Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Review Oral Problems

63. 1. An errand boy earned 5 on Monday, 3¢ on Tuesday, and 7 on Wednesday. How many cents did he earn in the three days?

2. There were 16 quails in a flock. 8 of them flew away. How many quails are left?

3. Jane and Kate had 18 cherries. Kate ate 9. many cherries did Jane eat?


4. A milkman has 6 quarts of milk.

a pint of milk to each customer. tomers can he supply?

He sells

How many cus

5. How many pints in 5 quarts? In 4 quarts? In 7 quarts?

6. At 2

apiece, how much will 8 oranges

cost? 3 oranges? 9 oranges?

7. Charles picked 16 cherries. He gave 7 to George and 5 to his sister. How many cherries had he left?

8. Dan had 18 marbles.

He lost 10 and gave away 3. How many had he left?

9. If one lemon costs 2, how many lemons can you get for 20?

10. A girl had 11. She bought 2 yd. of ribbon at 4 a yard. How much money has she left?

11. A boy has 15 and buys 4 oranges at 2¢ each. How much money has he left?

12. A woman had 25. She paid 6 for a box of crackers and 5 for a bottle of milk. How much change did she receive?

13. What is the cost of 2 rubber balls at 5¢ each, a top at 6, and a whistle at 10¢ ?

14. How many blocks at 2 each can be bought for 18¢?

15. Mary has 25. She buys 2 yd. of ribbon at 8 a yard. How much money has she left?

16. How many tin soldiers at 2 each can be bought for 18¢?

17. How many pints are there in 8 quarts and 1 pint ?

18. A cook uses a pint of molasses in one baking. How many bakings can she make with 9 qt. and 1 pt.?

19. A quart of ice cream is served to 6 people. How many people can be served with 4 pints of ice cream?


Problems and Exercises — Oral

64. 1. What is the largest number that can be written with one figure?

2. How many figures are needed to write any one number between ten and twenty? What does each digit stand for

in 16, 19, 25?

3. Here are two

groups of splints.

How many splints are tied in each bundle?

4. Do you see in the left-hand group 10 splints and 2 splints? How much is 10+2?

5. In the second group, how many bundles of 10 splints each? How many splints are left over? How many splints in the second group?

6. How many bundles and how many extra splints would stand for the number 17? For the number 25? For the number 36?

7. In 36, how many ones does the figure to the right stand for? How many tens does the figure to the left stand for?

8. Tell what each figure stands for in the fol lowing numbers: 31, 13, 23, 32, 44.

9. Count from 30 to 50.

10. Count from 50 to 80.

11. Count from 80 to 100.


65. 1. How many cents in a ten-cent piece (or dime)?

2. How many cents are equal to 1 ten-cent piece and 7 cents? Write the number of cents. 3. How many cents are equal to 2 ten-cent pieces and 5 cents?

4. How many cents are equal to 3 ten-cent pieces and 1 cent?

[merged small][graphic][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][merged small]

rect the purchases and correct the making of change. It is not necessary that the articles purchased be real. Let the children use their imagination and suggest things to be bought.

Drill Exercise

67. What does each figure stand for in the following numbers:

[blocks in formation]
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