Central Law Journal. ESTABLISHED JANUARY, 1874. ST. LOUIS, MO., JULY 5, 1907. No. 1 VOL. 65 THE WORKS OF JOEL PRENTISS BISHOP, LL. D. These books should be in every well regulated law library, as they constitute part of our American Jurisprudence. It is said of the author: "To him the Bench and Bar are more indebted than to any other author living or dead."-Hon. D. E. Pugh, Ohio. BISHOP ON CONTRACTS. (Second Enlarged Edition.) In this new edition copious notes have been added, and the subjects of Illegal Contracts, Contracts in Restraint of Trade and against Public Policy have received special attention. Four thousand selected cases have been added, and the book appears today as the standard American treatise on the subject. ONE LARGE VOLUME, Price $6.00, NET. BISHOP ON NON-CONTRACT LAW. A treatise on the Law of Torts. The same condensations, which were so effectual in Dr. Bishop's work on "Contracts," have enabled him, without neglecting particulars, to give wide scope to the present book. ONE VOLUME, Price $6.00, NET. BISHOP ON MARRIAGE, DIVORCE AND SEPARATION. Considered by many to be Dr. Bishop's masterpiece. It stands today as the only authority on this subject, and is continually cited and quoted from by the Courts. TWO VOLUMES, Price $12.00, NET. BISHOP'S NEW CRIMINAL LAW. By common consent Dr. Bishop's Commentaries are accepted as the most useful textbooks on the Criminal Law for either student or practicing lawyer. TWO LARGE VOLUMES, Price $12.00, Net. BISHOP'S NEW CRIMINAL PROCEDURE. (Criminal Evidence, Pleading and Practice.) These volumes cover the subject in its application to all crimes; it is the part of the Criminal Law most called for in practice. TWO LARGE VOLUMES, Price $12.00, Net. BISHOP'S DIRECTIONS AND FORMS. (Second Edition.) This work is the fruit of Dr. Bishop's many years of experience as an author and his great learning in the criminal law. He has given to the profession not merely the forms which have in particular cases been held sufficient, but those which are beyond question safe. Price $6.00 Net. ONE LARGE VOLUME, BISHOP ON STATUTORY CRIMES. Embracing a lucid discussion of rules governing the interpretation of statutes. This branch of the Criminal Law is most important, and Dr. Bishop treats it with great thorough ness. In all matters of statutory construction his book should be referred to. Price, $6.00 Net. T. H. FLOOD & COMPANY, 201 E. Madison Street, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Lawyers desiring to create a COMMERCIAL LAW PRACTICE, or those wishing to increase that Department can learn how best to do so by exchanging references with BRADFORD ARTHUR BULLOCK, BUSINESS ATTORNEY TO ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, 18th Floor, St. Paul Building, N. B.-Business established 1897. References in all important cities in the United States. Also have legal correspondents in many small towns. Also have connections, correspondents and clients in important cities in Europe. The offerings below have remarkable service for the cost, particularly for those who use Current Law or the American Digest for late cases. Pomeroy's Equity Jurisprudence, 3 vols., 1st Edition, 1883. Pomeroy's Equity Jurisprudence, 3 This edition is by Professor Pomeroy's son, Sedgwick on Damages, 3 vols., last Edi- This is the 8th edition of a legal classic $ 7.00 11.00 12.00 Thompson on Corporations, 7 vols., 1900, 30.00 This work is now out of print and can only be had as booksellers find sets second hand. It is by far the most elaborate treatment of the law of Private Corporations in existence. Judge Thompson's legal works are remarkably virile, and suggestive of the varied phases of his subject as no other legal author is. The National Reporter System Furnishes a current The back volumes of the Reporters contain more than half of the whole body of case-law in all the State Reports. For full details address West Publishing Co., St. Paul, Minn. If the principles of the law do not change, and the great books above named, contain a statement of the principles with notes showing their application down to the date of publication, the owner of Current Law or the American Digest, or of the General Digest will readily find the latest applications of these principles; to accomplish this with the least labor to the user is the purpose of new editions of text books. The owner of oid editions does this for himself, if he has the Digests. Books offered above are in good second-hand condition. Prices are for cash f. o. b. Chicago. Our latest general law book catalogue, and our list of second-hand books mailed on request. GEO. I. JONES, |