Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

32. The maximum temperatures in a city for one week were 80, 75, 85, 70, 65, 90, and 70 degrees. Represent these temperatures by a graph, in which 1 in. stands for 20 degrees.

33. Five children attend the school term 180, 160, 170, 120, and 160 days respectively.

Show their attendance by

a graph in which 1 in. stands for 40 days.

34. Four children have put in the school savings bank $40, $48, $30, and $20. Show a comparison of their savings by a graph in which 1 in. stands for $8.



35. The lines below are drawn on a scale of 10 mi. to 1 How many miles does AB represent? CD? EF? GH?


[blocks in formation]

36. The following plan is 1 in. by 27 in. Find from the scale the actual width and length of the room. Find the actual width and length of each pupil's desk (3 in. by } in.) and of the teacher's desk (5 in. by § in.).

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37. Show graphically, on a suitable scale, a comparison of the length, the height, and the width of your schoolroom.

A bill is a statement of the amount owed for goods or services.

Observe that the following bill shows: (1) the place and the date; (2) who bought the goods; (3) who sold them; (4) the name of the goods sold and the price and the amount of each sale.

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To foot a bill means to add the cost of all the separate articles.

A bill is receipted when the person to whom the amount is due writes near the bottom "Paid "Received payment," followed by his name.


Make bills for the following sales, using a schoolmate's name as purchaser, and your grocer's name as seller of the goods:

[blocks in formation]

Make out and receipt bills as suggested on page 352:

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3 skeins yarn @ $.08.

4 papers needles (@ $.05.

5 yd. ribbon @ $.50.

5 bu. apples @ $1.75.
3 baskets peaches @ $1.50.
12 doz. lemons @ $.40.

4 spools thread @ $.05.
6 papers pins @ $.10.

5 cards hooks and eyes @ $.02.

5 lb. beans @ $.15.
3 lb. prunes @ $.15.
4 lb. fish @$. 24.

7 silver forks @ $2.00.

3 sterling spoons @ $1.75.
4 napkin rings @ $3.25.

4 nickel sponge racks @ $2.25.
5 hairbrushes @ $2.00.

6 nickel towel rods @ $.75.

4 doz. pencils @ $.20.

4 doz. penholders @ $.15.
15 pens @ $.05.

5 lb. knitting wool @ $3.20.
1 knitting bag @ $1.50.
4 knitting needles @ $.10.

12 packages flaxseed @ $.05.
3 oz. cologne @ $.35.

5 lb. paint @ $.30.

HAM. ESS. AR. I-23

11. July 15, July 16, July 24,

2 music cabinets @ $15.00.

5 rocking chairs @ $5.00.

3 medicine cabinets @ $3.00.

Suppose your classmates to own different stores, as, meat shops, grocery stores, hardware stores, dry goods stores, etc., and pretend that you are the customer, Make out proper bills for the following purchases, giving day and date of purchase. Receipt the bills.

12. September 10, 1 doz. oranges @ 404; 3 doz. bananas @204. September 14, 4 baskets grapes at 2 for 35¢. September 20, 6 qt. peanuts at 5¢ a pint.

13. October 4, 4 collars @ 124; 1 necktie @ 50¢; 1 pair gloves @ $1.75; 1 cap @ $1.00; 1 shirt @ $1.50; 3 handkerchiefs @ 20¢.

14. September 10, 1 set of 6 chairs @ $13.00; 1 rocker @$8.50. September 14, 1 bedroom suite @ $30.00; 1 mattress @ $6.00; 1 spring @ $4.50.

15. April 1, 2 hoes @ 80; 1 rake @ 60¢; 1 shovel @ $1.50. April 10, to repairing hose $1.90. This bill was paid May 1.

16. February 11, 3 lb. meat @ 38; 1 lb. fish @ 24¢. February 12, 4 lb. beans @ 154; 2 lb. country sausage @224. February 17, 3 lb. veal cutlets @ 30¢. Receipt this bill if paid February 21.

17. February 19, 1 chisel @ 40; 1 handsaw @ $1.10; 5 lb. nails @ 10. February 25, 3 boxes tacks @ 10¢; 1 shovel @ 80¢. Receipt this bill if paid March 1.

18. July 1, 1 fishing tackle @ $1.90; 1 doz. hooks @ 25; 6 fishlines @ $1.50; 1 tent @ $10; 2 skillets @ 40¢. Make out the bill if paid August 1.

19. August 1, 6 yd, of gingham @30; 2 yd. of ribbon @ 20; 1 doz. buttons @30; 2 spools of silk @ 12; 4 yd. of lace @ 64. Make out the bill if paid September 1.

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Mr. Adams posted the following prices in his store window Saturday morning :

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21. Make out a receipted bill for the last five articles.

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