Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

24. Three times one are how many times three? 25. If you can buy a barrel of cider for three dol lars, how much can you buy for four dollars? How much for five dollars?

26. How many thirds make a whole one ?
27. Five are how many times three ?
Ans. Once three, and two thirds of three.
28. Six are how many times three ?

29. If you can buy a barrel of fish for tree do! lars, how much can you buy for seven dollars? How much for eight dollars?

30. What do you understand, by a third, and by two thirds of any thing ?

For the answer, see remark after example 16th. 31. Eight are how many times three ? 32. Nine are how many times three? 33. Ten are how many times three? 34. Eleven are how many times three ? 35. Twelve are how many times aree!

36. If a yard of cloth be worth four dollars, and it be cut into four equal parts, what will one of the parts be worth? that is, what is one fourth of it worth? What are two fourths of it worth? What are three fourths of it worth?

37. If you can buy a barrel of cider for four dollars, how much can you buy for one dollar? How much for two dollars? How much for three dollars? 38. What part of four is one ?

Ans. One is the fourth part of four.
39. What part of four is two?
Ans. Two fourths of four.

40. What part of four is three?

Ans. Three fourths of four.

41. How many fourths make a whole one?

42. If you can buy a bushel of corn for four shil

fore, for the instructer to use the former frequently, though the latter is used for the most part in this treatise.

ings, how much can you buy for five shillings? How much for six shillings? How much for seven shillings?

43. Five are how many times four ?
Ans. Once four and one fourth of four
44. Six are how many times four ?
Ans. Once four, and two fourths of four.
45. Seven are how many times four ?
Ans. Once four, and three fourths of four.
46. Eight are how many times four?

47. If four bushels of corn will buy one yard of cloth, how many yards will nine bushels buy? How many yards will ten bushels buy? How many yards will eleven bushels buy?

48. What do you understand by one fourth, two fourths, or three fourths of any thing? See remark after example 16th. 49. Ten are how many times four ? 50. Eleven are how many times four ? 51. Twelve are how many times four ? 52. Thirteen are how many times four? 53. Fourteen are how many times four ? 54. Fifteen are how many times four ? 55. Sixteen are how many times four ? 56. If a barrel of flour be worth five dollars, and it be divided equally among five men, what will one man's share be worth? that is, what is one fifth of a barrel worth? What are two fifths of it worth! What are three fifths of it worth? What are four fifths of it worth?

57. If five dollars will buy one box of butter, what part of a box will one dollar buy? What part will two dollars buy? What part will three dollars buy? What part will four dollars buy? 58. What part of five is one ?

Ans. One is the fifth part of five.
59. Two is what part of five?

Ans. Two fifths of five.

60. Three is what part of five ? Ans. Three fifths of five.

61. Four is what part of five ?

62. How many fifths make a whole one? 63. If cherries are five cents a quart, how many quarts can you buy for six cents? How How many for seven cents? How many for eight cents? How many for nine cents? How many for eleven cents! How many for thirteen cents ?

64. What do you understand by one fifth, two fifths, &c. of any thing?

See remark after example 16th.
65. Seven are how times five ?
Ans. Once five and two fifths of five.
66. Eight are how many times five ?
67. Nine are how many times five ?
68. Ten are how many times five ?
69. Eleven are how many times five ?
70. Twelve are how many times five ?
71. Thirteen are how many times five ?
72. Fourteen are how many times five?
73. Fifteen are how many times five?

74. If a barrel of beef cost six dollars, and it were divided into six equal parts, what would one of the parts be worth? that is, what is one sixth of it worth? What are two sixths of it worth? What are three sixths of it worth? Four sixths? Five sixths ?

75. If fish is worth six dollars a barrel, what par of a barrel will one dollar buy? What part of a bar rel will two dollars buy? Three dollars? Four dor lars? Five dollars?

76. What part of six is one?

Ans. One is the sixth part of six. 77. What part of six is two ? Ans. Two sixths of six.

78. Three is what part of six ? Ans. Three sixths of six.

79. Four is what part of six?

80. How many sixths make a whole one ?

81. How much rye at six shillings a bushel can you buy for seven shillings? How much for eight shillings? Nine shillings? Ten shillings? Eleven shillings? Twelve shillings? Thirteen shillings ? Fifteen shillings? Seventeen shillings?

82. What do you understand by one sixth, two sixths, &c.

83. Eight are how many times six ?
Ans. One time six and two sixths of six
84. Nine are how many times six?
85. Ten are how many times six ?
86. Eleven are how many times six ?
87. Twelve are how many times six ?
88. Thirteen are how many times six ?
89. Fourteen are how many times six ?
90. Fifteen are how many times six ?

91. If coal is worth seven dollars a chaldron, what is one seventh of a chaldron worth? What are two sevenths of a chaldron worth? Three sevenths ? Four sevenths? Five sevenths? Six sevenths?

92. At the rate of seven dollars a yard, how much broadcloth can you buy for one dollar? How much for two dollars? How much for three dollars? How much for four dollars? How much for five dollars? How much for six dollars? How much for eight dollars? How much for ten dollars? How much for twelve dollars? How much for fifteen dollars?

93. What part of seven is one?
Ans. One is one seventh of seven.
94. What part of seven is two?
Ans. Two sevenths of seven.
95. What part of seven is three?

96. Four is what part of seven ?

97. Five is what part of seven?

98. What do you understand by one seventh, two

sevenths, &c. of any thing?

99. How many sevenths make a whole one ?

100. Nine are how many times seven?
101. Ten are how many times seven ?
102. Eleven are how many times seven ?
103. Twelve are how many times seven?
104. Thirteen are how many times seven ?
105. Fourteen are how many times seven?
106. Fifteen are how many times seven?
107. Sixteen are how many times seven?

108. When wheat is eight shillings a bushel, what is one eighth of a bushel worth? What are two eighths of a bushel worth? What are three eighths of a bushel worth? What are four eighths of a bushel worth? Five eighths? Six eighths? Seven eighths?

109. When wood is eight dollars a cord, what part of a cord can you buy for a dollar? What part of a cord can you buy for two dollars? What part for three dollars? What part for four dollars? What part for five dollars? What part for six dollars ? What part for seven dollars? How much can you buy for rine dollars? How much for ten dollars ? How much for eleven dollars? How much for thirteen dollars? How much for fifteen dollars? How much for nineteen dollars ?

110. What part of eight is one? 111. What part of eight is two?

112. Three is what part of eight? 113. Four is what part of eight ?

114. Five is what part of eight?

115. What do you understand by one eighth, two

eighths, &c. of any number?

116. Seven is what part of eight ?

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