Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση


12. In twenty-eight shillings, how many dollars ?* 13. In twenty-eight farthings, how many pence 14. How many barrels of flour, at 7 dollars a barrel, can you buy for thirty-four dollars?


15. How many reams of paper, at 5 dollars a ream, can you buy for thirty-seven dollars?! 16. In thirty-four gills, how many pints 17. In twenty-seven quarts, how many gallons?l 18. If an orange is worth six apples, how many oranges can you buy for forty apples?

19. Thirty-six shillings are how many dollars? 20. A man bought thirty apples at the rate of 3 for a cent; how many cents did they come to?

21. A labourer engaged to work 8 months for ninety-six dollars; how much did he receive for a month? how much a week, allowing 4 weeks to the month? how many shillings a day, allowing 6 working days to the week?

22. If wine is worth twenty cents a pint, what is 1 gill worth?

23. If you can buy a bushelt of apples for forty cents, what is the price of a peck??

24. If you buy a bushel of pears for forty-eight cents, what will be the price of half a peck, at the same rate?

25. Four men bought a horse for forty-eight dollars; what did each man pay?

26. Five men bought a horse for seventy-five dollars, and sold him again for forty dollars; what did each man lose by the bargain?

27. A man gave sixty-three cents for a horse to ride nine miles; what was the price of one mile's

ride ?

28. A man hired a horse to ride, and agreed to give 8 cents a mile; he paid fifty-six cents; how many miles did he ride ?

* 1 dollar is 6 shillings,

1 bushel is 4 necks.

29. A man had forty-two dollars, which he paid for wood at 7 dollars a cord; how many cords did he buy?

30. Two boys are forty-eight rods apart, and both running the same way; but the hindermost boy gains upon the other 3 rods in a minute; in how many minutes will he overtake the foremost boy ?

31. There is a vessel containing sixty-three gallons of wine; it has a pipe which discharges 7 gallons in an hour; how many hours will it take to empty the vessel ?

32. There is a vessel containing eighty-seven gallons, and by a cock ten gallons will run into it in an hour; in how many hours will the vessel be


33. If one man can do a piece of work in thirty days, in how many days can 3 men do it? in how many days can 5 men do it?

34. If you wish to put sixty-four pounds of butter into 8 boxes, how many pounds would you put into each box?

35. If you had seventy-two pounds of butter, which you wished to put into boxes containing 8 pounds each, how many boxes would it take ?

36. If a man can perform a journey in thirty-six hours, how many days will it take him to do it when the days are nine hours long?

37. If a man can do a piece of work in forty-eight hours, how many days would it take him to do it, if he works twelve hours in a day?


A. 1. Ar two cents a yard, what will 3 yards and one half of a yard of tape cost?

2. 3 times 2, and one half of 2 are how many? 3. At 3 dollars a yard, what will 4 yards and 1 third of a yard of cloth cost?

4. 4 times 3, and 1 third of 3 are how many? 5. At 3 dollars a barrel, what will 3 barrels and 2 thirds of a barrel of cider cost? !!

6. 3 times 3, and two thirds of 3 are how many? 7. If a man earn 4 dollars in a week, how many dollars will he earn in 3 weeks and 1 fourth of a week?/

8. 3 times 4, and 1 fourth of 4 are how many? 9. If a yard of cloth cost 4 dollars, what will 5 yards and 3 fourths of a yard cost ?

10. 5 times 4, and 3 fourths of 4 are how many? 11. If a man spend five dollars in a week, how many dollars will he spend in 3 weeks and 1 fifth of a week? How much in 5 weeks and 2 fifths of a week?


12. 3 times 5, and 1 fifth of 5 are how many? 13. 5 times 5, and 2 fifths of 5 are how many? 14. 6 times 5, and 3 fifths of 5 are how many??

15. If beer is worth six dollars a barrel, what would 4 barrels and 1 sixth of a barrel cost? How much would 7 barrels and 5 sixths of a barrel cost? Y 16. 4 times 6, and 1 sixth of 6 are how many? 17. 7 times 6, and 5 sixths of 6 are how many 1 18. At 7 dollars a barrel, what will 3 barrels and 1 seventh of a barrel of flour cost? What will 5 barrels and 2 sevenths of a barrel cost?

19. 3 times 7, and 1 seventh of 7 are how many? 20. 5 times 7, and 2 sevenths of 7 are how many?


21. 8 times 5, and 4 fifths of 5 are how many ??? 22. 8 times 6, and 3 sixths of 6 are how many? 23. At 8 dollars a yard what will 4 yards and 1

eighth of a yard of broadcloth cost?

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24. 4 times 8, and 1 eighth of 8 are how many? 25. 2 times 7, and 3 sevenths of 7 are how many? 26. 8 times 7, and 4 sevenths of 7 are how many?) 27. 9 times 7, and 6 sevenths of 7 are how many? 28. 3 times 8, and 5 eighths of S are how many? 29. 9 times 8, and 7 eighths of 8 are how many?

30. If a hundred weight of sugar cost 9 dollars, what will 2 hundred weight and I ninth of a hundred weight cost? What will 5 hundred weight and 2 ninths of a hundred weight cost? 1

31. 2 times 9, and 1 ninth of 9 are how many? 32. 5 times 9, and 2 ninths of are how many? 33. 6 times 9, and 4 ninths of 9 are how many? 34. 2 times 10, and 3 tenths of 10 are how many? 35. 7 times 9, and 7 ninths of 9 are how many? 36. 5 times 10, and 4 tenths of 10 are how many? 37. 8 times 9, and 5 ninths of 9 are how many? 38. 4 times 10, and 7 tenths of 10 are how many? 39. 6 times 10, and 9 tenths of 10 are how many?

B. 1. A man bought 2 oranges at 6 cents apiece, how many cents did they come to? He paid for them with cherries at 4 cents a pint, how many pints did it take ?

2. 2 times 6 are how many times 4?

3. A man bought 3 yards of cloth at 4 dollars a yard, how many dollars did it come to? How much flour at 6 dollars a barrel would it take to pay for it?

4. 3 times 4 are how many times 6? 5. A man bought 4 peaches at 3 cents apiece, how many cents did they come to? he paid for

them with pears at 2 cents apiece, how many pears did it take ?

6. 4 times 3 are how many times 2?

7. Bought 2 hundred weight of sugar, at 9 dollars a hundred weight, and paid for it with wood at 6 dollars a cord; how many cords did it take ? 8. 2 times 9 are how many times 6?

9. Bought 3 barrels of flour at 8 dollars a barrel, and paid for it with cider at 4 dollars a barrel; how many barrels did it take?


10. 3 times 8 are how many times 4 ?
11. 12 times 3 are how many times 5?
12. 6 times 4 are how many times 8?
13. 3 times 10 are how many times 6?5
14. 4 times 9 are how many times 6?.

15. How much flannel worth 4 shillings a yard, must be given for 3 yards of silk worth 5 shillings a yard?


16. 3 times 5 are how many times 4?

17. 2 times 7 are how many times 3?5?4? 18. 4 times 5 are how many times 3? 6? 7? 19. 3 times 7 are how many times 4? 5? 6? 8?

20. Bought 2 kegs and 2 sevenths of a keg of tobacco at 7 dollars a keg, and paid for it with wood at 4 dollars a cord; how many cords did it take? How much butter at 3 dollars a box would it take to pay for it?

21. 2 times 7, and 2 sevenths of 7 are how many times 4?3?5?6?S?

22. Bought 3 bushels and 3 fifths of a bushel of corn at 5 shillings a bushel, and paid for it with wheat at 6 shillings a bushel, how many bushels of wheat did it take?

23. 3 times 5, and 3 fifths of five are how many times 6? 9?4?7?3?8?

24. How much sugar that is 8 dollars a hundred

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