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Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

from a pupil. If his reply is correct, a new card is shown to the next pupil, and so on. Other teachers write a number of combinations on the blackboard, and point to them at random, requiring prompt answers. When drills remain on the board for any considerable time, some children learn to know the results of a combination by its location on the board, so that frequent changes in the arrangement of the drills are, therefore, advisable. The drills in Arts. 111, 112, and 115 furnish a great deal of work with the occasional change of a single figure.

For the higher classes, each chapter contains appropriate drills, which are subsequently used in oral problems. It happens only too frequently that as children go forward in school they lose much of the readiness in oral and written work they possessed in the lower grades, owing to the neglect of their teachers to continue to require quick, accurate review work in the operations previously taught. These special drills follow the plan of the combinations of the earlier chapters, but gradually grow more difficult. They should first be used as sight exercises, either from the books or from the blackboard.

To secure valuable results from drill exercises, the utmost possible promptness in answers should be insisted upon.

Definitions, Principles, and Rules. -Young children should not memorize rules or definitions. They should learn to add by adding, after being first shown by the teacher how to perform the operation. Those not previously taught by the Grube method should be given no reason for "carrying." In teaching such children to write numbers of two or three figures, there is nothing gained by discussing the local value of the digits. During the earlier years, instruction in the art of arithmetic should be given with the least possible amount of science. While principles may be incidentally brought to the view of the children at times, there should be no cross-examination thereon. It may be shown, for instance, that subtraction is the reverse of addition, and that multiplication is a short method of combining equal

numbers, etc.; but care should be taken in the case of pupils below about the fifth school year not to dwell long on this side of the instruction. By that time, pupils should be able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole numbers; to add and subtract simple mixed numbers, and to use a mixed number as a multiplier or a multiplicand; to solve easy problems, with small numbers, involving the foregoing operations and others containing the more commonly used denominate units. Whether or not they can explain the principles underlying the operations is of next to no importance, if they can do the work with reasonable accuracy and rapidity.

When decimal fractions are taken up, the principles of Arabic notation should be developed; and about the same time, or somewhat later, the principles upon which are founded the operations in the fundamental processes, can be briefly discussed.

Definitions should in all cases be made by the pupils, their mistakes being brought out by the teacher through appropriate questions, criticisms, etc. Systematic work under this head should be deferred until at least the seventh year.

The use of unnecessary rules in the higher grades is to be deprecated. When, for instance, a pupil understands that per cent means hundredths, that seven per cent means seven hundredths, it should not be necessary to tell him that 7 per cent of 143 is obtained by multiplying 143 by .07. It should be a fair assumption that his previous work in the multiplication of common and of decimal fractions has enabled him to see that per cent of 143 is of 143 or 143 × .07, without information other than the meaning of the term “ per cent."

When a pupil is able to calculate that 15% of 120 is 18, he should be allowed to try to work out for himself, without a rule, the solution of this problem: 18 is what per cent of 120? or of this: 18 is 15% of what number? These questions should present no more difficulty in the seventh year than the following examples in the fifth: (a) Find the cost of ton of hay at $12 per ton. (b) When hay is worth $12 per ton, what part of a

ton can be bought for $1.80? (c) If ton of hay costs $1.80, what is the value of a ton?

When, however, it becomes necessary to assist pupils in the solution of problems of this class, it is more profitable to furnish them with a general method by the use of the equation, than with any special plan suited only to the type under immediate discussion.

In the supplement to the Manual will be found the usual definitions, principles, and rules, for the teacher to use in such a way as her experience shows to be best for her pupils. The rules given are based somewhat on the older methods, rather than on those recommended by the author. He would prefer to omit entirely those relating to percentage, interest, and the like as being unnecessary, but that they are called for by many successful teachers, who prefer to continue the use of methods which they have found to produce satisfactory results.

Language. While the use of correct language should be insisted upon in all lessons, children should not be required in arithmetic to give all answers in "complete sentences." Especially in the drills, it is important that the results be expressed in the fewest possible words.


Sparing use of analyses is recommended for beginners. If a pupil solves a problem correctly, the natural inference should be that his method is correct, even if he be unable to state it in words. When a pupil gives the analysis of a problem, he should be permitted to express himself in his own way. Set forms should not be used under any circumstances.

Objective Illustrations. The chief reason for the use of objects. in the study of arithmetic is to enable pupils to work without them. While counters, weights and measures, diagrams, or the like are necessary at the beginning of some topics, it is important to discontinue their use as soon as the scholar is able to proceed without their aid.



Approximate Answers.

An important drill is furnished in the "approximations." (See Arts. 521, 669, 719, etc.) Pupils should be required in much of their written work to estimate the result before beginning to solve a problem with the pencil. Besides preventing an absurd answer, this practice will also have the effect of causing a pupil to see what processes are necessary. In too many instances, work is commenced upon a problem before the conditions are grasped by the youthful scholar; which will be less likely to occur in the case of one who has carefully 'estimated" the answer. The pupil will frequently find, also, that he can obtain the correct result without using his pencil at all.

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Indicating Operations. It is a good practice to require pupils to indicate by signs all of the processes necessary to the solution of a problem, before performing any of the operations. This frequently enables a scholar to shorten his work by cancellation, etc. In the case of problems whose solution requires tedious processes, some teachers do not require their pupils to do more than to indicate the operations. It is to be feared that much of the lack of facility in adding, multiplying, etc., found in the pupils of the higher classes is due to this desire to make work pleasant. Instead of becoming more expert in the fundamental operations, scholars in their eighth year frequently add, subtract, multiply, and divide more slowly and less accurately than in their fourth year of school.

Paper vs. Slates. To the use of slates may be traced very much of the poor work now done in arithmetic. A child that finds the sum of two or more numbers by drawing on his slate the number of strokes represented by each, and then counting the total, will have to adopt some other method if his work is done on material that does not permit the easy obliteration of the tell-tale marks. When the teacher has an opportunity to see the number of attempts made by some of her pupils to obtain the correct quo

tient figures in a long division example, she may realize the importance of such drills as will enable them to arrive more readily at the correct result.

The unnecessary work now done by many pupils will be very much lessened if they find themselves compelled to dispense with the "rubbing out" they have an opportunity to indulge in when slates are employed. The additional expense caused by the introduction of paper will almost inevitably lead to better results in arithmetic. The arrangement of the work will be looked after; pupils will not be required, nor will they be permitted, to waste material in writing out the operations that can be performed mentally; the least common denominator will be determined by inspection; problems will be shortened by the greater use of cancellation, etc., etc. Better writing of figures and neater arrangement of problems will be likely to accompany the use of material that will be kept by the teacher for the inspection of the school authorities. The endless writing of tables and the long, tedious examples now given to keep troublesome pupils from bothering a teacher that wishes to write up her records, will, to some extent, be discontinued when slates are no longer used.

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