemble that of angels; who, when they have been sent on messages from heaven, have discharged their duties with the utmost promptitude and haste; and have then joyfully flown back to their home in the presence of Him, whose favour constitutes the whole of their happiness.

JOHN DAVIS, 56, Paternoster Row, London. Price d. each, or in Monthly Parts, containing Five Numbers in a Cover, 3d.

W. TYLER, Printer, 4, Ivy Lane, St. Paul's.

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EUROPE, Asia, Africa, and America, possess, each their own indigenous wild species of the genus Bos, (or that of the ox,) which have never submitted to the dominion of man. While the domestic ox, of which the wild origin is unknown, the zebu, the common buffalo, and the yack of Tibet, have been reclaimed by his care; these, more untractable in disposition, and more ferocious in temper, have resisted his efforts, and defied his power. The aurochs of Lithuania, the arni, the gour, and the gyal of India; the bison and the musk-ox of North America; and the savage buffalo, of South Africa, have lived free and unfettered by the yoke of servitude.

Of these wild and dangerous natives of the mountains and the wilderness, one of the most remarkable is the buffalo of Africa, (Bos Cafer.) It is found in troops, in Southern Africa, but not within the tropical line. The localities it frequents, are the


watered glens, and ravines among the hills; and, like the rhinoceros, it is fond of wallowing in the pools or marshes. Most African travellers, from Sparrman to Burchell, have given some account of this remarkable animal, and all agree in describing it as fierce and treacherous. The expression of its countenance is savage, daring, and malevolent, an effect to which the character of the horns not a little contributes. These formidable weapons are so enlarged at their base, that, like an impenetrable mass of iron, they cover the whole of the forehead; they then bend downwards, and somewhat backwards, but are curved upwards at the points. The base is rugged, and the general colour black. Though not much taller than the ox of Europe, the Cape buffalo is much larger in bulk, and more robust in all its proportions. Possessing amazing strength, and no inconsiderable share or fleetness, it tears its way through the thickets, and up the mountain sides, leaving the hunter in the distance, unless, indeed, as is often the case, it commenc's the aggression,


ripping open both horse and man, and trampling their mangled bodies beneath its feet. This formidable species is covered with short black hair, thinly scattered; that on the under lip, and about the corners of the mouth, being elongated so as to form a scanty beard. The ears are large and pendent, the limbs short and thick, the shoulders high and muscular, the tail short and tufted. The hide is so dense as to be almost bullet-proof. When duly prepared, it is in high esteem among the colonists and Hottentots, as it possesses great strength and durability, and is therefore preferred for various purposes, where such qualities are requisite.

Mr. Burchell observes, that the strength, ferocity, and treacherous disposition of the Cape buffalo," render it dangerous to be attacked without caution, or without the certain means of escape at hand." At Bloem's Fountain, in the country of the Koras, his people roused a lion, a lioness, and her two cubs, together with a buffalo, which latter was chased and shot; of this individual he gives the following account: "The present animal was a male, and apparently not young; as the points of its horns were much worn, and its ears exceedingly torn and cut, probably in forcing its way through the thickets, or in butting and fighting with others of its species. The Hottentots say they are seldom found with ears quite entire; and my own observations confirm the remark. The meat was in taste like coarse beef; but in younger animals it is very palatable and wholesome, and free from any unpleasant flavour."

Powerful and resolute as the buffalo is, it falls a frequent prey to the lion, who, after satiating his appetite, leaves the rest to the hyenas, jackals, and vultures. M.


THE other day it happened that, while I was sitting in the midst of a family, with several young people around me, the doctor called, one of the party being a little ailing. Now, the doctor is a friendly man, of good parts, and of a kind-hearted disposition; but very unsound in his religious views, inasmuch as he is guided by his own opinions instead of the scriptural records of eternal truth.

It has often puzzled me how it is that some medical men, who so ardently seek to know, and who understand so much better than others, every thing in reference to the

wonderful frame-work of the body, should manifest so much apathy and ignorance respecting the soul. I always liked the society of medical men, but for all that, Old Humphrey is not one that will tickle their ears with pleasant words when he sees an opportunity of touching their hearts with a salutary truth. There are many doctors who are well versed in, and influenced by the holy scriptures, to their own advantage, and to that of their patients; but there are others who think neither of the souls of their patients, nor of their own.

We were speaking of books, and of the great influence they had over the minds of their readers, when the doctor unhesitatingly gave it as his opinion, that young people should be permitted to read what books they pleased, good and bad, without restriction, to enable them to form a correct judgment respecting them.


Young persons," said he, "who are not allowed to do this, are sure to form very cramped and precise notions."

"Well," thinks I, "the doctor gives his physic to those who want it, and why should not Old Humphrey? A little dose on this occasion cannot hurt the doctor, and if it should do him no good, perhaps it may do some to the young people round me," for they very naturally thought a good deal of what fell from the lips of their medical friend.

"Let us see," said I, "how this principle would work in common life; for my notions, I must confess, are so 'cramped and precise,' that I prefer, as a guide in such matters, the experience of a thoughtful parent, to the inexperience of a thoughtless child. What say you to allow your own children to roam about your own surgery, and to let them taste, without restraint, what they like, to enable them to form a correct judgment respecting them? The first packet might be magnesia, and it might do them good; but if the second happened to be arsenic, which is not very unlike it, they would infallibly be poisoned. If, instead of going to the substances, they went to the liquids, the first phial might have in it tincture of rhubarb, an excellent stomachic, but the second might contain prussic acid, which, if highly concentrated, would inflict immediate death.

"There is a difference between books and the contents of the surgery, certainly, and it is this-that the one is medicine for the body, and the other for the soul. Books and medicines are both influential, and the prussic acid which destroys the life of the

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