Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

the Rev. Mr. Lee be a committee to examine the Journals of this Convention from the first organization of the church in this diocess, to ascertain and report what resolutions have at various times been passed by this body, and still remain in force; and which of such resolutions, if any, ought to be rescinded and abolished, and which ought to stand as the judgment and declarations of this body; and that they report to the next Convention.

ART. IV. In all matters that shall come before the Convention, the clergy and laity shall deliberate in one body, and the concurrence of a majority shall give validity to any measure; but, when three members require it, there shall be a vote by orders.

ART. V. The election of a bishop of this church shall be made in Convention, in the following manner :- -The order of the clergy shall nominate and appoint, by ballot, some fit and qualified clergyman for that office, and the votes of a majority of that order shall be requisite to constitute a choice; and thereupon such appointment shall be presented to the order of the lay delegates, and be considered by them; and Resolved, That the treasurer pay to the del- if, on a ballot, it shall appear that the person so egates to the General Convention their ex-nominated is approved of by a majority of the penses in attending the same. lay order, he shall be then declared to be duly elected.

The Right Rev. Bishop Moore, the Rev. Mr. Thomas Jackson, and the Rev. Mr. Lee, were appointed a committee to prepare a report of the state of the church in this diocess for the next General Convention.

Resolved, That the Convention do now adjourn, after the singing of the 133d Psalm and prayer, with the benediction by the bishop. WILLIAM MEADE,

Assistant Bishop of the Diocess of Virginia.
HILARY BAKER, Secretary.


ART. VI. The bishop shall be president of the Convention; in which character it shall be his duty to give to the Convention, annually, a general view of the state of the church; to call special Conventions at whatever time and place he shall think necessary, or when required by the standing committee; to preserve order during the time of session; to put the question,

As adopted at the Convention in Lynchburg, in collect the votes, and declare the decision; and

May, 1835.

ART. I. There shall be a Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in this state on the third Wednesday in May every year but the Convention which meets in the year previous to the meeting of the General Convention, may have power to appoint the time and place of meeting for the next annual session; and in the event of the existence of an epidemic disease, or any other good cause, rendering it necessary or expedient to alter the place fixed on for any meeting of the Convention, the bishop may change the place or the time, or both, at his discretion.

he may deliver his sentiments on any subject after it has been discussed, before a vote thereon.

ART. VII. In case of a vacancy in the episcopal office, the Convention, immediately upon their assembling, shall choose, by joint ballot, a president from among the order of priests, who shall remain in office until the next annual Convention, or until the next election of a president. He shall perform all duties and possess all the privileges above specified; but he shall not call special meetings of the Convention, unless applied to for that purpose by a majority of the standing committee; and if, while there is a bishop in this church, he shall not be present at any meeting of the Convention, they shall elect, in the manner aforesaid, a president pro tempore.

ART. II. The Convention shall be composed of the officiating ministers who have been regularly and canonically elected in parishes and churches within this state, and within that part ART. VIII. A secretary shall be appointed by of the territory of Columbia formerly part of this the Convention, who shall continue in office state; professors of the Theological Seminary during good behaviour. His duty shall be to of Virginia; missionaries acting under the au- make minutes of their proceedings, to preserve thority of the bishop and within the diocess; and their journals and records, to attest the public of those whom age or infirmity prevents from acts of the body, and faithfully to deliver into exercising their clerical functions, who shall be the hands of his successor all books and papers, considered members ex-officio. No person un- relative to the concerns of the Convention, der ecclesiastical censure or process shall be which may be in his possession. It shall be his entitled to a seat in the Convention. The Con- duty to notify, through the channel of the public vention shall also be composed of lay members, papers, as he may think proper, the time and consisting of one delegate from each parish, place for the meeting of the succeeding Conchosen by the vestry thereof. Every parish, vention. The secretary shall annex to the jourhaving more than one officiating minister who nals of every succeeding Convention a list of the hath been regularly and canonically elected, clergy, with all alterations therein produced in shall be entitled to send as many lay delegates the preceding year by ordinations, deaths, reas it has ministers, and in every case the dele-movals, suspensions, and degradations. gate or delegates shall be communicants in the church.

ART. III. Twelve members of the clerical, and twelve of the lay order, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business; but a smaller number may adjourn.

ART. IX. A treasurer shall be appointed by the Convention, who shall continue in office during good behaviour, and who shall discharge the duties usually appertaining to that office.

ART. X. Before the adjournment of each annual Convention, a standing committee, consist

ing of six members, three clerical and three of | constitution, for the government of this church the lay order, who shall be communicants of the in ecclesiastical concerns. church in the diocess, shall be chosen by a ballot of the clergy and laity.

ART. XI. Every parish within this diocess shall be entitled to the entire benefit of this constitution, as soon as it shall have signified its ratification thereof, either in writing or by sending a lay delegate to the Convention; and such parish shall thereafter be benefited and bound, equally with the other parishes in this diocess, by every rule and canon which shall be framed, by any Convention acting under this

ART. XII. This constitution shall be unalterable, except in the following manner :-A proposition for any change shall be introduced in writing, and considered in Convention; and, if approved of, the same shall be transmitted to the several vestries of the parishes which shall have ratified this constitution; and, if again approved of in the next ensuing Convention by a majority, the change shall then take place, and the constitution, so altered, shall be valid and obligatory.

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