London, Past and Present: Its History, Associations, and Traditions, Τόμος 3J. Murray, 1891 Based upon the Handbook of London, by the late Peter Cunningham. |
Αναζήτηση στο βιβλίο
Αποτελέσματα 1 - 5 από τα 94.
Σελίδα 17
... burial - place for Roman Catholics resident in London , though the eminent persons buried here are by no means ... buried here . " 1 Till the churchyard was closed for interments , it continued to be a favourite Roman Catholic ...
... burial - place for Roman Catholics resident in London , though the eminent persons buried here are by no means ... buried here . " 1 Till the churchyard was closed for interments , it continued to be a favourite Roman Catholic ...
Σελίδα 18
... burial - place of some distinguished member of the church , others of a like faith wished to be laid near him ... buried annually at Pancras for some years past ; in 1801 there were forty - one ; in 1802 thirty - two . " 2 Among ...
... burial - place of some distinguished member of the church , others of a like faith wished to be laid near him ... buried annually at Pancras for some years past ; in 1801 there were forty - one ; in 1802 thirty - two . " 2 Among ...
Σελίδα 20
... buried in the churchyard of St. Pancras , about 22 paces from the chancel , on the south side . Afterwards a raised altar - monument , built of brick , covered with a thick plank of blue marble , was put over his grave . " 1 Obadiah ...
... buried in the churchyard of St. Pancras , about 22 paces from the chancel , on the south side . Afterwards a raised altar - monument , built of brick , covered with a thick plank of blue marble , was put over his grave . " 1 Obadiah ...
Σελίδα 21
... buried till March 3 , 1775 ; and that anomalous personage himself , " Charles Genevieve Louis Auguste André Timothée D'Eon de Beaumont , died May 21 , buried May 28 , 1810 , aged eighty - three years , " for so the entry stands in the ...
... buried till March 3 , 1775 ; and that anomalous personage himself , " Charles Genevieve Louis Auguste André Timothée D'Eon de Beaumont , died May 21 , buried May 28 , 1810 , aged eighty - three years , " for so the entry stands in the ...
Σελίδα 29
... buried there . About this cloister was artificially and richly painted the Dance of Machabray , or Dance of Death , commonly called the Dance of Paul's . The metres , or poetry of this dance , were translated out of French into English ...
... buried there . About this cloister was artificially and richly painted the Dance of Machabray , or Dance of Death , commonly called the Dance of Paul's . The metres , or poetry of this dance , were translated out of French into English ...
Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων
Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις
Abbey afterwards Alley architect Banqueting House Bartholomew Fair Ben Jonson Bishop Bridge building built buried called celebrated Chamber chapel Charles Charles II church of St churchyard City Club Coffee-house Company corner Court Covent Garden designs died Duke Earl Edward eminent England engraver erected famous feet Fields Fire Fleet Street gallery Gate George Hall head Henry VIII Hill Holborn inhabited Inigo Jones James James's Jonson King King's Lady Lane letters Lincoln's Inn Fields lived lodgings London Lord Mary monument night north side occupied Office opened painter Palace Pall Mall Park Parliament Paul's Piccadilly Pie Corner poet present Prince prison Queen rebuilt reign residence Richard Road Robert Royal Salisbury says Sir John Society Somerset House south side Southwark Spring Garden Square stone stood Stow Strand Strype Suffolk Tavern Temple Theatre Thomas Tower Tyburn walk wall Walpole Westminster Westminster Abbey Whitehall Yard