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Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

whose favor the order is drawn, and the auditor shall deduct all such taxes, and draw the order for the residue.

The President announced said committee to consist of Senators Reed, Johnson, Wright, Wolfe, and New.

On motion by Mr. Cobb,

The Senate joint resolution No. 10, entitled a joint resolution in relation to the enlisting and arming of negroes in the army of the United States, was taken up.

Mr. Cóbb demanded the previous question.

The ayes and noes were demanded by Messrs. Brow dolph and Bearss, and being taken, resulted as follows noes 22.

of RanAyes 25,

[blocks in formation]

So the demand for the previous question was not sustained.

Mr. Reed moved to amend the joint resolution as follows:

Strike out all after the first specification of the preamble, and insert the following:

AND WHEREAS, great prejudice exists in the public mind against the negro race, it being regarded as inferior to the Anglo Saxon,

and unfit to associate on terms of equality with the white citizen, and its employment in the military service of the country as degrading to the white soldier; therefore,

Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Indiana, That our Senators in Congress be instructed, and our Representatives requested, to use their influence to shape the provisions of the bill now pending before Congress, for arming the negroes as aforesaid, so as to secure the following ends:

1. That such negro troops, so far as compatible with the good of the service and the efficiency of the army, be employed in separate departments in the military and naval service of the country, and not in immediate contact with white troops.

2. That in officering such negro troops, no rank higher than that of Captain be conferred upon persons of African descent, nor shall any such person, in any instance, be placed in command over white officers or soldiers.

Mr. Wolfe demand the previous question.

The ayes and noes were demanded by Messrs. Claypool and Mellett, and being taken, resulted as follows-ayes 26, noes 20:

[blocks in formation]

So the demand for the previous question was seconded.

The question being on Mr. Reed's amendment, the ayes and noes were taken and resulted as follows-ayes 20, noes 25.

[blocks in formation]

The ayes and noes were demanded by Messrs. Bearss, Brown of Wells, March, Gifford, and Mellett, and being taken, resulted as follows-ayes 19, noes 26.

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The Journal of yesterday was read and approved.

Mr. Graves asked and obtained leave of absence for one week, for Mr. McClurg.

Mr. Mellett asked and obtained leave of absence for Mr. Claypool until Thursday next.

Mr. Hord submitted the following report:


The Committee on Swamp Lands, to whom was referred Senate bill No. 94, entitled "an act for the relief of purchasers of swamp lands, when the sale and conveyance thereof to such purchasers was invalid, and conveyed no good and sufficient title therefor, or where the title to such lands may have failed after the sale thereof, and also declaring when such act shall take effect "would respectfully report that they have had said bill under consideration, and hereby report the same back and recommend that the same lie on the table, and the committee have instructed me to report the following bill in lieu thereof, and recommend its passage:

S. J.-22

Senate bill No. 121. Entitled an act for the relief of purchasers of swamp lands, when the sale and conveyance thereof to such purchasers was invalid, and conveyed no good and sufficient title therefor, or when the title to such lands may have failed after the sale thereof, and also declaring when such act shall take effect; Which was read a first time, and passed to a second reading on to-morrow.

Mr. Blair, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, made the following report:


The Committee on Enrolled Bills would report that House bill No. 28 was presented to the Governor for his approval and signature, on the 13th of February, 1863, at 3 o'clock, P. M.

Mr. Ray submitted the following report, which was concurred in:


The Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred Senate bill No. 84, entitled an act regulating the fees of county recorders, and defining their duties in certain cases, have had the same under consideration, and have instructed me to report the same back with a recommendation that it be amended as follows, and when so amended, that it pass, viz:

Strike out from section one, in the sixteenth line, after the words "sum of" the words "fifteen," and insert "ten." And in the eighteenth line of the same section, after the words "sum of," strike out "two dollars," and insert the words "one dollar." Again strike out the whole of section two, except the last four lines. Again, strike out the word "fifteen," in the sixth line of section three of said bill, and insert the word "ten," in lieu thereof.

Mr. March offered the following amendment:

Strike out that portion of the bill which requires fees for recording wills and partitions of real estate previous to 1859, to be paid out of county treasury.

Mr. Wolfe moved to amend the amendment:

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