For convenience of reckoning, it is usual in calendars to call the year 365 days for 3 successive years, and every fourth year 366, (for in 4 years the six hours overplus amount to a day) which is called bissextile or leap year. This day is added to February. The common year is divided into twelve months, which are sometimes called calendar months, because they are the months used in calendars. The names of the months, and the number of days in each, are as follows: Names. Number of days. 28, in leap year 29. Winter. Autumn. Summer. Spring. Winter. 31 Miscellaneous Examples. 1. In 2 pounds how many ounces ? 2. In 8 yards how many quarters ? 3. In 3 quarters of a yard how many nails? 4. of a dollar is how many cents? 5. How many farthings is of a penny? 6. How many pence is of a shilling? 7. of a yard is how many quarters and nails? 4 8. In how many shillings? 9. How much is of a shilling? 10. How much is of a bushel of wheat ? 17. How much would of a hogshead of wine cost, at 2 dollars a gallon ? 18. If a man spend 28 dollars in a month, what is that a week? How much a day? 19. If a man spend 16 dollars a week, what is that a day? 20. If a man buy 4 bushels of grain for 5 dollars, hów much is that a bushel? 21. If wine is 2 dollars a gallon, how much is that a pint ? 22. If you give 5 cents a gill for wine, what is that a pint? What is it a quart? What is it a gallon ? 23. If wine is worth 20 cents a pint, what is that a gill? What is it a quart? What is it a gallon? 24. If a yard of cloth is worth 7 dollars, what are 2 yards worth? 25. If a man earn 11 dollars a week, what is that a day? What for 3 days? What for 4 days! 26. If a man earn 23 dollars in a day, what will he earn in a week ? 27. What is 폭 of a hogshead of wine ? 28. I farthing is what part of a penny? 29. 2 farthings is what part of a penny? 30. 3 farthings is what part of a penny? 31. I penny is what part of a shilling? 1 32. 2 pence is what part of a shilling ? 33. 3 pence is what part of a shilling? 34. 5 pence is what part of a shilling? 35, 6 pence is what part of a shilling? 36. 7 pence is what part of a shilling? 37. 8 pence is what part of a shilling? 38. 9 pence is what part of a shilling? 39. 10 pence is what part of a shilling? 40. 11 pence is what part of a shilling? 41. 1 shilling is what part of a pound ? 42. 2 shillings is what part of a pound? 13. 3 shillings is what part of a pound? 14. 4 shillings is what part of a pound ? 45. 5 snillings is what part of a pound? 46. What part of a pound is 6 shillings? 7 shillings? 8 shillings? 9 shillings ? 10 shillings? 11 shillings? 12 shillings? 13 shillings? 14 shillings?. 15 shillings ? 16 shillings? 17 shillings? 18 shillings? 19 shillings ? 47. How many farthings are there in a shilling? 48. One farthing is what part of a shilling ? 49. 2 farthings is what part of a shilling? 3 farthings? 4 farthings? 5 farthings? 6 farthings? 7 farthings? 8 farthings? 9 farthings? 10 farthings? 50. How many pence are there in a pound ? 51. One penny is what part of a pound? 52. What part of a pound is 2 pence? 3 pence ? 4 pence? 5 pence? 6 pence? 7 pence? 8 pence ? 11 pence? 15 pence? 27 pence? 35 pence? 53. How many pence are there in 1 shilling and 6 pence ? 54. In 2 shillings and 4 pence, how many pence? 55. In 4 shillings and 5 pence, how many pence? 56. In 5 shillings and 8 pence, how many pence? 57. In 9 shillings and 11 pence, how many pence? 58. What part of 12 is 2s. 6d.? 59. 3s. 5d. is what part of 12 ? Note. Reduce the whole to pence. 60. 7s. 8d. is what part of 1£ ! 61. What is the price of 2 yards of cloth, at 3s. 4d. a yard ? 62. What will 8 yards of cloth cost, at 2s. Sd. a yard ? 63. What will 4 bushels of wheat cost, at 5s. 9d a bushel ? 64. What must you give for 4 barrels of cider, at 24 dollars a barrel ? 65. If 3 bushels of wheat be divided between 2 men, how much would they have apiece ? 66. If 4 bushels of corn be divided among 5 men, how much would they have apiece ? 67. If 3 bushels of corn be divided among 7 men, how much would they have apiece ? 68. How many nails are there in 1 yard? 69. How many nails are there in 4-yards? 70. How many nails are there in 5 yards and 2 nails? 71. In 7 yards and 3 quarters, how many quarters. 72. In 4 yards, 2 quarters, and 3 nails, how many nails ? 73. 1 nail is what part of a quarter? 74. 3 nails is what part of a quarter ? 75. 1 nail is what part of a yard ? 76. What part of 1 yard is 3 nails? 5 nails ? 7 nails? 10 nails ? 15 nails ? 77. In 8 quarters of a yard how many yards? 78. In 12 quarters of a yard how many yards! 79. In 10 quarters of a yard how many yards? 80. In 15 quarters of a yard how many yards? 81. In 12 nails how many quarters of a yard ? 82. In 16 nails how many quarters of a yard? How many yards ? 83. In 24 nails how many quarters of a yard! How many yards? 84. In 35 quarters of a yard how many yards? 85. In 45 nails how many yards? 86. In 63 nails how many yards? 電 87. At 2 cents a nail what would 4 yards of cloth cost? 88. At 2 dollars for 1 quarter of a yard what would 2 yards cost? 89. 1 oz. is what part of a lb. ? 90. What part of a lb. is 2 oz.? 3 oz. ? 4 oz. ? 5 oz.? 7 oz.? 10 oz.? 15 oz. ? 91. What part of a qr. of 1 cwt. is 1 lb.? 2 lbs. ? 3 lbs.? 4 lbs. ? 7 lbs. ? 9 lbs. ? 14 lbs. ? 18 lbs.? 23 lbs. ? 92. At 3 cents for 1 oz. what would 1 lb. cost? 93. At 3 cents for 2 oz. what would. 1 lb. cost? 94. At 3 cents for 8 oz. what would 1 lb. cost? 95. At 5 cents for 10 oz. what would 1 lb. cost? 96. At 8 shillings for 4 lbs. what would 10 lbs. cost ? 97. If a man consume 1 lb. and 3 oz. of meat in a day, how much would he consume in a week ? 98. If a man spend 23 dollars in a day, how much would he spend in a week ? 99. If a man travel 34 miles in an hour, how far would he travel in 3 hours? how far in 7 hours? how far in 12 hours ? 100. If 2 men start from the same place, and travel in opposite directions; one at the rate of 3 miles in an hour, and the other 44 miles; how far will they be apart at the end of 1 hour? how far at the end of 2 hours? how far at the end of 3 hours ? how far at the end of 7 hours ? 101. Two men start from the same place, and (travel the same way; one at the rate of 44 miles in an hour, the other at the rate of 44 miles in an hour; how far will they be apart at the end of 1 hour ? how far in 2 hours? how far in 5 hours? how far in |