Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

9. Nineteen are how many times 3? 7? 4? 5? 8? 6 9 2? 10?

10. Twenty are how many times 6? 2? 8? 3? 9? 4? 10? 5? 7?

11. Twenty-one are how many times 7? 3? 8? 2 4 6 9? 5? 10?

12. Twenty-two are how many times 3? 8? 5? 4 9 6 7? 10? 2?

13. If you had twenty-seven dollars, how much cloth could you buy at 9 dollars a yard? How much at 6 dollars a yard? How much at 4 dollars a yard? How much at 3 dollars a yard? How much at 7 dollars a yard? How much at 8 dollars a yard? How much at 5 dollars a yard? How much at 10 dollars a yard?

14. Twenty-seven are how many times 9? 6? 4 ? 31 7 8 5? 10?

15. Twenty-four are how many times 6? 8? 7? 5 2 10? 3 ? 4? 9 ?

16. Twenty-nine are how many times 3? 7? 5? 9 6 8 4? 10?

17. Twenty-three are how many times 4? 2?7? 81 3 9 6 5 10?

18. Twenty-five are how many times 3? 7? 2! 6 9 4 8 5? 10?

19. Thirty are how many times 10? 2? 3? 7? 9 6 5 4? S?

20. Thirty-three are how many times 6? 8? 7 ? 4 9 5 10 3?

21. Twenty-six are how many times 9? 4? 7! 3! 8 5 6 10?

22. Thirty-five are how many times 5? 6? 3 ? 7? 9 10 4? 8?

23. Thirty-eight are how many times 8? 6? 3? 9 5 4 7? 10?

24. Thirty-four are how many times 7? 3? 9? 10 6? 8? 4! 5!

25. Thirty-six are how many times 8? 9? 4? 5? 3 6 7 10?

26. Forty are how many times 8? 10? 6? 4?3? 9?5? 7?

27. For forty-seven cents, how many pounds of meat can be bought at 6 cents a pound? How many pounds at 8 cents? How many at 9 cents? How many at 3 cents? How many at 5 cents? How many at 4 cents? How many at 7 cents? How many at 10 cents a pound?

28. Forty-seven are how many times 6? 8? 9? 3? 5 4 7? 10?

29. Forty-three are how many times 9? 8? 7? 6 4 3 5? 10?

30. Forty-five are how many times 10? 8? 3 ? 6? 4 7 5 9?

31. Forty-nine are how many times 6? 10? 5? 9 4 8 7?

32. Fifty-three are how many times 8?5? 6? 4? 7? 9 10?

33. Fifty-seven are how many times 9? 7? 10? 6? 5 8 4?

34. Fifty-five are how many times 6? 4? 8? 10?

9? 715?

35. Forty-eight are how many times 7? 5? 9? 4 6 8 10?

36. Fifty-four are how many times 5? 9? 6? 4? 7? 10? S?

37. Forty-four are how many times 4? 6? 9? 7? 5 8 10?

33. Fifty-eight are how many times 7? 6? S? 4? 9? 5? 10?

39. Forty-six are how many times 8? 10? 4? 6? 9? 7? 5?

40. Fifty are how many times 9? 514 1018?

41. Fifty-nine are how many times 4? 8? 7? 6? 10? 9? 5?

42. Sixty-four are how many times 7? 5? 8? 10? 619?

43. Sixty-eight are how many times 6? 8? 9? %? 10?5?

44. Fifty-two are how many times 4? 6? 8? 10? 5179?

$45. Sixty-three are how many times 5? 4? 6? 10? 9? 7? 8!

46. Sixty-two are how many times 4? 10? 9? 7? 8?5?6?

47. Seventy-three are how many times 10? 7? 816159?

48. Seventy-five are how many times 7? 8? 10? 5?6?9?

49. If you had sixty-seven dollars, how many barrels of flour could you buy at 5 dollars a barrel? How many at 7 dollars a barrel? How many at 6 dollars a barrel? How many at 8 dollars a barrel? How many at 10 dollars a barrel? How many at 9 dollars a barrel?

50. Sixty-seven are how many times 5? 7? 6? 8? 10? 9?

51. Seventy-four are how many times 10?7? 8? 6? 5? 9!

52. Sixty are how many times 9? 10 6? 4? 7? 518?

53. Seventy-two are how many times 5? 7? 6? 8? 10? 9?

54. Sixty-five are how many times 5? 10? 8? 6? 719?

55. Sixty-one are how many times 4? 5?7? 6 ? 8? 10? 9?

56. Seventy-nine are how many times 10? 9? 8? 71615?


57. Seventy are how many times 9? 5? 6? 8? Y? 10?

58. Eighty-two are how many times 10? 7? 8? 6? 9?

59. Sixty-six are how many times 9? 5? 6? 7? 10? 8?

60. Eighty are how many times 10? 7? 6? 8? 9?

61. Sixty-nine are how many times 9? 5? 7? 10? 8? 6!

62. Eighty-one are how many times 10? 6? 8? 7? 9?

63. Seventy-six are how many times 9? 5? 10 ? 6? 7? 8!

64. Eighty-three are how many times 10? 6? 7 ? 9? 8?

65. Seventy-one are how many times 9? 5? 7? 6? 8? 10?

66. Eighty-four are how many times 10? 6? 8? 9? 7!

67. Seventy-seven are how many times 9 ? 7? 5 ? 10! 8? 6?

68. Eighty-five are how many times 10? 8? 7? 6? 9?

69. Ninety are how many times 9? 10 6? 7? 8?

70. Eighty-six are how many times 10? 9? 6? 7? 8?

71. Ninety-four are how many times 9? 10? 8? 6?7?

72. Eighty-seven are how many times 10? 9? 7? 61 81

73. Ninety-two are how many times 9? 10? 6? 7! 8?

74. Eighty-eight are how many times 10? 9? 8!

75. Ninety-five are how many times 9 10 6? 8?7?

76. Eighty-nine are how many times 10? 9? 6?. 7? 8!

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77. Ninety-eight are how many times 10? 9? 8? 6? 7!

78. Ninety-four are how many times 9? 10? 6? 8? 7!

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79. One hundred are how many times 6? 10? 8? 9! 7?

80. Ninety-three are how many times 10? 6? 918? 7?

81. Ninety-nine are how many times 7? 10? 8? 6? 9?

82. Ninety-six are how many times 9? 8?7? 6? 10?

83. Ninety-seven are how many times 10? 9? 6? 7? 8?

D. 1. If an orange is worth 3 apples, how many

oranges are fifteen apples worth?

2. In 8 pints how many quarts?

3. In 8 gills how many pints?

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4. If you divide twelve apples equally among three boys, how many would you give them apiece? 5. How many hours would it take you to travel 10 miles, if you travel three miles in an hour?

6. How many pence are there in eight farthings? 7. How many pence are there in twelve farthings?

8. How many pence are there in seventeen farthings?

9. How many gallons are there in ten quarts? 10. How much broadcloth, at 6 dollars a yard, can you buy for seventeen dollars?

11. How many pounds of raisins, at 8 cents a pound, can you buy for twenty-five cents?

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