Deston, THE MUNICIPAL REGISTER FOR 1895: CONTAINING A COMPILATION OF THE CITY CHARTER AND THE OTHER AUGUST 1, 1895, THE REGISTER OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT, THE RULES OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN, CITY COUNCIL, LIST OF EXECUTIVE AND OTHER PUBLIC OFFICERS, ALSO The City has annually since 1821 issued a volume containing, until 1829, a register of the City Council and a list of the officers. In 1829, the City Charter, in 1830, the acts relating to Boston and the ordinances, and in 1832 an index were added. The volume for 1822 contains fifteen pages, and for 1840 eighty-five pages and three pages of index. The volume up to, and including, 1840 bears the title of The Rules and Orders of the Common Council, and since that year the title of The MUNICIPAL REGISTER. The Municipal Register for 1841 contains the Rules and orders of Common Council, joint rules, ordinances of the City, statutes of the Commonwealth relating to the City, public schools, City government of 1841 with committees, departments (consisting at that time of the treasury, law, police, health, publie land and buildings, lamps and bridges, fire, and publie charitable institutions), and a list of the ward officers; from 1842 to 1864, it also contains a list of the members of preceding City governments, a necrological record of these members, the latest ordinances and the special statutes relating to the city; in 1851 a list of the annual orators was added, and in 1853 a map of the City and the rules of the Board of Aldermen were inserted; in 1876 statistics of registration and voting were included, and since 1879 in tabulated form; in 1883 portraits of the Mayor and presiding officers of the two branches of the City Council were included, and in 1888 a list of the members of the past City governments of Roxbury and Charlestown was added, and continued to 1890. Since 1889 the MUNICIPAL REGISTER is in substantially the form of the present volume. 5 THE CITY OF BOSTON. Boston was incorporated a Town by the order of the Court of Assistants passed September 17 (7, O. S.), 1630, "that Trimontaine shalbe called Boston; " and incorporated as The City of Boston, May 1, 1822, by St. 1821, c. 110, accepted March 4, 1822. This act was revised by St. 1854, с. 448, commonly called the City Charter. Roxbury was incorporated a Town by the order of the Court of Assistants passed October 8, 1630; a City March 12, 1846, by St. 1846, c. 95, accepted March 25, 1846, and annexed to Boston January 6, 1868, by St. 1867, с. 359, ассepted September 9, 1867. Dorchester was incorporated a Town by the same order of the Court of Assistants, by which Boston was incorporated; and annexed to Boston January 3, 1870, by St. 1869, c. 349, accepted June 22, 1869. Charlestown was incorporated a Town July 4, 1629; a City February 22, 1847, by St. 1847, с. 29, accepted March 10, 1847; and annexed to Boston January 5, 1874, by St. 1873, c. 286, accepted October 7, 1873. West Roxbury was incorporated a Town March 24, 1851, by St. 1851, c. 250; and annexed to Boston January 5, 1874, by St. 1873, c. 314, accepted October 7, 1873. Brighton was incorporated a Town February 24, 1807, by St. 1806, c. 65, and annexed to Boston January 5, 1874, by St. 1873, c. 30, accepted October 7, 1873. 6 THE CITY OF BOSTON, ITS POWERS AND DUTIES. [AS GIVEN AND IMPOSED BY THE CITY CHARTER, APRIL 29, 1854, AND BY SPECIAL LAWS PASSED SINCE SAID DATE, AND PRIOR TO AUGUST 1, 1895.] It has been the aim of the compiler to put in the form of an Act the powers now held by, and the duties imposed on, the city, and on certain officers, and with this aim in view he has made his own arrangement and construction of the sections now in force of the city charter and the laws passed between April 29, 1854, the date of the passage of the city charter, and August 1, 1895. He believes that these sections show the law as it now is, although not in the precise words in which it has been passed. The references in the margin are to the authority for the law as stated in the sections to which they apply. CORPORATORS. powers. 1854, с. 448, SECTION 1. The inhabitants of the city of Boston, Corporate for all the purposes for which towns and cities are by i Pick. 375. law incorporated in this commonwealth, shall continue 1 Met. 473. to be one body politic, in fact and in name, under the $1. style and denomination of The City of Boston; and as such shall have, exercise, and enjoy all the rights, immunities, powers, and privileges, and shall be subject to all the duties and obligations incumbent upon, and appertaining to, said city, as a municipal corporation. GENERAL MEETINGS. meetings of SECT. 2. General meetings of the citizens qualified General to vote in city affairs shall from time to time, upon the the citizens. |