Proposition 13. Theorem. If two proportions have in each ratio an antecedent of one the same as a consequent of the other, the other terms are in proportion, antecedent remaining antecedent, and consequent, consequent. C=mD (IV. 6), and if B =nE, F=nC; therefore F=mnD Corollary. From this we see that the ratio of A to E is the product of the ratios of A to Band of B to E; that is, if Theorem. Equal quantities have the same ratio to the same quantity, and quantities which have the same ratio to the same quantity, are equal to each other. Let A and B be equal magnitudes, and C another. Again, if AB, let A = mC, then (IV. 6) b = mC. Hence CC' A = B. Proposition 15. Theorem. If two proportions have one ratio in each the same, the remaining terms are in proportion. Theorem. If any number of quantities be in proportion, any antecedent is to its consequent, as the sum of all the ante cedents is to the sum of all the consequents. then A: B :: A+C+E, etc. : B+D+F, etc. Let A =mB, then (IV. 6) C=mD and E=mF, etc. Adding these, we have A+C+E, etc. = m(B+D+F), etc., therefore A : B :: A+ C+E+etc. : B+D+F+etc. BOOK V. SIMILAR POLYGONS. MEASUREMENT OF POLYGONS. DEFINITIONS. 1. Similar rectilineal fig ures are those which have their several angles equal, each to each, and the sides about the equal angles proportional. 2. A straight line is cut in extreme and mean ratio when the whole is to the greater segment, as the greater segment is to the less. 3. The altitude of a triangle is the straight line drawn from its vertex perpendicular to the base, or the base produced. As any side of a triangle may be considered the base, a triangle may have three altitudes. The altitude of a parallelogram is the perpen dicular distance between either pair of parallel sides. 4. The homologous sides of similar rectilineal figures are those which are adjacent the equal angles; in triangles they are those which are opposite the equal angles. Thus, if A = D, A B = E, and C= F, AB and DE are homologous sides, as also AC and DF, and BC and EF. The cor D B responding parts of two figures are Proposition 1. Theorem. Rectangles of equal altitude are proportional to their bases. There are two cases: 1. Where the bases are commensurable. 2. Where the bases are incommensurable.* 1. Let AB and CD be two rectangles having equal altitudes, * Quantities are commensurable when they exactly contain the same unit; thus, two lines respectively 7 and 4 feet long are commensurable, but two lines respectively 7 and 4 feet long are incommensurable in feet. Lay off the unit of measure, which we take less than CD, on EB; at least one point of division, as F, will fall between Cand D; draw FG parallel to AE. Then, according to Case 1, But AF: AB:: EF : EВ. AB: AC:: EB : ED; ... (IV. 13), AF : AC :: EF : ED. But EF is less than ED, therefore AF is less than AC, which is impossible. Therefore, no other line but EC can be a fourth proportional to AB, AC, and EB. Corollary 1.-Parallelograms of equal altitude are proportional to their bases. For any parallelogram is equivalent to a rectangle having the same base and altitude (I. 33). Corollary 2.-Triangles of equal altitude are proportional to their bases. For a triangle is half a parallelogram of the same base and altitude (I. 35, Cor.). |