Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση


ket, and sharing those of the world in the sale of his productions? It is the inflated paper bubble; it is "because we manufacture at the nominal prices of our own inflated currency, and are compelled to sell at the real prices of other nations." Such, in his view, is the cause of our embarrassment and failure in success. Now, sir, what is the remedy proposed by the Senator? "Reduce (says he) our nominal to the real standard of prices throughout the world, and you cover our country with blessings and benefits." We are to take exclusive possession of our own market, and enter those of the world successfully; and by what process? By reducing the cost of our goods "to the standard of prices throughout the world; by bringing wages down as low as those who manufacture cheapest; for by no other process can we enter the markets of the world in successful competition. The Senator shows us that England is carrying on an unsuccessful competition in the manufacture of cutlery with Germany, because of the paper money of England. Germany, he alleges, is a hard-money country, and the costs of production or wages is lower, and she therefore manufactures cheaper.

Assumption of State Debts--Mr. Strange.

of any moment. It was not the measure of influ-
ence which it would have that I discussed, or
thought important, as I alluded to it only in a
summary way. It was the opinions and doctrines
advanced in the argument, the general scope of
policy advocated by the member, upon which I
commented, and to which I replied. I could not
misunderstand him in expressing the opinion that
the bill would have its influence as a corrective,
and I am indifferent what degree of influence is
or may be ascribed to it.

The Senator laid hold of another isolated para-
graph of my reply at the thirteenth page, and
supposes I meant to assert that he and his friends
contended that the bill would reduce the value of
property and wages one half. I assured him the
other day, and now do it again, that such is not
my meaning, nor does it seem to me to be the
just or fair construction of the language. The
language is this: "I do not impute this power to
the bill, but it is enough for me that its friends
do." What power? He alleges the power to
reduce wages and property one half. I say the
power to reduce wages and property, and to im-
prove our relations to foreign trade, without as-
signing any particular proportion of reduction.
The Senator draws the proportion from a hypo-
thetical case stated by me in illustration of the
general proposition under consideration, that a
reduction of wages would be beneficial to the la-
borer. This I combated, and in the hypothesis
assumed a case in which wages were supposed
to be reduced one half. Having gone through
with this, which appears on the face of it to be,
what it is, hypothetical, and not founded on pro-
positions intended to be imputed to any one as
used in argument, I return by a new paragraph
to the bill, and use the language I have read, not
intending to refer to the hypothesis, or the pro-
portion of reduction in it, but to the general pro-
portion under consideration. He therefore gives
a meaning to my remarks never designed or
thought of by me until I heard his construction.
He does not read the speech as I understand it,
and meant it should be understood. This expla-
nation is the same I gave the other day, and is
what the Senator called a disclaimer. It is a dis-
claimer of nothing but his construction of my
language and meaning. If that is what he meant
by a disclaimer, I am content with it, but I wish
to be rightly understood. If you take the para-
graphs alone which the Senator read, it may be
understood as he represents; but that is not the
inference as it appears to me from the whole text.

Now, sir, what is the standard of prices throughout the world? It must be a standard which will enable us to sell as low as others; to produce as low as the nation that produces lowest, or we cannot get the exclusive possession of our own market, and enter the markets of the world in successful competition. We must go down to the wages of France, Germany, and other countries that produce lower than our laborers, or those of England. If I can understand language, the paper bubble is to be reduced till this result is reached. The Senator says he is for a mixed currency, but goes for the reduction of it till it brings prices to this standard. Of what consequence is it, Mr. President, whether it shall be mixed or unmixed, hard money, or hard money and paper, if the reduction is to go on till this effect of coming down to the standard of prices throughout the world is produced? None whatever; and yet so confident is the Senator in the soundness of his policy, that he exhorts the manufacturers to take the corrective into their own hands, and to bring this result about; and yet he complains of me as representing him as too much of a hard-money man. I supposed in all this the Senator looked really to hard money; but whether he did or not is of little. consequence, as the effect on labor and business will be the same. I was led to this conclusion, for I thought he would not wish to be understood as viewing one currency as most useful to the But the Senator went further, and read from manufacturers and another to the country. If my speech the next sentence, which is: "What there be confusion in the matter I am not answer- response will the farmers, mechanics, and manuable for that, for I replied to such opinions as were facturers make to such a flagitious proposition?" advanced. It appeared to me that the evil com- and, seizing upon the word "flagitious," used in plained of was the expansion of the currency, and no sense offensively, not having the remotest perthe remedy proposed a reduction to this standard sonal application to him, but applied to the genof prices throughout the world. I know the Sen-eral proposition to reduce wages, &c., and not ator has spoken much of his friendship for laborers; but it is his practical views of policy, his means to be employed to secure prosperity, that 1 examined. I did not consider the part of his speech from which he has read, and considers the foundation of unjust remarks elsewhere, as an important or material portion of his reasoning. Such is the doctrine contained in the printed speech. It is before the world, and let them judge of it and see whether I have brought the member nearer to being a friend of hard money than he brings himself.

But the Senator pointed out two paragraphs in my reply which he says do him injustice. If so, it was not my purpose. On the first page, he alleges that, in a general summary which I make, (not of his exclusive views, as the paragraph shows,) I impute to him an opinion that the subTreasury will have a greater influence over banks and banking, and reduce the currency beyond what he ever thought or has contended it would do, notwithstanding I expressly state, in another place, when I speak of him alone, that he declares himself the friend of well-regulated banks and a mixed currency. On this point I shall only say it is the last on which I could have anticipated complaint, after all the reasoning of the Senator to prove the expediency of reducing the currency, because of the evils of banking. But the effect of the bill is matter that never entered my mind as

to the hypothesis or anything contained in it,
inquires of the Senate if he might not pronounce
this statement a flagitious representation of his
remarks. I wish him now to state whether in
employing that language he meant to reflect on
me personally? (Mr. D. paused a moment, and
the Senator not making an answer, he added,) if
he did, then I hurl back the imputation with the
scorn and contempt language so unmerited and
unprovoked deserves, and suspend further re-
marks till I hear the member.

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and has already afforded so wide a field of debate, But the good-humored assaults made upon me on yesterday by the Senator from Kentucky, [Mr. CRITTENDEN,] excited me to a degree that made me unmindful, for the time, of my weakness. Perhaps he brought me somewhat into the state of the Prince of Denmark when, witnessing the extravagances of Laertes over the grave of his sister, he exclaimed,

"Nay, an thou❜lt mouth,

I'll rant as well as thou."

His prophetic visions produced a correspondent delirium in myself, and tempted me to efforts to out-prophesy him. Time must, as in other cases, disclose whether the four hundred who foretold success to Ahab at Ramoth-Gilead, or Micaiah the son of Imlah, who prognosticated defeat, are the truer prophets.

But neither of us, I fear, can boast much of unction from above; and while it is forbidden to us to look even upon the shadows of coming events, we must be content to speculate by the pale light of reason, and to draw from the experience of the past analogical deductions for the future.

When I said to the Senator from Kentucky [Mr. CRITTENDEN] on yesterday that I differed from him with less regret than I did with the Senator from Pennsylvania, [Mr. BUCHANAN,] I said it in no spirit of unkindness; indeed, had I done so, I should have misrepresented my own feelings. I am not one of those who cannot do justice to a political opponent. No one, I am sure, within this Chamber, listens to that Senator with more pleasure than myself; no one more admires the dexterity with which he wields his blade, although myself may sometimes feel the keenness of its edge. But I cannot but regret that the same sagacity and skill with which he wields it are not displayed in the selection of the cause in which to draw it. I should be happy to fight upon the same side with the Senator from Kentucky, did not sad experience convince me that if I ever do so, I must be content to take the wrong one.

As usual, the debate upon the report and resolutions submitted by the chairman of the select committee, the Senator from Tennessee, [Mr. GRUNDY,] has taken a very discursive range, and the whole field of party strife has been traversed as suited the tastes of the various speakers. Upon its first introduction, the report was met by the most extraordinary fusilade ever witnessed in this Chamber, and the vigor of the attack plainly indicated the heart-cherished value of the objects against which the report and resolutions were leveled. And yet the resolutions contain four simple propositions, w hich the report sustains by able and unansw ments. The first three of these prop "1. Resolved, That the assumption, directly by the General Government, of the debts whic or may be, contracted by the States for loca State purposes, would be unjust, both to the S the people.

erable arguositions are:

have been, or indirectly, objects or tates and to e highly in tates. be wholly itution of

"2. Resolved, That such assumption would b expedient, and dangerous to the union of the S 3. Resolved, That such assumption would unauthorized by, and in violation of, the Cons the United States, and utterly repugnant to all the objects and purposes for which the Federal Union was fo rmed." one the

Neither of these propositions had any temerity openly to question, and with all the fearlessness ascribed by the Senator from Kentucky [Mr. CRITTENDEN] to American Senators, in the discharge of official duty; and just, as trust, no one here has been bold enough to dispute

the truth of either of them.




But it is said their assertion in this form, and at this time, is irregular, unnecessary, and itic. Irregular, because no legislative act proposed, either by the report or the resolu This is an extraordinary objection to come a party who passed the resolution condemn try of General Jackson through this body b clamation. It is true that resolution was su Use unc quently expunged, but the ground of its exp Live tion was not that it contemplated no legisla But is it true that our duty here is c fined to the mere passage of laws? Does the steer age of the vessel of State depend exclusively on the passage of laws? And if not, is Congress to leave that steerage to other hands, and to take no thought of the direction in which the vessel is tending? If, from the lookout point which it oc



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cupies, it beholds rocks and shoals, and whirl- It cannot be the mere declaration that the States
pools, and quicksands lying before her, is no owe so much money that can injure their credit,
warning voice to be lifted up? Can there be a because that was before a matter of public noto-
doubt that this is one of the most important duties riety. The debts of Governments, and especially
which our constituents expect us to perform; that free Governments, can never be a secret to any
we should make diligent use of all the talents one who desires to know the truth. They are
which God has given us, and of the advantages contracted in the face of day, and are evidenced by
of our position to search out political truth, keep records continually spread open in the broad light
it steadily in view, and proclaim it to our fellow- of the sun. What, then, is the discrediting mat-
citizens? Does not the whole usage of the nation ter? It is the declaration that this Government
it to be so? In my opinion, sir, were we
will not assume to pay them. But if it was
to neglect this, we should neglect the most im-known and believed before that this Government
portant half of our duty. The report and reso- would not assume to pay them; if the conviction
lutions, then, are not irregular, unless, as it is fur- was firm and unwavering, would a declaration to
ther contended, they are unnecessary.
that effect operate in any way upon my mind?
Surely not. Suppose this Government were to
declare that it would not assume to pay the debt
of Great Britain; would that affect the credit of
Great Britain? No; and no one imagines that
it would. Why? Because the wildest visionary
that ever lived never for a moment imagined that
the Government of the United States would as-
sume the British debt. If, then, the public mind
on both sides of the Atlantic were equally clear of
the impression that the General Government
would assume the debts of the States as that it
would assume the debts of Great Britain, could
the credit of the States be any more affected by
the declaration that she will not assume their
debts than would be the credit of Great Britain
by a similar declaration? Surely not. The ar-
gument, then, that the credit of the States will be
affected by the declaration that the General Gov-
ernment will not assume their debts must be
founded upon the supposition that such an ex-
pectation exists somewhere. Now, as it is ad-
mitted on the other side that no one ought to have
the folly to contend for such assumption, it fol-
lows that such an expectation is erroneous. And
is it right and just to suffer any one to remain
under it? If no one entertains this expectation,
the declaration that it is erroneous is at least harm-
less; and if any one does entertain it it is but just
to apprise them of their error.

They are denounced as unnecessary because
the assumption of the State debts by the General
Government has never been contemplated by any
one. Who that has looked upon the signs of the
times can feel this security? Are not the newspa-
pers of a certain class full of suggestions upon this
subject, and have not the circulars of bankers been
put forth indicating its propriety and even neces-
sity? But the Senator from Kentucky, who ad-
dressed us some days ago, [Mr. CLAY,] demands,
with an appearance of scorn, if we are to pay any
attention to newspaper suggestions or bank cir-
culars. I answer, unhesitatingly, yes. He asks
if our action is to be at all affected by them.
Again I answer, yes. The day has gone by when
the press is nothing, or money kings are to be
despised. The latter great personages plant their
feet upon the necks of those who control empires.
How long has it been since the stamp of a bank-
er's foot, and his declaration that if a certain war
was declared he would not be seen again for many
months upon 'change, had an important bearing
upon the measures of one of the first Powers in
Europe? This happened on the other side of the
Atlantic; but are we without similar experience
on this? Is it for us, yet panting after a struggle
with one of these mammoth powers, to affect to
despise them? Is it for us, who have lately wit-
nessed bulletins and proclamations and letters issu-
ing from the marble palace, agitating the vast po-
litical mass in our country, as the ocean is stirred
up by the breath of the storm, to talk about being
regardless of bankers' circulars? And when we
hear the murmur of the coming tornado, are we
to wait until it strikes us before we prepare our-
selves to meet it in safety? When we see the
opiates preparing for the people, and the chains
being forged which are to bind them in endless sla-
very, is it our duty to wait until the drugs have
been administered and the chains fastened, not
only upon their limbs, but around their hearts; till
they are bound to the earth, manacled and fet-
tered, before we warn them of their danger? No
one contemplates assuming the State debts by the
P General Government! Did not the Senator from
Kentucky, who addressed us the other day, [Mr.
CLAY, pour forth notes of lamentation over the
hapless condition of the States, pressed down with
debt? One might have almost fancied them the
1 plaintive exclamations of the poetic King of Israel
over the untimely fate of his son Absalom. Did
he not speak of the intimate relationship existing
between the States and the General Government.
Were not the States commended to our sympa-
my thy, and spoken of as bone of our bone and flesh
th of our flesh; that if one suffers, all partake of the
or suffering, &c.? And why was all this? From the
Se fullness of the heart the mouth speaketh. Why

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revenues arising therefrom, for the before-mentioned purposes, would be equally unjust, inexpedient, and unconstitutional."

And here the gentlemen on the other side make their stand and fight against the resolution, and insist that it is both constitutional, just, and expedient to distribute the proceeds of the publio lands among the States. On all these points I take issue.

1. I say it is unconstitutional. Why? I assume it as a political axiom, disputed by no one, that this Government has no power to raise money for any other purposes than those set forth in the Constitution which gave that Government existence. I assume further, what I presume no one will question, that distribution among the States is not one of those purposes. Does it not follow, as an inevitable conclusion of right reason, that whatever might be the constitutional power of Congress over a fund on hand, which it was evident could never be absorbed in the proper outlay of the Government, it would be a manifest breach of all constitutional trust to make such a distribution, when the effect would be to create a necessity for raising further sums by taxation to supply the place of those so diverted by distribution?

But I understood the Senator from Kentucky, [Mr. CLAY,] who addressed us the other day, to consider a portion of these lands as a specific trust, to be applied to certain purposes distinctly pointed out in the deeds of cession.

The following is the language used in the cession made by the State of Virginia, on the 1st day of March, 1784, to wit:

"That all the lands within the territory so ceded to the United States, and not reserved or appropriated to any of the before-mentioned purposes, or disposed of in bounties to the officers and soldiers of the American Army, shall be considered as a common fund for the use and benefit of such of the United States as have become, or shall become, members of the Confederation or Federal alliance of said States, Virginia inclusive, according to the usual respective proportions in the general charge and expenditure, and shall be faithfully and bona fide disposed of for that purpose, and for no other use or purpose whatsoever."

The language used in the deeds of other States substantially the same. It is very obvious that distribution is not one of the objects of the trust, or it would have been set forth. The object, after certain reservations, is one, and that is "to be a common fund for the use and benefit of all the States, according to the usual respective proportions in the general charge and expenditure. It

is well known that, at this time, our Federal Constitution had not been adopted, and that each State contributed by taxing and collecting from her own citizens so much to the general charge as Congress declared to be her quota. The object of the trust declared in relation to the public lands, was then manifest-that a proportion equal to what each State contributed to the general charge and expenditure, of the proceeds of the public lands, was to be applied toward her quota of such charge and expenditure, and diminish to that extent her necessity for self-taxation. The words use and benefit" exclude the idea of an actual surrender to the States; but imply an application by a trustee to the particular use declared. And as if to exclude any possibility of mistake, the deed goes on to declare that it shall be faithfully and bona fide, (appropriate words as applicable to a servant or trustee,) disposed of for that purpose, and no other use or purpose whatsoever. Nothing can be more specific and exclusive of every other use and purpose than contribution to the general charge and expenditure.


But the secret that such an impression does exist somewhere, and the true origin of that impres-is sion, are disclosed further by a metaphor resorted to by the opponents of these resolutions to show their impolicy. They speak of this Government being the father, and the States the children. From this figure the principle of consolidation is distinctly seen peeping out, and its fallacy ought to be at once exposed. Does the son beget the father, or the father the son? Is the procreator or the offspring anterior in existence? There can be but one answer to these questions. Now, as the States made the General Government, and not the General Government the State governments, and as the State governments existed for years before the General Government, the General Government cannot be the father of the State governments. But waiving the correctness of the figure for the present, for the sake of argument let it be conceded that the relationship does exist as supposed. Assuming this, the argument on the other side is that it is impolitic and unkind for a father to proclaim the indebtedness of his children, and declare in advance that he will not assume their debts. But in this argument two important facts are overlooked in the case of the particular family spoken of, namely, in the first place that the indebtedness of the children is known to every one before the father speaks, and speak to us of the woes of the States, and the sym- in the next place that the father cannot speak to odpathy due to them, if we were not expected to his children without all the world hearing him. bring relief? Do men spend their breath in detail- The question then arises whether such a father, ring their grievances, and appealing to the pity of knowing that his children were largely indebted, those from whom they expect nothing? A poli- and that designing persons were endeavoring to tician as old and experienced and skillful as the persuade them that it was the duty of the father Senator from Kentucky speaks not without an and the interest of the whole family that he should object; and to me the inference is clear, that, like assume their debts, while he himself firmly beleaven, his words are cast into the mass to create lieved that such a step would be ruinous to all, a ferment in the public mind until it throws out and unjust to many branches of it, he ought not some food for the cravings of the States, or rather to warn his children against listening to pernicious of the British bankers. The objection, then, that counsels-counsels tending to render them indothese resolutions were unnecessary, is as ground-lent and extravagant-and distinctly to apprise less as the one that they are irregular.



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And this is further conclusively proved by the third objection brought against them, to wit, that they are impolitic. How impolitic? Because, forsooth, they will injure the credit of the States.

them that, according to his views of justice, ex-
pediency, and the family relationship, such a
thing was totally inadmissible. So much for the
first three resolutions.

4. Resolved, That to set apart the public lands, or the

Thus matters stood anterior to the adoption of the Federal Constitution. But I understood the Senator from Kentucky [Mr. CLAY] to say that after that, the execution of the trust became impossible, and the trust fund consequently resulted to the original grantors; that the States no longer contributed, by self-taxation, their proportions to the general charge and expenditure, but the levy of taxes was made by the General Government through imposts upon the country at large, and the measure of application and the subjects of application were thereby annihilated. It is true that, in practice, after the adoption of the Federal Constitution the States were no more called on to contribute their proportions of the public charge and expenditure, but this was a mere practical


operation. Potentially, both the objects and
measure of the application of the proceeds of the
public lands were preserved in the Constitution.
In the first article, second section, and third clause
of the Federal Constitution, it is declared:
"Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned
among the several States which may be included within
this Union, according to their respective numbers," &c.
The whole revenue, then, if thought expedient,
might be raised by direct taxation, (and would
probably be the most equitable mode,) and if so
raised, clearly the proceeds of the public funds
ought, according to the terms of cession, to be
applied in aid of the States, in their respective pro-
portions, to lighten the burden of direct taxation
upon each. Then both the object of application
and the measure of proportion would stand out
in bold relief. Reasons of policy and convenience
have induced the States to prefer taxation by im-
posts to direct taxation, but in neither form do they
desire to be taxed beyond the public necessities;
and to no further extent in either form has power
been conferred on Congress to impose taxes, and
in neither form has Congress the right to impose
further taxes while a fund remains on hand appli-
cable to the public expenditures. The public lands,
then, must be used to lighten the burden of taxa-
tion in whatever form taxation is levied. Whether
the fact be strictly so or not, taxation by imposts
is submitted to because it is supposed to approxi-
mate the same proportion in contribution by the
respective States with direct taxation. The trust,
therefore, upon which the public lands were held
stands in its full force and unchanged in its nature
and objects. This is conclusively shown by the
striking facts that although the Federal Consti-
tution went into operation in March, 1789, and
North Carolina made her cession in December of
that year, nine months after, and Georgia made
hers in 1802, about thirteen years after the Fed-
eral Constitution went into operation, both these
States preserved substantially the language used
in the Virginia deed of cession which it is now
contended could then have no operative meaning,
and thereby declared trusts which it was obvious
at the time they were declared could never be
executed. This is altogether too absurd to be
supposed; and it must necessarily follow that it
was well understood that the adoption of the
Federal Constitution produced no change in the
operation of these grants. This is further con-
firmed by the second clause of the third section
of the fourth article of the Constitution, which
declares that-

"The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property belonging to the United States."

Assumption of State Debts-Mr. Strange.

Now, what territory was there belonging to the United States, other than the lands ceded by the States? And there is no evidence that any other territory, which could be called property of the United States, was in contemplation. So far from it, purchases of territory, since made, have been seriously questioned as breaches of the Constitution. It follows, then, that these public lands were deemed the property of the United States by the framers of the Constitution, and not that the trust had resulted for the want of power to execute it. It appears, then, that Congress holds this fund under the same trusts that it does other property of the United States; and the question recurs whether, if Congress cannot constitutionally raise money for distribution among the States, she can do so indirectly, by applying the money which she holds for the purposes of the Government to distribution among the States, and thereby create a necessity for raising other money for those purposes to which the fund distributed ought to have been applied. Every fair mind furnishes a ready answer to this question.

revenue, showing that an abstraction of the pro-
ceeds of the public lands must render an increase
of the tariff inevitable. But is it not equally ap-
parent that if, as he and I both think, we have no
right to lay a tariff for any other purpose than
revenue, a distribution of money in the Treasury,
which would have the effect of rendering a reduc-
tion of the tariff impracticable, would be liable to
the same objections? Both would have the effect
of causing taxation to supply money which had
been distributed. I thus arrive at the conclusion

that a distribution of the proceeds of the public
lands as far transcends the constitutional trust
powers of Congress as the assumption of the State
debts, a measure from the advocacy of which, as
before stated, everybody shrinks.

2. Nor is the injustice of such distribution less
apparent. The truth is, the only thing which
recommends it to the favor of any one is its injus-
tice. What possible inducement could twenty-
six gentlemen have to contribute a sum, to be im-
mediately divided out among them in the same
proportions in which they had contributed? None.
Still less would they be in favor of such a meas-
ure if they were required to pay some one for
collecting and distributing the money. But if the
distribution were to be in some different ratio
from that in which the contribution had been
made, then would it be inevitable that some of
the parties must withdraw more than they con-
tributed, and consequently, others less. This
might commend the arrangement to the favor of
those who were to be gainers by the operation;
and if it were uncertain which of the parties were
to be the gainers, the gambling spirit to which
every man is more or less subject, would proba-
bly commend it to the favor of all. But, yet the
injustice of the scheme is apparent to every one;
and if the distributor were authorized to obtain
imperceptibly from the pockets of the twenty-six
gentlemen sums of money, according to the cost
of what each might eat, drink, and wear, and
then to divide the money per capita, would not the
inequality of the plan shock a very blunt sense
of justice?

3. As to the inexpediency of the distribution objected to by the resolution, what can any man say, after the luminous and forcible portraiture made of its effects a few days ago by the Senator from South Carolina? It is a vast subject, and I will not overtask myself and the patience of the Senate by going into it. I leave it as left by the Senator from South Carolina. I will not attempt to gild a sunbeam.

And here, sir, the subject would seem naturally
to close; but the memory of man runneth not to
the contrary of the practice on this floor of mak-
ing every question of any magnitude to bear upon
the strife of party raging in this land. Be it so;
and if gentlemen will force them upon us, I, for
one, am not for shrinking from such contests. I,
for one, have such confidence in my political prin-
ciples as to be willing to see them sifted and ex-
amined at all times and in all places-ay, and to
believe, too, that they can bear some misrepre-
sentation without endangering greatly their per-

"Truth crushed to earth shall rise again:
The eternal years of God are hers;
But Error, wounded, writhes with pain,
And dies among his worshipers."

So may error ever perish, and, among other
errors, those of Harrisonian Federalism."

The great difficulty of the cause to which I belong, in our party strifes, is the preservation of our own banner. Our adversaries are ever striving to throw matters into confusion, and taking advantage of the tumult to rob us of our banner, and to thrust theirs into our unwilling grasp. Our names are seized upon and appropriated to themselves, and others fixed upon us by which our forefathers never baptized us. Thus occasionally are our own brethren and kindred, men of the same political family, and sharing with us in the common inheritance of sound faith, made for a time to fight against us, and mischief is perpe


arm to the public view the glorious Democratic
banner in its unadorned simplicity, with its plain,
pithy, intelligible mottoes. The theory of gov
ernment, which should be the plainest thing on
earth, has been by artifice converted into a puzzle-
fool, and its simple purposes mystified and de-
feated. The happiness of man, through its tend-
encies to render him virtuous, is its sole office,
if it has any worth the trouble and expense that
it costs. Its systems are various, but they may
be reduced to two classes: that which addresses
the reason of man and withholds from him temp-
tations to be vicious, and that which seeks to
control him by his selfish passions, his hopes,
his fears, his desire of gain. Very few Govern
ments have been based upon the former princi-
ples-the mass have adopted the latter. Perhaps
the earliest and rudest form of government in
which reason was overlooked, was that in which
priestcraft usurped the control of everything, and
a god or gods, supposed to be speaking through
the mouths of men, dictated alike to individuals
and nations. The most rigid exactions were
made of the masses of mankind, and the most
grinding oppressions imposed upon them, that
the favored few might enjoy wealth and ease and
honor and renown. The treasures of the coffer
and of the heart were alike wrung from their pos
sessors, that the dominion of their oppressors
might be absolute and unquestioned. Exactions
were sometimes carried so far as to demand the

fruit of the body to appease imaginary deities for
imaginary sins, and the products of the toil of
millions were surrendered that a few might lux
uriate in exhaustless abundance and uninterrupted
ease. This has been happily styled by the cele
brated John Taylor, whom I so much delight to
admire and quote, the age of Jupiter, he among
the heathen gods who was most imperious and
extensive in his sway. But his tyranny became
so oppressive that mankind could no longer en-
dure it, and bold spirits penetrated his temples,
and discovered and exposed the frauds of his

Next came the age of Mars, and heroes, clad in steel, controlled mankind. He is among the most noble of the heathen gods, and has about him a generosity of character which disdains to trample on the weak and defenseless, and scatters with liberality what he gathers by his power. Still he appealed not to the reason of mankind, but controlled them, through their fears, with the rustling banner and the bristling steel.

After him came Mercury, establishing domin ion by addressing himself, through fraud and artifice, to the cupidity of mankind, or humbling them into submission by reducing them to poverty. Finally, combinations were formed among all these powers, and the science of government became complex and mysterious. It was sup posed that there was no other way of correcting the evils, or rather to render them tolerable, incident to these principles of government, than to resort to checks and balances, and to make the vices and passions of one man restrain the vices and passions of another. When government became a mystery it was supposed that it admitted but of three simple forms, namely, monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy, and that all governments consisted of one or more of these elements, controlled by one another, or a combination of two or three, of the heathen deities before mentioned.

Such was the state of things in the Old World, but our sagacious forefathers saw the error of principles on which those Governments were based, and the battles of our Revolution were fought that the whole heathen Pantheon might be dethroned with its cumbrous and expensive ma chinery, and that Governments might be estab lished in the New World formed upon moral principles; that man might be restored to his native dignity, a self-governing being, disinthralled from the dominion of passions, and yielding to the sway of reason and conscience-a reason and conscience on whose tablets are written, by the finger of God himself, precious and noble truths which can never be erased, but are refreshed by revelation from day to day. They believed that man retains much of the original image of his Maker; that somedo to his country than to hold forth with a strong thing of His purity is enshrined in the breast of

And is it not equally obvious, that while the Government continues in operation, such must be the effect of every distribution, unless we can suppose the improbable (and certainly not now existing) case of the General Government holding funded debt or stocks yielding an annual interest sufficient to defray its current expenses? The en-trated difficult to repair; for it is not every man lightened and able Senator from South Carolina, [Mr. CALHOUN,] in his argument on the expediency of this measure, has put the case of the present state of the Treasury and the prospective

who knows the true prince by "instinct," like
the fat knight of facetious memory.

I do not know a better service that a man can

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Assumption of State Debts-Mr. Strange.

inevitable consequence. A man is fitted by a gradual increase or reduction of his means to bear the maximum or minimum with calmness, while sudden reverses either way bring in their train the loss of content, and with it, happiness. In either case the passion of avarice is stirred to

woman; that mercy, that most interesting of His attributes, beams forth from her eye in rays of tenderness or gently distills in drops of sympathy. That in the bosom of man His sterner attribute of justice has a deep abiding place. Such were the principles upon which our beautiful system of government were based. Corruption was ex-madness. This is the real curse under which we cluded by avoiding accumulations of power; justice secured by establishing a perfect equality of rights among men; and happiness placed within the reach of all, by opening a fair field for virtue, and talent, and industry to reap their harvest; while vice and ignorance and stupidity and in- || dolence were left to that curse to which a righteous Providence has seen fit to expose them.

But the devil came, as he has ever done to each earthly paradise, disguised as an angel of light, or in some unobtrusive form, little calculated to excite the alarm of those whose destruction he meditates. Connate with our Constitution were those who held to the old belief that honest, disinterested reason was an unsafe governor, and that Jupiter, Mars, and Mercury-one, or all threemust be restored; hence an established religion, standing armies, vast navies, exclusive privileges and monopolies, and whole hosts of eleemosynary dependents upon the labor of others, all had their advocates. In all this we perceive what constitute the warring elements of party in our land. But constant association, even in strife, will assimilate men to each other, and one may gather moral contagion from another whom he hates; and thus have these parties been constantly varying in the intensity of their principles, so as even sometimes to render it doubtful which was which. The result has been that Jupiter, and Mars, and Mercury, have all been imperceptibly regaining in part their lost empire, and although disavowed in our constitutions, have exerted substantial control in our public affairs. Of these, as might have been expected from his nature, Mercury has been by far the most successful. He has not only given tone to our Government, but has enthroned himself in the hearts of our people, until, instead of increasing in virtue and disinterestedness and patriotism, an eager haste to be rich has become our distinguishing national characteristic. Hence every individual is pursuing riches as the chief good, and money, money, money,currency, currency, currency, is the continual cry in the country, in the city, in private conversation, and in the debates of this Chamber. To all this the Governments have been contributing by example, and the stimulus of their measures, tariff, internal improvements by the General Government, lending revenues for banking purposes, and other kindred operations.

The Senator from Kentucky [Mr. CRITTENDEN] has represented the friends of the Administration as differing among themselves as to which of these causes have produced these effects. He will pardon me for saying there is no such difference among them; they all concur in believing every one of them the offspring of the same parent, and to have acted harmoniously in the accomplishment of his designs. Some may suppose one of these causes more efficient than the rest; others may have supposed another; but all agree that the whole responsibility is to be shared among them; and in what exact proportions it is not thought very material to inquire.

But what, after all, is the great evil they have produced? Is it any actual diminution of the resources of the country? This, perhaps, they have effected to a great extent; but that is little or nothing compared to the real evils. These are transferring by stratagem and fraud, from A to B, the hard earnings of the latter, not by a regular and slow process, but by the quick and unseen movements of a mountebank; defeating that tendency to equilibrium at which our institutions aim; leaving the one party overwhelmed with amazement and distress at a poverty which has rushed upon him like an armed man; the other panting with that feverish thirst for wealth which sudden success begets-the deepest curse of him who feels it resembling in kind and intensity that of the fabled Tantalus; or wallowing in an ostentatious luxury at war with our republican institutions; provoking impotent envy in some; in others, less wealthy, ruinous efforts to vie in splendor. Individual and aggregate misery is the

are at present laboring. This is the agony through || which we are passing, of which I spoke yesterday. A picture drawn by the hand of an ancient master is not inapplicable to our times. Sallust, in one of his epistles to Cæsar, thus expresses himself:

"In process of time, the ascendency of wealth became complete. Its excellence was universally acknowledged, and power and honors followed in its train. From the same era, the decline of virtue may be dated. Poverty was now held as ignominions. Innocence of heart and simplicity of manners were interpreted into a satire on the times. Thus the youth, taught to look up to riches as the sovereign good, became apt pupils in the school of luxury. Avarice and pride supplied their precepts. Rapacity and profusion went hand in hand. Careless of their own fortunes, and eager to possess those of others, shame and remorse, modesty and moderation, every principle, gave way. All rushed into a profligacy that heeded no restraint, either divine or human."

side, did we not prevent these evils? In turn, I will And why, we are tauntingly asked on the other ask another question. Has not the Democratic party been striving against them-inefficiently, it is true, but still striving-from time immemorial? We read a parable in Scripture of a certain husbandman, who sowed good seed in his field; but while he slept an enemy came and sowed tares among his wheat. Would it not have been an aggravation of the wrong had that enemy taunted him to his face, by asking him why he suffered tares to grow among his wheat? We are the descendants of those (politically, I mean,) who sowed the good seed of Democratic principles in our constitutions, and yonder are the descendants of those who sowed the tares of Federalism among it; and now they ask us why we have not prevented their growth. They point exultingly to this and that bad measure, which they have themselves cajoled or forced us into, and laugh at us for not having avoided them, although, like struggling men, in attempting that which we would, we have been forced to do that which we would not. The State bank deposit system, they know well, we were pressed into by them in our efforts to escape from the more dangerous system of the United States Bank. It was to us a halfway house, as they have endeavored since to make it for themselves, between a United States Bank and a total disconnection of the Government from banking affairs.


us perform our constitutional duty of furnishing the nation standards of weights and measures, and of the value of property, and, freed from all distracting influences from ourselves, the States will be as certain to abide by all these as that flowers succeed the showers of spring. You have no right to say to the States that they shall keep their accounts in dollars and cents; that they shall measure cloth with a yard-stick, or their corn by the bushel, or weigh their bacon by the pound; but it is your duty to furnish them with standards by which value, weights, and measures may be tested. You should perform this duty, and having performed it, ask for no more power in relation to these subjects. You have all that is needful for liberty, and more can only be desired by tyranny. The banking institutions, debts, and internal improvements of the States will soon be brought within wholesome limits if you will only let them alone. A bad currency is a curse to the community in which it exists, and the State Legislature will soon be forced by a community which feels the smart to apply the proper correctives; and States having no resources but those derived from direct taxation to pay debts and carry on works of internal improvements will become very chary in contracting the one and quite prudent in conducting

the other.

The Senator from Kentucky [Mr. CRITTENDEN] tauntingly reminds us that the present Administration, on coming into power, found the nation in a high state of prosperity, but the Senator well knows it was a deceptive prosperity; it was that state of pleasant delirium which some poisons produce. The raging madness had not then disclosed itself; lethargic prostration had not supervened.

The Senator from Kentucky [Mr. CRITTENDEN] presents, in glowing colors, the oft-drawn picture of the prosperity for which we are indebted canals, railroads, villages, and fast-multiplying to the credit system. Our numerous steamboats, States, are all attributed to this credit system. In this argument the Senator, I think, falls into two fallacies; one, in attributing too much to the credit system; and another, in assuming that the friends of the Administration are warring upon it. I will not say that the credit system has no share in the production of these great results, but I do say that they are mainly to be ascribed to the great national advantages which Heaven has vouchsafed our country; to that elastic spring which exists among the inhabitants of all new countries, but chiefly to our glorious free constitutions, founded But they ask us further why we do not correct on moral principles, to which men have flocked in orowds from other lands. To the credit systhese evils, now that we are fully aware of their existence. Mark again the insulting cruelty of tem, I, for one, am no enemy; but I am for leavthis inquiry. They bind a man's hands behind ing it to the States, to be fashioned according to his back, and cast him into the water, and ask their fancy, and I am well satisfied that they will him to swim. Have we not been endeavoring to not much abuse it. I am for withdrawing, at from them continual resistance? Yet the evils adonce and forever, our awkward intermeddling with remedy these evils, and have we not encountered it. With us it is like bladders in the hands of mit of no immediate remedy. The poison of ava-boys; at one time we blow it up to its highest tension, and at another explode it with a great rice has seized on the heart of the nation, and that noise. Let us cease from this foolish and frivis a malady which admits of no radical cure during olous, not to say dangerous employment. And the present generation. Of him in whose bosom in addition to this, let us cease by our vicious exthe serpent avarice has fixed its envenomed tooth, it may with truth be said, as lago said of Othello: amples to perpetuate the false notions prevalent in the country, that show and wealth and pomp are "Not poppy, nor mandragora, the only elements of happiness, and that virtue and talents are worthless, except so far as they contribute to these. Let us, on the contrary, present abiding examples of economy and republican simplicity.

Nor all the drowsy sirups of the world
Can ever med'cine thee to that sweet sleep
Which thou ow'dst yesterday."

Yet, in talking of remedies, they always indicate to us such as consist with their mistaken notions of the disease, and are for administering those which must inevitably aggravate its symptoms. Still there is something we can do, something we have done, and something, I trust in God, we will yet do, if not to heal the disease, at least to prevent its spread. We may stand like Moses between the living and the dead, and prevent its extending to those who are yet healthy. And if we cannot hinder its extending itself through the whole living mass we may prevent its transmission to posterity. This can only be done by successfully resisting the mad schemes of those who are continually administering fresh poison in the form of high tariff, United States Bank, connecting the Government with banks, distributing revenue among the States, assuming State debts, &c. This is all we need do. Let

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These, Mr. President, are my remedies, and I do not think it would be saying much for them merely to declare that they are far preferable to the one to which the Senator from Kentucky [Mr. CRITTENDEN] looks with such ecstatic devotion. I do not think this the proper place for discussing the merits of presidential candidates; but are we to sit here from day to day and hear the President of the United States denounced on the other side of this Chamber as utterly unfit for the station he fills, and other men "applauded to the very echo," as endowed with every quality which can fit a man to govern, and admit by our silence the truth of all that is alleged? As an American statesman-as a lover of my country, feel that it is wrong, and that it is my solemn duty to put in a counter plea.




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Assumption of State Debts-Mr. Strange.

event, he managed so dexterously as to have him-
self rebuked as an officious intermeddler with mat-
ters that did not concern him.

But as the great physician, who is to "purge
the general weal," what may we conjecture will
be his probable practice? Homeopathic, so far
as administering the same drugs which have a
tendency to produce the disease will make him
so, but altogether wanting in the prudence of that
practice so far as the amount of the doses is con-
cerned. As a black-cockade Federalist of the old
stamp, he will, of course, oppose everything ap-
proved by the Democratic party, and will deal
largely in Federal nostrums, and must of course
be very popular with the northern and western
Democracy. As a juvenile member of an aboli-
tion society, he will, in his old age, be particularly
acceptable to southern slaveholders, and more
especially as he has avowed in advance his ap-
probation of the benevolent design of converting
the public domain into negroes, that an American
sun may not shine upon a single slave. As an
advocate of a tariff, which was not to be relaxed
"until grass should grow in the streets of Norfolk
and Charleston," he will doubtless prove a great
favorite with the southern people in general, and
especially the nullifiers. But not to be tedious,
I will urge his political excellencies no further
than merely to add that, as the advocate for sell-
ing free white men, who cannot pay costs, out of

The Gheber looks to the East for his god, but the Senator from Kentucky [Mr. CRITTENDEN] looks to the West, and, as might be expected, his eye encounters a setting and not a rising luminary. Not a giant rising in his strength, and rejoicing to run his course, but a being worn out and exhausted, unfitted for action, and suited only for repose. And what is still more unfortunate, even this setting luminary is surrounded by no halo of glory, but like the moon described by Moore in his song, weeping "behind a cloud, (I will not say "for the maiden's shame," because that might be supposed to have a sinister allusion, but) for shame that while a portion of his countrymen are lauding him to the skies as a sage, a hero, and a statesman, he is compelled to remember the old proverb, "Praise undeserved is censure in disguise.' Reposing on his own estate, (not in a log cabin, as some have pretended, but in a splendid mansion, as I am told,) perfectly unconscious of any merit, his friends insist upon dragging him forth to dissolve, by his presence, the fanciful conceptions of his great qualities which they have conjured up in the public mind. There was a time when some of the leaders of the party who are now seeking to make political capital out of military fame declared that the election of a military chieftain to the presidency of the United States was the greatest curse that could fall upon the nation. Why have they now selected a military chieftain for their political lead-jail as bond-servants, he is likely to be a Magnus er? Is it because they believe what has been said of him, that "he is not general enough to hurt him?" Why, then, present him in the glare of military glory? Is it to dazzle the people, as moths are said to be by the brightness of a candle?

But more in sorrow than in reproach, do I declare his military renown to be like the tinsel glitter of dresses at a theater, got up for show, and for the occasion, which will not bear the light of day, or the scrutiny of examination. Alas! where shall we look for the evidences of the sagacity and heroism of William Henry Harrison? Are they to be sought for in that page of history which records the battle of Tippecanoe? Are they to be found in his surprise and agitation when Joe Davis carried the white banner-not very high, it is true, nor yet as a flag of truce, but by necessity-and fought under it, or rather over it, with desperate valor, snatching in death a victory which had been thrust into the hands of the enemy by the want of skill (to use no harsher term) of his chief? Are they to be found in the story of his consigning to the slaughter the chivalrous Croghan, with his handful of men, while the general himself, within sound of the well-directed and effective fire of Fort Stephenson, stood with some thousands of stout Americans at his back, wringing his hands, and crying out "his blood be upon his own head?"

Are they registered in the page which tells of the battle of the Thames, where he reluctantly pursued a retreating foe, while bolder spirits, among whom you, sir, stand nobly conspicuous, pressed forward, and gathered wounds and laurels, dripping with the same blood? Are they to be found in the tragic story of the river Raisin? Are they found in his resigning his command in May, 1814, amid the very heat of war, upon the acknowledged ground that detraction had breathed upon his name, and he not choosing to court an inquiry into the truth of the imputations? Are they furnished by the deliberate rejection of his name, when his country was bestowing the meed of approbation upon some of her sons who had earned it by deeds of valor? If these are his jewels they are as worthless as the black diamond to the lapidary. Deeds like these shine like dark lightning. They will resound through the earth like silent thunder.

But the military fame of this new messiah, who is "to bring peace upon the earth," is a mere make-weight. It is as a skillful diplomatist, a profound politician, that he is to commend himself to the hearts of the people, and win from them the oaken chaplet on which so many look with a longing eye. As to his diplomacy, I have heard of but one opportunity afforded him for its display, and then I have learned that high authority pronounced him, in advance, utterly unfit for the station to which he was assigned, and that, in the

Apollo-Esculapius, if you please-all over the
country with the "huge paws," as the laboring
men of the nation have been contemptuously
called by that party whose hopes of success rest
upon a false estimate of their worth and good


I have too much confidence in the people of these
United States to fear an elevation to the presi-
dency of such a man as this. They cannot pre-
fer him to the present talented incumbent, who
has wisely studied and eloquently described the
disease preying on the health of the country, and
who will give it none of the dangerous prescrip-
tions it would be doomed to take from the hand

of his rival. Like every wise physician, he has
much confidence in the vis medicatrix naturæ, the
medical power of nature, doubting at the same
time whether diseases are often cured by men
"who pour drugs of which they know little into
stomachs of which they know nothing." He be-
lieves that nature needs but little assistance; and
that, if not disconcerted by officious intermeddling,
her works are commonly performed safely and
efficaciously. Attempts may be made, and doubt-
less will be made, to deceive the people into the
belief that there is no material difference in the
political opinions of the two rivals. The people
will easily detect that fraud, for an unerring in-
dex is furnished in the fact that the ardent and

leading advocates of the one have ever been the
ceaseless opponents and traducers of the other.

It is not the first time I have heard the shout
of triumph from the Federal camp on the eve of
a battle. I thank God I have seldom heard it
after it was over. Did not the Federalists shout
lustily in advance their lungs would suffer for
want of exercise. I scarcely know whether to
attribute this premature boasting on their part

to that blind confidence and enthusiasm so natu-
ral to an assailant, or to political cunning, in
which they are so well versed, calculating there-
by to confirm the timid of their own party, to in-
duce the same class of ours to unite with them,
and to decide in their favor the legions of the wa-
vering. To this latter opinion I rather incline;
but having so often failed in obtaining by it suc-
cess, I would advise them to lay it aside, and
adopt some other expedient.


as a matter of course, no one of opposing politics is there. What is the consequence? There is no fellowship between the ins and the outs. The mass of the people finding themselves excluded, together with the leading men of the Democratic party, cannot fail to perceive that a common destiny has visited both, and they are naturally drawn into association with those who have been excluded like them, and not with those who have been reveling in pleasures in which they have not been invited to participate.

But lest I may be casting pearls-I will not say before swine-lest I may be casting away good counsel upon those by whom it will not be justly valued, I will close my didactic strain.

A few words in conclusion, to the people of my own State. The presidential strife is not the only one going on at present. One is now raging in North Carolina in which my colleague and myAt the last session of self have a deep interest. Congress, we presented on this floor resolutions containing the opinions of the Legislature of that State, of popular sentiment upon certain great leading questions. We then declined assuming for the Legislature a responsibility which, according to our understanding of the Democratic doctrine of instruction, (a doctrine which we received with implicit faith,) properly rested upon it. We took issue with the Legislature, as we had a right to do on its expressed opinion of popular sentiment; and to enable all parties to have the issue tried, and at the same time to put ourselves and our political principles fairly before the people of North Carolina, we avowed our determination to resign our commissions into the hands of the next Legislature, whatever political party might prove to be in the ascendant. That we may not be supposed to have forgotten the pledge, or to repent having made it, I now solas a trust from the people of my State. As their emnly renew it. I hold my seat in this body but wish that I should hold it has been questioned, to them I refer for the solution of the doubt. All I ask is, that they will have the goodness, in their next legislative elections, to keep this question distinctly before them, and cast their votes accordingly; and to their decision, whatever it may be, I will bow with filial submission. It is not likely that I shall often again trouble the Senate until that decision is made; and in conclusion of what may be the last address I shall ever make to it, I ask pardon of the Senate for having so long and so unprofitably occupied its time.

On the day after the remarks of Mr. STRANGE, Mr.TALLMADGE, of New York, addressed the Senate, and, in the course of his speech, was pleased to consider the observations of Mr. STRANGE upon the Federal practice of feasting a sarcastic allusion to the entertainments given to the President during his summer tour through his native State -indulging at the same time in some very coarse remarks upon the President, which were understood by Mr. STRANGE to charge the President with ingratitude to his native State, and of having played the traitor toward it.

Mr. STRANGE in reply said: I should not have again so soon troubled the Senate, Mr. President, had not the Senator from New York [Mr. TALLMADGE] done me the honor to notice some of my remarks made on yesterday, perverting them to a far different sense from that in which He was pleased to supthey were used by me. pose that I had some sarcastic allusion to the entertainments given to the President during his tour, last summer, through the State of New York. These entertainments were altogether different from the Federal feasts to which I alluded. The latter seem to be given for no object but to produce effect, and act upon elections; the former, were the mere rendition of courtesy and the outfellow-citizen, upon his return after a long absence from his native State. They were due to the man, but still more to the Chief Magistrate of the nation; and I deeply regret that the political rancor of the Federalists should have caused these pub lic demonstrations of good feeling to be confined to one political party. Of what ingratitude to his State, on the part of Mr. Van Buren, the Senator speaks, I am at a loss to understand. Does he mean to complain that he has administered the

And now, having undertaken to advise my Federal friends, I would warn them against another practice which, I verily believe, has often contrib-pouring of good feeling toward a distinguished uted to their defeat. I mean their custom of giving great political feasts with the hope of making a strong impression, and convincing men of the justice of their cause by tickling their palates and addling their brains. The practice springs out of their great radical mistake that man is more of an animal than an intellectual being. But upon their own basis they miscalculate. It is never the mass of voters who are invited to these feasts; it is the élite of the party, the favored few, and,

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