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Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

this favour; nor is it even for that poor old man. It is in the name of one dear to many, and even. to

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Rebecca knelt down, and kissed the hem of Rowena's garment."

you, that I beseech you to let this sick person be transported with care and tenderness under your

protection; for, if evil chance him, the last moment of your life will be imbittered with regret." The noble and solemn air with which Rebecca made this appeal gave it double weight with the fair Saxon.

8. Cedric gave his assent, little dreaming that the sick person whom they had with them was his wounded son Ivanhoe. The company had not got far on their journey when a band of men attacked them, and all were made prisoners, except Wamba the jester, who escaped.

9. The armed men hurried their captives away, travelling at a rapid rate till they reached Torquilstone, the hoary and ancient castle of Front-deBœuf, in different parts of which all the prisoners were confined.

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Summary:-The wounded Ivanhoe was conveyed in a litter from the tournament by Isaac of York and his daughter Rebecca. Cedric, with his attendants, found the party deserted by their hired body-guard, and in great distress. At the earnest entreaty of the Jewish maiden the Saxon thane allowed them to travel in his company. He did not know that the person carried in the litter was his son. The company was passing through the forest when they were attacked by a band of men, and all except the jester Wamba were carried captive to Torquilstone, the ancient castle of Front-de-Bœuf.

Exercises: 1. Describe the lawless state of the country in the Norman Period. How did the barons become so powerful as to be able to set all authority at defiance?

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2. Explain "The words choked in his throat;" Hoary and ancient castle." 3. The Latin prefix in (also written ig, il, im, and ir before an adjective) signifies not-as, incorrect, not correct; ignoble, not noble; illegal, not legal; improper, not proper; irregular, not regular. Make sentences containing incorrect, ignoble, illegal, improper, irregular.


1. When Wamba escaped, he plunged into the thicket, and was soon lost to sight. He had not gone far when a dog jumped up and fawned on him. It was Fangs, the swine-herd's dog, and with it was Gurth himself. While Wamba and Gurth were talking about the capture of Cedric and his party, a third person suddenly appeared. This was Locksley the archer. When he learned of Cedric's capture, he said, "He shall not want English hands to help him in this extremity. Come with me until I gather more aid.”

2. On their way through the forest they reached a rude hermitage, where they found the Black Knight in company with a jovial companion--one of Locksley's men, who went by the name of the Friar. Locksley at once recognized the Black Knight, and leading him a little apart, he said, 'Deny it not, Sir Knight—you are he who decided the victory on the second day of the tournament.”

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3. “And what follows, if you guess truly, good yeoman?" replied the knight.

"I should in that case hold you," replied the yeoman, "a friend to the weaker party."

Such is the duty of a true knight at least," replied the Black Champion.

4. "But for my purpose," said the yeoman, "thou shouldst be as well a good Englishman as a good knight; for that which I have to speak of concerns, indeed, the duty of every honest man, but is more especially that of a true-born native of England."

"You can speak to no one," replied the knight, "to whom England, and the life of every Englishman, can be dearer than to me."

5. "I would willingly believe so," said the woodsman, "for never had this country such need to be supported by those who love her. A band of villains, in the disguise of better men than themselves, have made themselves master of the person of a noble Englishman, called Cedric the Saxon, together with his ward and other companions, and have transported them to a castle in this forest, called Torquilstone. I ask of thee, as a good knight and a good Englishman, wilt thou aid in their rescue ?"

6. "I am bound by my vow to do so," replied the knight; "but I would willingly know who you are who request my assistance in their behalf."

"I am," said the forester, "a nameless man; but I am the friend of my country and of my country's friends. With this account of me you must for the present remain satisfied, the more especially since you yourself desire to continue unknown. Believe, however, that my word, when pledged, is as inviolate as if I wore golden spurs."


7. "I willingly believe it," said the knight. “I have been accustomed to study men's countenances, and I can read in thine honesty and resolution. will, therefore, ask thee no further questions, but aid thee in setting at freedom these oppressed captives; which done, I trust we shall part better acquainted, and well satisfied with each other."


New Words in this Lesson.



Notes and Meanings.

1 Fawned on, fondled; licked his hands, etc.

2 Her-mi-tage, abode of a hermit, or one who lives apart from other


Fri-ar, member of a religious order.

6 Nameless man, one who did not wish
to tell his name.

In-vi-o-late, not to be broken.
Golden spurs, a sign of knighthood.

Summary:-After his escape, Wamba had not gone far in the forest when he fell in with Gurth the swine-herd They met Locksley the archer, and told him of the capture of Cedric and his party. At a rude hermitage in the forest they found the Black Knight, and Locksley asked the knight's aid in rescuing the captives. The Black Knight at once expressed his willingness to go to their aid. Exercises-1. Explain how it is that men obey the laws so much better now than they did in the time of this story.

2. How are laws made? How enforced?

3. The Latin prefix inter signifies between or among-as, intercede, to go between; interfere, to strike among, to meddle; interrupt, to break in between, to stop. Make sentences containing intercede, interfere, interrupt.


1. Under a venerable oak tree, three arrows' flight distant from the castle, the Black Knight and Locksley with their companions assembled. Upwards of two hundred had already appeared, and more were fast coming in. A less orderly and a worse armed force, consisting of the Saxon inhabitants of the neighbouring township, was also there, together with bondsmen and servants from Cedric's estate, who had come to help in the rescue of their master.


2. A yeoman was sent with a letter to the castle, demanding the immediate surrender of all the captives. When he reached the castle gate, he blew such a blast on his horn that it startled all within. he repeated with great violence three times. A squire came out and received the letter, and took it to his master. Speedily a defiant reply came back, that "the chief captives would be executed before noon, and their heads placed on the battlements.

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