Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

27. Four times seven are how many? 28. Four times eight are how many? 29. Four times nine are how many? 30. Four times ten are how many? 31. Five times one are how many? 32. Five times two are how many? 33. Five times three are how many? 34. Five times four are how many? 35. Five times five are how many? 36. Five times six are how many? 37. Five times seven are how many? 38. Five times eight are how many? 39. Five times nine are how many? 40. Five times ten are how many? 41. Six times one are how many? 42. Six times two are how many? 43. Six times three are how many? 44. Six times four are how many? 45. Six times five are how many? 46. Six times six are how many? 47. Six times seven are how many? 48. Six times eight are how many? 49. Six times nine are how many? 50. Six times ten are how many? 51. Seven times one are how many? 52. Seven times two are how many? 53. Seven times three are how many? 54. Seven times four are how many? 55. Seven times five are how many? 56. Seven times six are how many? 57. Seven times seven are how many? 58. Seven times eight are how many? 59. Seven tiunes nine are how many? 60. Seven times ten are how many? 61. Eight times one are how many? 62. Eight times two are how many? 63. Eight times three are how many?

64. Eight times four are how many?
65. Eight times five are how many?
66. Eight times six are how many?
67. Eight times seven are how many?
68 Eight times eight are how many?
69. Eight times nine are how many?
70. Eight times ten are how many?
71. Nine times one are how many?
72. Nine times two are how many?
73. Nine times three are how many?
74. Nine times four are how many?
75. Nine times five are how many?
76. Nine times six are how many?
77. Nine times seven are how many?
78. Nine times eight are how many?
79. Nine times nine are how many?
80. Nine times ten are how many?
81. Ten times one are how many?
82. Ten times two are how many?
83. Ten times three are how many?
84. Ten times four are how many?
85. Ten times five are how many?
86. Ten times six are how many?
87. Ten times seven are how many?
88. Ten times eight are how many?
89. Ten times nine are how many?
90. Ten times ten are how many?

C. J. Two times two are how many times one ? 2. Three times two are how many times one? 3. Four times two are how many times one ? 4. Five times two are how many times one ? 5. Seven times two are how many? 6.. Nine times two are how many? 7. Six times two are how many? 8. Eight times two are how many? 9. Ter times two are how many?

10. Two times three are how many? 11. Three times three are how many? 12. Four times three are how many? 13. Five times three are how many? 14. Six times three are how many? 15. Eight times three are how many? 16. Seven times three are how many? 17. Ten times three are how many? 18. Nine times three are how many? 19. Two times four are how many? 20. Six times four are how many? 21. Four times four are how many? 22. Seven times four are how many? 23. Nine times four are how many? 24. Three times four are how many? 25. Five times four are how many? 26. Ten times four are how many? 27. Eight times four are how many? 28. Two times five are how many? 29. Five times five are how many? 30. Three times five are how many? 31. Six times five are how many? 32. Two times six are how many? 33. Four times five are how many? 34. Seven times five are how many? 35. Three times six are how many? 36. Seven times six are how many? 37. Seven times seven are how many? 38. Four times eight are how many? 39. Six times seven are how many? 40. Eight times nine are how many? 41. Six times eight are how many? 42. Three times seven are how many? 43. Four times nine are how many? 44. Three times eight are how many? 45. Six times six are how many? 46. Six times nine are how many?

47. Nine times five are how many !
48. Four times six are how many ?
49. Two times nine are how many?
50. Seven times nine are how many?
51. Nine times eight are how many?
52. Two times eight are how many ?
53. Three times ten are how many?
54. Eight times seven are how many?
55. Five times six are how many?
56. Five times eight are how many?
57. Two times seven are how many?
58. Two times six are how many?
59. Eight times six are how many?
60. Four times seven are how many?
61. Eight times eight are how many?
62. Ten times five are how many?
63. Seven times ten are how many?
64. Ten times ten are how many?
65. Nine times six are how many?
66. Five times nine are how many?
67. Three times nine are how many?
68. Nine times seven are how many?
69. Five times ten are how many?
70. Seven times eight are how many?
71. Five times seven are how many?
72. Ten times eight are how many ?
73. Ten times seven are how many?
74. Nine times ten are how many?
75. Eight times five are how many?
76. Nine times nine are how many ?
77. Four times ten are how many?
78. Ten times six are how many?
79. Eight times ten are how many?
80. Ten times nine are how many !

D. 1. What cost three yards of cloth at five dol.

lars a yard ?

2 What cost four oranges, at six cents apiece ? 3. What cost seven barrels of cider, at three dollars a barrel ?

4. How much do three barrels of beer come to, at seven dollars a barrel ?

5. What cost four firkins of butter, at eight dollars a firkin ?

6. What do nine pounds of veal come to, at six cents a pound ?

7. What cost six reams of paper, at five dollars per ream ?

8. What cost eight pair of shoes, at three dollars a pair?

9. What is the value of nine yards of cloth, at six dollars a yard ?

10. If a man travel five miles in an hour, how many miles will he travel in nine hours?

11. There is an orchard consisting of ten rows of trees, and nine trees in each row; how many trees are there in the orchard?

12. On a chess board there are eight rows of squares, and eight squares in each row; how many squares are there on the board?

13. In one penny there are four farthings; how many farthings are there in six pence?

14. How many farthings are there in eight pence?

15. How many farthings are there in nine pence ?

16. How many farthings are there in ten pence? 17. In one shilling there are twelve pence; how many farthings are there in a shilling?

18. In one pint, there are four gills; how many gills are there in five pints?

19. In one quart there are two pints; how many pints are there in six quarts?

20. How many pints are there in three quarts?

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