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Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

mà. sin, with new dictates of blasphemy or iniquity promulgated in the name of the Almighty; or to witness the trickery of some detestable farce, devised to cheat or fright them out of whatever remainder the former impositions might have left them of sense, conscience, or property. Here, in fine, there was never presented to their understanding, from their childhood to their death, a comprehensive, honest declaration of the laws of duty, and the pure doctrines of salvation. To think that they should have mistaken for the house of God, and the very gate of heaven, a place where the power of darkness had so short a way to come from his appropriate dominions, and his agents and purchased slaves so short a

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Majesty a very extensive, complicated, and heathenish mediation, which, in a great measure, substituted itself for the real and exclusive mediation of Christ, obscured by its vast creation of intercepting vanities the glory of the Eternal Being, and thus almost extinguished the true worship. But how calamitous was such a condition! to be thus intercepted from direct intercourse with the Supreme Spirit, and to have the solemn and elevating sentiment of devotion flung downward, on objects and phantoms which even the most superstitious could not pay homage to, without some indistinct sense of degradation!



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way to go thither! If we could imagine THE TELESCOPIC APPEARANCES OF THE a momentary visit from Him who once entered a fabric of sacred denomination with a scourge, because it was made the resort of a common traffic, with what aspect and voice, with what infliction, but the "rebuke with flames of fire," would he have entered this mart of ini quity, assuming the name of his sanctuary, where the traffic was in delusions, crimes, and the souls of men? It was even as if, to use the prophet's language, the very "stone cried out in the wall, and the beam out of the timber answered it," in denunciation; for a portion of the means of building, in the case of some of these edifices, was obtained as the price of dispensations and pardons.

THE above engraving represents the phases, as they are termed, of the planet venus, and as described at page 414 (when noticing the planet mercury,) the apparent diameter varies with the absolute distance from the earth.

In all this, and in the whole constitution of the grand apostacy, involving in- This planet offers no great peculiarinumerable forms of abuse and abomina- ties of appearance, even when viewed tion, to which our object does not require through good telescopes. The spots any allusion, how sad a spectacle is held which have been observed upon her surforth of the people destroyed for lack of face, from their rare appearance and want knowledge! If, as one of their plagues, of permanence, are supposed to be only an inferior one in itself, they were plun- clouds in her atmosphere; which, if such dered, as we have seen, of their worldly be the fact, must be extremely dense, goods, it was that the spoil might sub- and it is no ways improbable that such serve to a still greater wrong. What dense clouds exist in the atmosphere of was lost to the accommodation of the mercury and venus, which, frequently inbody was to be made to contribute to the tercepting the solar rays, protect their depravation of the spirit. It supplied inhabitants from the otherwise intense means for multiplying the powers of the glare of their sunshine. Venus exhibits grand ecclesiastical machinery, and con- in succession all the phases of the moon, firming the ecclesiastical despotism of the and occasionally she assumes the curious absolute authorities in religion. Those appearance represented in our right-hand authorities enforced on the people, on figure, where a small portion of her southpain of final perdition, an acquiescence in ern extremity appears detached from the principles and ordinances, which, in effect, rest of the planet; this separation is supprecluded their direct access to the Al-posed to be caused by the shadows of a mighty, and the Saviour of the world; succession of lofty mountains. interposing between them and the Divine As viewed from the earth, venus is

the most brilliant of all the planets, and may sometimes be seen with the naked eye at noon-day. She is known and recognised as the morning and evening star, and never recedes far from the sun. The proportion of light and heat which she receives from the sun, is nearly twice as great as that received on the surface of the earth.


being deprived of the sun's rays, increases in a similar proportion, and they are always greatest when first seen to be emerging from the long night of their polar winter. This appearance of mars greatly resembles what our own globe would exhibit to a spectator placed on venus or mercury. The snows in the colder climate diminish during the summer, and are renewed in the ensuing winter.

It appears evident that mars is surrounded with a very dense atmosphere; for when it approaches a fixed star, the star becomes discoloured before it touches the limb of the planet, owing to the density of the medium through which it is seen. The analogy between mars and the earth is, perhaps, by far the greatest in the whole solar system. Their diurnal motion is nearly the same; the obliquity of their respective ecliptics not very different. Of all the superior planets, the distance of mars from the sun is by far the nearest alike to that of the earth; nor will the length of the years of mars appear very different from what we enjoy, when compared to the surprising duration of the years of jupiter, saturn, and georgium sidus. If we then find that the globe we

Mars, being a superior planet, is never seen in the form of a crescent, but he sometimes assumes the gibbous form, as shown in our second figure. The spots on this planet present various appearances, which, assuming a more permanent figure than those on some of the other planets, the time of rotation on its axis is determined, by observing the intervals between the successive reappearances and disap-inhabit has its polar region frozen, and pearances of the several spots.

Sir John Herschell considers that the outline of what may be continents and seas can be discerned with perfect distinctness. The red and fiery colour, by which this planet is so easily distinguished in the heavens, is supposed to arise from the colour of the soil, and may be analogous to our red sandstone districts, which may possibly reflect a red light to the inhabitants of the other planetary bodies. On the contrary, those parts which are considered seas, appear of a greenish tint. Being so much inclined to the ecliptic, both the poles of mars come into sight in the course of a revolution. When either pole, comes first into view, it is observed to be remarkably brighter than the rest of the disk. This brightness gradually diminishes, and is generally altogether gone, before this pole goes out of sight, by the change of the planet's position. The other pole now comes into view, and exhibits similar appearances.

It is conjectured that these brilliant spots consist of masses of ice and snow, collected at those points. These spots, when exposed for a considerable time to the influence of the sun, during that planet's summer, sensibly decrease in magnitude; while the spot at the opposite pole,

covered with mountains of snow and ice, that only alternately melt when exposed to the sun, we may well be permitted to surmise that the same causes may have the same effect upon the globe of mars; that the bright spots shown in our two first figures, are owing to the vivid reflection of light from the frozen regions; and that the reduction of the magnitude of those spots is to be ascribed to their being exposed to the sun. The proportion of light and heat which this planet receives from the sun is not quite one half of that received on the earth's surface. Water would become solid on any part of mars, and even in its temperate zone, spirits of wine and quicksilver would freeze.

The planets ceres, pallas, juno, and vesta, are so small, that they present to telescopic vision no other appearance than that of very small stars.


Ir is most certainly true, that the very sting and venom of all crosses and troubles is sin, and a consciousness of the guilt of it. This is that which gives troubles, and crosses, and calamities their vigour, force, and sharpness; it is the very life of them. When a man shall be under extreme out

ward calamities, loss of goods, loss of liberty, loss of country, all outward hopes failing, and still greater billows, and waves, and storms, and fears in prospect; and within, an angry, unquiet, avenging conscience, then, indeed, troubles have their perfection of malignity. But if a man, in the midst of all these black and stormy appearances, hath a conscience full of peace, and integrity, and comfortable attestation, this gives a calm in the midst of all these storms. And the reason is apparent; for it is not the tempestuousness or tranquillity of externals that creates the trouble or the quietness of the man, but it is the mind, and that state of composure or discomposure which the mind is put into occasionally from them. And since there is nothing in the world that conduceth more to the composure and tranquillity of the mind than the serenity and clearness of the conscience, keep but that safe and untainted, the mind will enjoy a calm and tranquillity in the midst of all the storms of the world. And although the waves beat, and the sea works, and the wind blows, the mind that hath a quiet and clear conscience within will be as stable, as safe from perturbation, as a rock in the midst of a tempestuous sea, and will be a Goshen to and within itself, when the rest of the world without and round about a man is like an Egypt for plague and darkness. If, therefore, either before the access or éruption of troubles, or under their pressure, any thing or person in the world solicit thee to ease or deliver thyself by a breach or wound of thy conscience, know they are about to cheat thee of thy best security, under God, against the power and malignity of troubles; they are about to clip off that lock, wherein, next under God, thy strength lieth. Whatever, therefore, thou dost hazard or lose, keep the integrity of thy conscience both before the access of troubles and under them. It is a jewel that will make thee rich in the midst of poverty; a sun that will give thee light in the midst of darkness; a fortress that will keep thee safe in the greatest danger, and that is never to be taken unless thou thyself betray it and deliver it up.-Sir M. Hale.


TONGUE, HELIOTROPE, &c. THIS well-defined and interesting family receives its name from the garden borage, to which its several members are related

by many obvious and pleasing ties of affinity. The borage makes its appearance in many gardens, and why it should not find a place in all, would be hard to say, except that it may have been thought to demean itself, by condescending to elope occasionally from the neat enclosure, and grow upon a dunghill; for a more lovely colour is not to be found within the whole range of vegetable tints, than the dye of its blossom, nor a piece of workmanship which exhibits a greater neatness of finish, than the flower of the borago officinalis, or common borage.

The peculiar features of this family may be ascertained by simply inspecting the borage, viper's bugloss, dyer's weed, or the heliotrope, and forget-me-not, (myosotis.) They consist in a foliage which is rough and harsh, sometimes varied with inequalities, and often beset with hairs. The colour of the blossom is, with one or two exceptions, of a lively blue, and usually presents the curious phenomenon of undergoing a change from a bright red to that vivid hue, while its parts are unfolding themselves to the influence of the sun. If we look at the flower-buds of the forget-me-not, which, during summer, may be seen in every stream of running water, we shall perceive, that at first they are of a brilliant red, which, as the flower opens, passes into the blue, which forms such a beautiful characteristic of this order. This curious change is supposed to be. brought about by the loss of some acid principle. But whatever may be the cause, the fact cannot fail to engage the attention of any inquisitive person, as soon as it is pointed out to him, as it needs not the aid of botanical phraseology to make the eye comprehend it. The corolla, or coloured, part is remarkably regular; that is, has its divisions, which are usually five, exactly of the same size; this is a principal cause of that idea of symmetry which a view of the flower impresses upon the mind. Corresponding with the divisions of the corolla are five stamens, which grow out of it, and in the forget-me-not, dyer's weed, and several others, they are concealed by little valves, or folding pieces, that are seated about the mouth or opening of the tube, like a rim or collar. These folding pieces are a pretty object for the microscope. If we remove the corolla, we find, in general, four apparently naked seeds, very similar in aspect to those of the white nettle, sage, or savory. The base formed by this fourfold base, or “quaternion," (Ácts xii. 4,) of seeds is sur

rounded by the style, or central column, which terminates at the top in a simple, divided, or furrowed stigma.

The above is a familiar outline of this highly interesting family of plants, which were termed by Ray, and Linnæus who came after him, asperifolia, or roughleaved plants; and, perhaps, a more appropriate designation could not be invented. We cannot forbear remarking, on this occasion, how greatly the patriotism of an English botanist is flattered at the recollection of Ray; for with him the idea of distributing the vegetable creation into families first originated. The soundness and justly applauded excellence of the practice have been attested by all the botanists of reputation in the present age, who, with very few exceptions, have uniformly followed in his footsteps. It is also pleasing to remember, that if Ray laid the first stone of the natural system, some of the noblest parts of the superstructure have been reared by Mr. Robert Brown, who, by universal consent, holds the first place in botanical eminence.

We have already intimated that the heliotrope, or turnsole, (heliotropium europæum,) is a member of this family: its most striking character consists in the spikes of blue flowers which are bent back in a spiral manner; which, as the ancients imagined, always turned to meet the sun. We may offer a hint here, which we have sometimes given to nurserymen, that a light sandy soil is most suitable for the heliotrope. The writer has often met with a species of this genus growing upon the most hungry soils, where no friendly shade was at hand to prevent the escape of all its moisture. On those narrow rings of limestone, called the low islands, in the Southern Pacific, it grows in company with the tournefortia, a tree belonging to this family, which in the colour and disposition of the flowers resembles the heliotrope; in fact, they seem to be those of that plant upon a larger scale.

The viper's bugloss is found on heaths and by road-sides, and may be always known by its bright blue flowers, red stamens, rough foliage, and spotted stem. Its beauty would fairly entitle it to a nook in our gardens, but we are too apt, not only in reference to flowers, but in other matters of greater importance, to overlook the advantages which a kind Providence has thrown in our way, and to covet those that are placed beyond our reach.

One of the most curious, perhaps, of the whole family is the gromwell, (litho

spermum, officinale,) the seeds of which have a beautiful polish and a pearly whiteness, and are nearly as hard as a piece of marble. Many are struck with the fruit of the egg-plant, but the seeds of the gromwell are still more unlike anything of a vegetable origin. It would make us think that we had travelled into some fairy land, were we to find a plant bearing pearls; or if a traveller were to assert that he had seen a plant producing pearls, and had not taken the opportunity to bring some away with him, it would be thought that he was deceiving us; yet in many places of our own country we find a plant which may be said to bear pearls that are whiter than some brought by speculators from the South Seas. It was from the appearance of these seeds, that collectors of simples, before science had brought men to reason better, conjectured that this plant had virtues to remove calcareous concretions, or stones from the human body. The plants of this family agree in being of a demulcent or softening character, and in possessing qualities of an inactive nature. Though, in a medical point of view, they are of little acceptation, yet in the arts they assume importance, as many of them produce roots which yield a red dye; particularly the anchusa tinctoria, or alkanet, the lithospermum tinctorium, echium rubrum, and the onosma echioides of this family yield a colouring matter which is identical with that of the alkanet. Such is the diffusive goodness of the Creator, if a group of plants do not serve us in one capacity, they will in another; if they fail as food or medicine, they may still yield us a dye, or some other useful substance in the arts. The borage, for example, was once thought to have virtues of a singularly cheering and stomachic nature, so that it was thought worthy of the following rhyme," Borage brings courage." And although experience does not authorize us to think very highly of the virtues of this family, we find a useful dye, which seems calculated to teach the chemist a new lesson, and to enlarge his catalogue of simple substances; for the French and German experimenters have been led to regard it as something unlike any element they were previously acquainted with.

We may just mention a use to which it seems likely they will be applied; which is as a fodder for cattle. The comfrey has been cultivated in Scotland, and is very readily eaten by cattle; it has the advantage of yielding an abundant crop.


WE sometimes think that we are thankful, when we have very little cause to take credit on this account; for when our minds are at ease, our bodies in health, and our property seemingly secure, when every want is well supplied, and every reasonable wish gratified, what cause can we have for unthankfulness? It is one thing to be thankful for a wellspread table, and another to be thankful for the table crumbs. It is one thing to be thankful when we have all we want, and another to be thankful for whatever God bestows.

So long as God's dealings fall in with our inclinations and add to our prosperity, we may not repine; but when the tryer of the heart and reins puts forth his hand and touches us; when he abridges our comforts, afflicts our bodies, and burdens our minds with care, matters are sadly changed: too often impatience and unthankfulness take possession of our hearts.

It is an old remark, that we bear no affliction so patiently as the afflictions of others. Oh, there is much truth in this. We think ourselves wondrously patient, and contented, and thankful, when we hear others complain, without considering that we are not smarting under the scalding drops of affliction that agonize their hearts.

Now the degree of thankfulness that a christian should try to attain, I take to be this: To have such a sense of God's wisdom and goodness in all his dealings as to rest fully satisfied that what He does, must be for the best; so that come what will, we can be thankful. God made the sun to gild the earth and skies with glory, and he made the clouds also to shroud his beams. God made the rose to burst forth in fragrance and beauty, and the same stem that it grows on, he has set with prickly thorns. His are the sun and flowers. His also are the shadows and the thorns. Never do we err more than when we make our desires the test of God's mercies; we would have flowerets and sunbeams for ever, and thorns

and shadows make us unthankful.

Thankfulness is a hard lesson to learn, unless the Father of mercies is our instructor. That is the right sort of thankfulness which is thankful for all things; believing that “all things work together for good to them that love God." Thankful for much and for little: thankful when comforts are lessened that they are not


gone; thankful when they are all gone, that the Father of mercies is able to provide more thankful when afflicted with gravel, that it is not the stone: thankful with a broken arm, that it is not a broken leg thankful whether high or low, rich or poor; in health and in sickness; in life and in death; being fully persuaded that, neither "death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."


THIS corruptible part of ours shall put on incorruption; our natural bodies shall be made glorious bodies, though we have lain a long time in the grave and bosom of the earth, mouldering and consuming away.

We all know that every night is the day's funeral; and what is the morning, but the day's resurrection again; or like the setting of the sun at evening, which the next morning shall rise again? And we all know, that when we set or put a root into the ground, that it must lie all the winter, and appear as dead; but, in the spring-time, we hope to see it revive, and show itself by virtue of the sun. Just so will it be with us at the day of our resurrection; for it is a most certain argument, that he that can do the greater work, can also do the lesser; for God, who did make the world and also man at first of nothing, can, at the day of our resurrection, make us perfect bodies again of something. Therefore O Lord, I beseech thee, prepare me for the day of my death; and whether it shall be by the messengers of death, or by the trumpet of thy judgments, that at the last day, when I shall rise again, I may behold thy glorious majesty, with all the royal army of holy martyrs and blessed angels; that I may not be found with a distracted and guilty conscience, nor with the reprobates, call to the hills to cover me, nor unto the rocks to fali upon me; but that I may taste of thy endless mercy, and so be received into thy heavenly mansion.-From Samuel Smith's Great Assize.


WHERE but in the gospel will you find relief under the innumerable ills of the

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