Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Soldier not

to be arres

Sec. 16. And be it further enacted, That no ted for debt non-commiffioned officer, or private, fhall be arrested, or fubject to arrest, for any debt under the fum of twenty dollars.

Jefs than

20 dollars.


to make

good their


Sec. 17. And be it further enacted, That if any non-commiffioned officer, musician or private, fhall defert from the fervice of the United States, he fhall, in addition to the penalties mentioned in the rules and articles of term of en- war, be liable to ferve, for and during such a period, as fhall, with the time he may have ferved, previous to his defertion, amount to the full term of his enlistment, and such foldier fhall and may be tried and fentenced by a regimental, or garrifon court-martial, although the term of his enliftment may have elapfed, previous to his being apprehended or tried.

Sentence of gen. courts

martial to

be fent to

the Prefi

dent of U. States.

Sec. 18. And be it further enated, That the fentences of general-courts-martial, in time of peace, extending to the lofs of life, the difmillion of a commiffioned officer; or which fhall, either in time of peace or war, respect a general officer, fhall, with the whole of the proceedings in fuch cafes, refpectively, be laid before the Prefident of the United States; who is hereby authorized to direct the fame to be carried into execution, or otherwise, as he fhall judge proper.

Sec. 19. And be it further enacted, That if Wounded any officer, non-commiffioned officer, private foldiers to or mufician aforefaid, fhall be wounded or on penfion difabled, while in the line of his duty, in pub


lic fervice, he shall be placed on the list of the invalids of the United States, at fuch rate of pay, and under fuch regulations, as fhall be directed by the Prefident of the United States for the time being: Provided always, that the

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rate of compenfation to be allowed for fuch Rate of wounds or disabilities, to a commiffioned offi- compenfa cer, fhall never exceed, for the highest disability, half the monthly pay of fuch officer, at the time of his being fo difabled or wounded; and that the rate of compenfation to non-commiffioned officers, privates and muficians, fhall never exceed five dollars per month: And provided alfo, that all inferior difabilities fhall entitle the perfon fo difabled, to receive an allowance proportionate to the highest difability.

to be go

of war.

Sec. 20. And be it further enacted, That The troops the officers, non-commiffioned officers, pri- aforefaid vates and muficians aforefaid, fhall be govern- verned by ed by the rules and articles of war, which the articles have been established by the United States in Congrefs affembled, [except fo much of the fame as is by this act altered or amended] as far as the fame may be applicable to the conftitution of the United States; or by fuch rules and articles, as may hereafter by law be established.

Sec. 21. And be it further enacted,That every officer, non-commiffioned officer, private To take and musician aforefaid, fhall take and fubfcribe oath. the following oath or affirmation, to wit: “I, A. B. do folemnly fwear, or affirm [as the cafe may be] to bear true allegiance to the United States of America, and to ferve them honestly and faithfully, against their enemies or oppofers whomfoever, and to obferve and obey the orders of the Prefident of the United States, and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to the rules and articles of war."

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Sec, 22. And be it further enacted, That fo

X 2

Acts coming within the purview of this act repealed.

Staff to continue till 4th March.

much of any act or acts, now in force, as comes within the purview of this act, shall be, and the fame is hereby repealed; faving, nevertheless, fuch parts thereof, as relate to the enlistments or term of fervice of any of the troops, which, by this act, are continued on the prefent military establishment of the United States.

Sec. 23. And be it further enacted, That the general staff, as authorized by this act, fhall continue in fervice until the fourth day of next March, and no longer.

the House of Reprefentatives.

SAMUEL LIVERMORE, Prefident of the
Senate pro tempore.

APPROVED, May the thirtieth, 1796:


Prefident of the United States.

Heads of Departments to vary com


An Act to regulate the Compenfation of Clerks.

Sec. I.

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E it enacted by the Senate and House of Reprefentatives of the United States of America, in Congress affembled, That the Secretary of the Treafury, the Secretary penfations of the Department of State, and the Secretary of the Department of War, be authorized to vary for the prefent year the compen

to clerks.

fations heretofore established for clerks in their respective departments, in fuch manner as the services to be performed fhall in their judgment require.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That to Addition the aggregate of compenfations for clerks, in to the apthe year one thousand feven hundred and propriation ninety-four, there fhall, during the prefent year, be farther allowed,

In the Treasury Department, the fum of four thousand dollars, including one thoufand eight hundred dollars to three additional clerks.

In the Department of State, the fum of two hundred dollars.

In the Department of War, the fum of two hundred dollars. And that the Accountant of the War Department may employ a principal clerk at the falary allowed to principal clerks in the other departments.

And to the Director of the Mint, for one clerk to be employed by him, the additional fum of two hundred dollars.

of 1794.


Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That Allowance there be allowed for the prefent year to the to certain Commiffioners of Loans in the ftates of Maf- fioners of fachusetts and New-York, refpectively, not ex- loans. ceeding five clerks, at the rate of five hundred dollars each; to the Commiffioner of Loans in the state of Connecticut, not exceeding two clerks, at the rate of four hundred dollars each; and to the Commiffioners of Loans in the ftates of Pennsylvania, Virginia and South-Carolina, refpectively, not exceeding two clerks, at the rate of five hundred dollars each. The aggregate of the compenfations for the clerks employed by ei

ther of the faid Commiffioners to be appor tioned among them at his difcretion. That there be allowed for the year aforefaid, in lieu of clerk-hire to the Commiffioner of Loans in the state of New-Hampshire, three hundred and fifty dollars; to the Commiffioner of Loans, in the ftate of Rhode-Ifland, four hundred dollars; to the Commiffioner of Loans, in the ftate of New-Jersey, three hundred dollars; and to the Commiffioner of Loans, in the state of Maryland, two hun dred and fifty dollars.

JONATHAN DAYTON, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

SAMUEL LIVERMORE, Prefident of the

Senate pro tempore.

APPROVED, May the thirtieth, 1796:


Prefident of the United States.


An Act making further Provifion for the Expen fes attending the Intercourfe of the United States with foreign Nations; and to continue in Force the Act, intitled, " An Act providing the Means of Intercourfe between the United States and foreign Nations."

Sec. I.

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E it enacted by the Senate and Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States of America, in Congress affembled, That the act, intitled, " An act providing the

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