36. If 1 horse can eat I third of a bushel of oats in a day, how many horses will it take to eat 5 bushels and 2 thirds of a bushel in the same time? 37. In 5 and 2 thirds how many thirds? 38. In seven and 1 third how many thirds ? 39. If 1 horse will eat 1 fourth of a ton of hay in I month, how many horses will eat a ton in the same time? How many will eat 2 tons? How many will eat 3 tons? 4 tons? 5 tons? 6 cons ? 40. How many fourths are there in 1? in 2? in 3? in 4? in 5? in 6? 41. How can you tell how many fourths there are in any number ? 42. How many fourths are there in 4 and 1 fourth ! 43. In 5 tons of hay and 3 fourths of a ton how many fourths of a ton? 44. In 5 and 3 fourths how many fourths? 45. In 7 and 1 fourth how many fourths ? 46. In 9 and 3 fourths how many fourths ? 47. If a horse eat 1 fifth of a ton of hay in a month, how many horses will eat a ton in the same time? 2 tons? 3 tons? 4 tons? 5 tons? 48. How many fifths are there in 1? in 2? in 3? in 4? in 5? in 7? in 9? 49. How can you tell how many fifths there are in any number ? 50. In 2 and I fifth how many fifths ? 51. In 3 dollars and 2 fifths of a dollar how many fifths of a dollar? 52. In 3 and 2 fifths how many fifths ? 53. In 5 and 3 fifths how many fifths? 54. In 6 and 4 fifths how many fifths ? 55. How many sixths are there in 1? in 2? in 3? in 4? in 5? in 7? in 8? 56. In 2 and 2 sixths how many sixths? 57. In 3 and 4 sixths how many sixths ? 58. Ir 6 and 5 sixths how many sixths? 59. How many sevenths are there in 1? in 2? in 3? in 4? in 6? in 9? in 10? 60 In 3 and 1 seventh how many sevenths ? 61. In 5 and 3 sevenths how many sevenths ? 62 In 7 and 5 seven.hs how many sevenths ? 63. How many eighths are there in 1? in 3? in 5? in 82 64. In 2 and 3 eighths how many eighths? 65. In 3 and 5 eighths how many eighths? 66. In 5 and 7 eighths how many eighths? 7. How many ninths are there in 1? in 2? in 7? in 5? 68. In 2 and 2 ninths how many ninths? 69. In 4 and 3 ninths how many ninths? 70. In 6 and 4 ninths how many ninths? 71. In 8 and 7 ninths how many ninths? 72. How many tenths in 1? in 2? in 5? in 8? 73. In 3 and 3 tenths how many tenths? 74. In 4 and 7 tenths how many tenths? 75. In 8 and 9 tenths how many tenths? 76. In 7 and 4 tenths how many tenths? 77. In 9 and 8 tenths how many tenths? 78. In 7 and 4 sevenths how many sevenths ? 79. In 9 and 2 thirds how many thirds? 80. In 10 and 3 fourths how many fourths? 81. In 8 and 4 fifths how many fifths? 82. In seven and 5 ninths how many ninths? B. 1. If you give 4 men 1 half of a barrel of flour apiece, how many barrels will it take? 2. In 4 halves how many times 1? 3. If you give 3 boys 1 half of an orange apiece how many oranges will it take? 4. In 3 halves how many times 1? 5. If you give five men 1 half of a dollar apiece, how many ellars will it take? 6 In 5 halves how many times 1? 7. In 6 halves how many times 1? 8. In 7 halves how many times 1? 9. How can you tell how many whole ones there are in any number of halves? 10. A man divided some corn among 6 persons, giving them 1 third of a bushel apiece; how many bushels did it take? 11. In 6 thirds how many times 1? 12. In 5 thirds how many times 1? 13. A man gave eight paupers 1 third of a dol lar a piece, how many dollars did it take ? 14. In 8 thirds how many times 1 ? 15. In 10 thirds how many times 1? 16. How can you tell how many whole ones there are in any number of thirds? 17. If a man spends 1 fourth of a dollar in one day, how many dollars will he spend in 8 days ? How many in 7 days? How many in 11 days ? 18. In 8 fourths how many times 1 ? 19. In 7 fourths how many times 1? 20. In 11 fourths how many times 1 ? 21. In 13 fourths how many times 1 ? 22. In 18 fourths how many times 1 ? 23. How can you tell how many whole ones there are in any number of fourths ? 24. If 1 fifth of a barrel of flour will last a family 1 day, how many barrels will last them 10 days? How many 8 days? 11 days? 17 days ? 25. In 10 fifths how many times 1? 26. In 8 fifths how many times 1 ? 27. In 11 fifths how many times 1? 28. In 17 fifths how many times 1 ? 29. In 18 sixths how many times 1 ? 30. In 23 fifths how many times 1 ? 31. In 21 sevenths how many times 1? 32. In 24 eighths how many times 1? 33. In 36 ninths how many times 1? 34 In 30 tenths how many times I ? 35. In 35 fourths now many times 1? 36. In 37 eighths how many times 1? 37. In 43 fifths how many times 1? 38. In 48 ninths how many times 1 ? 39. In 53 tenths how many times 1? 40. In 57 eighths how many times 1? 41. In 76 tenths how many times 1 ? 42. In 78 ninths how many times 1 ? SECTION IX. A. 1. Ir a breakfast for 1 man cost I third of a dollar; what would a breakfast for two men cost? 2. How much is 2 times 1 third ? 3. If it take you 1 third of an hour to travel 1 mile, how long will it take you to travel 3 miles ? 4. How much is 3 times 1 third ? 5. If 1 man can eat 1 third of a pound of meat at a meal, how much can 5 men eat? 6. How much is 7 times 1 third? 7. If 1 man can eat 2 thirds of a pound of meat for dinner, how many thirds of a pound would 3 men eat? 8. How much is 2 times 2 thirds? 9. A man gave to 4 paupers 2 thirds of a dollar apiece, how many thirds of a dollar did he give them? how many dollars ? 10. 5 times 2 thirds are how many thirds? how many times 1? 11. If you give 3 men 1 fourth of a dollar apiece, how many fourths of a do lar will it take ? 12. 3 times 1 fourth are how many fourths? 13. If you give 3 men 3 fourths of a bushle of corn apiece, how many fourths of a bushel will it take? how many bushels ? 14. 5 times 3 fourths are how many fourths: how many times 1 ? 15. If 1 horse eat 1 fifth of a bushel of oats in day, how much will 4 horses eat in the same time? 16. 3 times 1 fifth are how many fifths ? 17. If 1 man can earn 3 fifths of a dollar in a day how much can he earn in 4 days? 18. 7 times 3 fifths are how many fifths ? how many times 11, 19. If a family consume 2 sevenths of a barrel of Aour in a week, how much would they consume in 5 weeks? 20. 6 times 2 sevenths are how many sevenths? how many times 1? 21. 5 times 3 eighths are how many eighths ? how many times 1? 22. How much is 6 times 3 fifths ? 23. How much is 7 times 5 sixths? 24. How much is 5 times 4 ninths ? 25. How much is 6 times 8 ninths? B. 1. If 1 bushel of wheat cost a dollar and 1 half, what will two bushels cost ? 2. How much is 2 times 1 and 1 half?* * This is to be understood 2 times 1 and 2 times 1 balf, and to be answered thus: 2 times 1 ape 2, and 2 times 1 half are 2 halves or 1 which, added to 2, makes 3 |