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motives when you undertook the important ther." Maria's half-raised countenance office of sabbath-teacher? I had hoped | expressed surprise and inquiry. “When that the love of Christ constrained you; you return home, retire to your room, that an ardent desire for the extension of fall down before Jehovah's awful throne; his kingdom, love and pity for the perishing tell him that you are weary of the work he souls of your fellow creatures, had induced has assigned you; that you prefer your own you to devote yourself to this work. That ease and comfort to his service; that your the school is so far off, is one powerful pelisse and bonnet are of more value reason why you ought to remain; because than the immortal souls of those poor you are well aware of the great difficulty little children whom he has given to there is to obtain teachers on that very ac- your charge and instruction; that two count. I deeply lament the loss that the hours of the sabbath is too great, too costly school has sustained by the removal of our a sacrifice even for Him-for Him who dear friends Emma and Fanny; but, being gave himself a sacrifice for your sins." deprived of their efficient services, ought Maria sprung from her seat, threw her we not to be stimulated to greater exertion, arms round my aunt's waist, as if to preto more vigorous efforts, to prop the totter- vent her departure, and sinking down ing interests of the school? As to the de- upon the footstool, buried her face in portment of those you complain of, I can her lap, and amidst her stifled sobs she only say, my child, that if pride were not murmured— deeply rooted in our own hearts, we should never be wounded by any little manifestation of it in the conduct of another. Maria! where is the love that beareth all things, hopeth all things, believeth all things, that endureth all things? That thinketh no evil? But you talk of sacrifices-sacrifices!!—My child, what sacrifices have you ever made? Behold the | missionary and his wife standing on the deck of the vessel that is bearing them from their dear native land: their tearful eyes fixed on its fast receding shores: the indistinct forms of those beloved ones, whom they have strained to their hearts for the last time, are fading fast from their fixed and ardent gaze. Behold these soldiers of the cross standing on the inhospitable shores of New Zealand: or, see them undauntedly pursuing their most perilous course among the opposing icebergs of the north; enduring all the horrors of that inclement region, and fixing their habitation among the disgusting and wretched natives of Greenland. Remember Swartz, Henry Martyn, Felix Neff. Remember the martyrs of old.

See their blood poured out, their forms blackened, and blazing in the fires of Smithfield, amidst the shouts of their cruel persecutors. Think of these, and then blush to call two or three hours on the sabbath a sacrifice."

Maria's dark and clustering locks could not conceal the crimson dye that flushed her cheek. As my aunt proceeded, I saw the tears steal, one after another, through the long dark fringes of her eyelids, and fall upon her trembling hands.

"Maria," continued my aunt, "I will not receive your resignation, until you have declared your intentions to ano

“Pase, ungrateful, selfish girl! Oh, how vile I am! Pray for me, dear friends, that the sin of my heart may be pardoned and healed." Something had dimmed my aunt's spectacles; she took them off, and wiped away the moisture with the corner of her lawn apron; then spreading her hands upon the reclining head of the still weeping girl, spake of that blood which cleanses from all sin, of that strength which is perfect in our weakness; and as she spoke of the Saviour's tender love and piety, I marked a tear drop travelling slowly down the deep furrow that time had made in her withered cheek. Need I say, we did not lose our teacher?



A LEADING and obvious distinction in this family, is the head into which the flowers are densely gathered together. This is exemplified in that well-known plant, the wild teasle, so remarkable for having its head of flowers fenced about with sharp prickles, which may be either employed to comb the hair, or dress cloth. To the former uses it is sometimes applied in pastime by boys. It is common every where during the months of summer on ditch banks and road sides, especially where the soil is good. Independent of the conspicuous head just mentioned, we find a curious and observable object in the disposition of the leaves, which occur in pairs, and are so united together by their respective bases as to form a cup, through the bottom of which the stem passes. These natural basins are filled with rain

water, destined in part, it would seem, for the refreshment of thirsty insects, which frequently, like their superior, man, in too great a haste to come at the expected pleasure, destroy themselves in the enjoyment. The collector of insects may always find many luckless individuals drowned in these repositories of moisture, which, if too much soddened to adorn the drawers of his cabinet, will generally serve for the purposes of examination and dissection. The members of this family are very closely related to each other in external appearance, though widely distributed over various regions of the earth, in the warmer as in the colder climates. In this country we meet with, in the course of summer excursions, the wild teasle (dipsacus sylvestris) just mentioned, the small teasle, and two species of scabious. The wild teasle is generally so well known, and by the remarks we have described, so easy of detection to the observer, that it is not necessary for us to say more by way of a general description. The small teasle is not common in most places, but may be seen occasionally growing in lanes, and in situations where the soil has not been disturbed for many years. The prickly head of this plant is much smaller than in the common soil; the prickles, which are clothed with hair, less pungent. Amidst the ripening corn a large blue flower, which upon examination will be found to be composed of numerous little flowers, may often be seen. The blue colour inclines to what is called a pale blue, and the scent of the flower is sweet. These two circumstances are sufficient to distinguish the scabious from the blue-bottle, which has its flowers of deep blue, without any agreeable odour. The other species of scabious, which is sometimes called the sheep's scabious, is extremely common upon our heaths, commons, and road-sides. It may be known by its small rounded head of blue flowerets, closely compacted together. This was once denominated the devil's-bit, because, as it was sagely pretended, the enemy of mankind, envying man the possession of a plant replete with so many virtues, bit a piece off the root! But without the help of the fable, the inquirer after nature may find a curious subject of observation in the leaves of this plant. The presence of what are, with sufficient accuracy, called spiral-vessels, is to be met with in most plants; but from their frail and brittle texture, and their liability, when once stretched,




to remain in that condition, it is difficult in many instances to observe them with prominence and satisfaction.

In the sheep's scabious, however, they present themselves in such a strong and conspicuous grace and loveliness, that when submitted to the eye of the most indifferent, they cannot fail to conciliate attention. To effect this object, the leaf should be pulled lengthwise, just hard enough to separate the contexture. If this opening be held up to the light, or, what is better, placed under a magnifier, various strains of these beautifully twisted threads will be seen in all their proportions. In addition to the mode of flowering, the studious will find that the stamens are generally four in number, adhering to the tube of the corolla, but not united into a tube, as in the dandelion, and its numerous relatives. The corolla grows upon the top of the calyx. The stigma is simple, and not divided into two horns, as in the plant last alluded to. The fruit is covered with a membranous case, surmounted by the calyx. The head is supported by leaves, which are called involucral, and resemble a calyx. Close by each little floweret we find a minute leaf, which is fancifully denominated the chaff.

In the teasle, these paleæ or minute leaves are sharp, in the scabious provided with hairs or bristles.

The four examples may stand thus, with their scientific names:Dipsacus sylvestris, wild teasle. Dipsacus pilosus, lesser teasle. Scabiosa arvensis, scabious. Scabiosa succisa, sheep's scabious.


IT has been truly said, that the artisan now enjoys luxuries in furniture which were, but three centuries ago, beyond the reach of the king. Even in the time of Elizabeth, the comfort of a carpet was seldom felt, and the luxury of a fork unknown. Rushes commonly supplied the places of the former, and fingers were the invariable substitutes of the latter. The bedding of this period is described to have been straw pallets, or rough mats, covered only with a sheet, under-coverlets of dogwain, and a good round log instead of a bolster or pillow. A householder, seven years after his marriage, thought himself well lodged with a mattress, or flock bed, and a sack of chaff for a pillow. Even "the lord of the town" seldom lay in a bed of down or

whole feathers. An old writer says: As for servants, if they had any sheet above them, it was well; for seldom had they any under their bodies to keep them from the pricking straws that ran oft through the canvass of the pallet, and rased their hardened hides." Again, in Skipton Castle, one of the most splendid mansions of the north, at this period, there were not more than seven or eight beds, nor had any of the chambers either chairs, glasses, or carpets. In a merchant's house, about the same period, we find the parlour had wainscot, a table, and a few chairs; the chambers above had two best beds, and there was one servant's bed; but the inferior servants had only mattresses on the floor. Yet this merchant is supposed to have been better supplied than the neighbouring gentry. His plate, however, consisted only of sixteen spoons, and a few goblets and alepots.

Although the balance in point of comfort is infinitely in favour of modern upholstery, on the other hand, the splendour of our hangings, bed-furniture, and plate, is far inferior to that of earlier periods. Thus, we hear of carved and inlaid bedsteads, with hangings of cloth of gold, paled with white damask and black velvet, and embroidered with coats of arms; blue velvet, powdered with silver lions; black satin with gold roses and escutcheons of arms; tapestry of cloths of gold and silver for hanging on the walls; gold plate enamelled with precious stones; and cloths of gold for covering tables; all which must have exceeded in magnificence any furniture of the present day. These gorgeous moveables descended from generation to generation; and many ancient wills contain bequests and inventories of them. They were, indeed, the wealth of great persons, who could easily convert them into cash, upon pledge, or by sale.-Domestic Life in England.


"HE that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?" Rom. viii. 32. "All things work together for good to them that love God." Rom. viii. 28. Upon the assurance of these Divine promises, my heart may quiet itself in the midst of all the most dark and tumultuous concussions in the world. Is it best for me to be delivered out of them, or to be preserved in or under them? I am

under the providence and government of my heavenly Father, who hath said he will not leave me, nor forsake me; who takes more care of me, and bears more love to me than I can bear to my most dutiful child; who can, in a moment, rescue me from the calamity, or infallibly secure me under it; who sees and knows every part of my condition, and has a thousand expedients to preserve or relieve me. On the other side, do I fall in the same common calamity, and sink under it, without any deliverance from it or preservation under it? His will be done; I am sure it is for my good; nay, it is not possible it should be otherwise; for my very death, the worst of worldly evils, will be but a transmission into a state of blessedness and immortality; for, "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord: they rest from their labours, and their works follow them." Rev. xiv. 13.Sir. M. Hale.

OUR HIGH PRIEST.-How should faith

triumph in this! Is not our High-Priest in the sanctuary? Is He not clothed with And doth he not bear the names of his peogarments of salvation and righteousness? before the Lord? Thy particular concernple upon his shoulders and upon his breast ments, if thou art a believer, are written upon his heart, with the pen of a diamond, in such lasting letters of loving-kindness as shall never be blotted out, Isa. xlix. 16.Mather.

SARDINE, OF SARDIUS.-A precious stone, blood-red; so called from the city of Sardis, The sardius was the first stone in Aaron's in Lesser Asia, where the best were found. breastplate, Exod. xxviii. 17, xxxix. 10; the sixth in the foundation of the heavenly Jerusalem in John's vision, Rev. xxi. 20; and was among the jewels of the king of Tyre, Ezek. xxviii. 13. The glory of God on the throne which appeared to John in Patmos seemed "like a jasper and sardine," Rev. iv. 3.


Page 150, line 24, instead of, "a mile and a half long," read, "fifteen miles and three-quarters."

JOHN DAVIS, 56, Paternoster Row, London. Price d. each, or in Monthly Parts, containing Five Numbers in a Cover, 3d.

W. Tyler, Printer, Bolt-court, Fleet-street.

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THE plants which we are going to introduce to the attention of the reader, offer little that can attract the observation of a florist, and still less to those who are only engaged by the splendour of colours. But though this order may seem to have few pretensions to beauty or comeliness, and many are regarded as vile and troublesome weeds, in cultivated grounds, yet, to a mind accustomed to consider the several points of correspondence in property, habit, and struc


ture, they are not without their measure of curiosity. That well-known vegetable, the spinage, may serve both as a specimen of their form and utility, while the figure of the white goosefoot will recall to the recollection of the reader one of the most common inmates, or rather intruders, of our garden. That tall blood-red plant, which used to make a conspicuous figure in every cottager's flower-border, is also a member of this family. On the seashore, we find in the greatest abundance the sea purslane, which is readily known by its shrubby stem and hoary egg-shaped


leaves, in company with the sea orache, distinguished from the former by its herbaceous stem and narrow leaves. Examples, in short, are every where to be met with; and we might say, at a venture, that the weed most prolific upon any dunghill, is one of the chenopodeæ. Another example of this order may be cited in the marsh samphire, which grows in such prodigious quantities wherever the tide ebbs and flows. These plants agree in that part of their habit which makes them of a rank and prolific growth, wherever they find a suitable earth; such probably as contains a portion of alkaline substance, since we find them either on the sea-shore or in the neighbourhood of manured grounds, where matters of this kind abound. We have long been impressed with the idea, that they all contain a certain kind of alkali in combination with their nutritious qualities: this is observed in the glasswort, long known for the alkali it yields; which being used as a flux in melting flint into glass, has imparted to the plant the name of glasswort. In the roots of the beet, chemists a few years ago discovered a portion of sugar, in many respects better than that obtained from the sugar cane. This led to the cultivation o the beet on a large scale in France, for the specific purpose of manufacturing sugar; and so well has the attempt succeeded, that some think it will displace the cane. Even in Cuba, we are told, a preference is given to the beet. Thus we see that a department of the vegetable nature, which at the first glance might awaken but little interest and curiosity in our minds, assumes an importance in the comforts and well-being of life; which, while it reflects credit upon the investigations of man, ascribes praise to Him who has laid up, in every corner of this sublunary creation, something that, by skill and perseverance, may be turned to the advantage of his creatures.

The corolla in these plants is gene. rally wanting, though in some instances the calyx is finely coloured, to make up for its absence. The calyx, in the perfect flowers, is divided into five segments. From a point near the base of each segment, a stamen bearing a yellow anther arises, so that they are generally five in number, to correspond with the divisions of the calyx. In the atriplex, the flowers are of different kinds; in some we find the stamens and divisions of the calyx as we have just described; in others two small leaves, which enclose the seeds, like the two valves of a cockle-shell. Several species

of the chenopodium are known in some places by the name of blite, in others goosefoot. There is one sort that grows at the foot of and sometimes upon walls, which may be easily recognised by its strong disagreeable smell, and its small hoary leaves, which are rhomboidal, that is, shaped something like a diamond pane of glass in a cottager's window. This is the chenopodium olidum. A reference to this plant will serve to introduce a remark about the leaves of the chenopodeæ. For, though in some instances, they are egg-shaped, and in others narrow, (linear,) tapering to a point, yet, in general their shape reminds us of mathematical figures: even in the leaves of the spinage, which are puckered as if the nerves had been too short for their purpose, the eye remarks a singularity in their cut or contour at the base. A good deal has been said in commendation of the medical properties of the chenopodeæ, and not perhaps altogether without foundation. An essential oil prepared from the chenopodium anthelminticum, which grows in North America called worm-seed oil, is reputed very useful for the object intimated by its name. In Mexico a tea is made of another species, remarkable for the sweetness of its smell, as the writer, who often gathered it when in that country, can testify. An analysis of this herb (chenopodium ambrosioides) shows that it contains, among other principles, gluten, a volatile oil, and a great number of salts. We may take leave of this family by annexing a short list of some of the common specimens of it:

Beta vulgaris, common beet.

Salicornia europea, marsh samphire.Which has been divided into three distinct species, by Dr. Smith.

Chenopodium bonus Henricus, common English mercury, or wild spinage.

C. viride, green goosefoot.-Leaves with round notches. Gardens.

Atriplex hastata, wild orache.-Rubbish. A. patula, spear orache. Both these species are very common, and may be distinguished from each other, by observing, that in the former the stem is flattened, in the latter somewhat four-cornered.-Rubbish.


BEFORE the invention of newspapers, pilgrims and persons attending fairs were grand sources of conveying intelligence. Blacksmiths' shops, hermitages, &c., were other resorts for this purpose, as well as the mill and market. Our chief nobility

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