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Βιβλία Βιβλία
" A man, being asked how many sheep he had, said that he had them in two pastures ; in one pasture he had eight ; and that 3 fourths of these was -f just 1 third of what he had in the other. How many were there in the other ? 4. "
Colburn's First Lessons: Intellectual Arithmetic, Upon the Inductive Method ... - Σελίδα 76
των Warren Colburn - 1849 - 160 σελίδες
Πλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο

Intellectual Arithmetic: Upon the Inductive Method of Instruction

Warren Colburn - 1829 - 170 σελίδες
...difficult, they may be omitted until ,-emewing the book. •. A. 1. A MAN, being asked the age of his eldest son, answered, that his youngest son was six years...pasture he had eight ; and that 3 fourths of these was -f just 1 third of what he had in the other. How many were there in the other ? 4. 3 fourths of 8 is...

Intellectual Arithmetic: Upon the Inductive Method of Instruction

Warren Colburn - 1828 - 186 σελίδες
...eldest son, answered, that his youngest son was six yean old, and that 2 thirds of the youngest sou's age was just 1 fifth of the eldest son's age. Required...these was just 1 third of what he had in the other. НОЛУ many were there in the other ? / •• . 4. 3 fourths of 8 is 1 third of what number f 5....

An Algebra Upon the Inductive Method of Instruction

John H. Harney - 1840 - 298 σελίδες
...much more, and half as much more, and 2£ dollars, he would have 100. How many dollars had he ? 18. A man being asked how many sheep he had ; said, that he had \ of them in one pasture, i of them in another, and he had 2" sheep beside. How many sheep had he ?...

Annual Meeting: Proceedings, Constitution, List of Active Members, and Addresses

American Institute of Instruction - 1841 - 254 σελίδες
....came forward with book in hand, and at the request of his teacher read the following example : — " A man being asked how many sheep he had, said that...had in the other. How many were there in the other ? " In other words : " 3 fourths of 8 is 1 third of what number ? " The boy paused, looked wise, scratched...

Theory and Practice of Teaching, Or, The Motives and Methods of Good School ...

David Perkins Page - 1847 - 406 σελίδες
...taking the book. Pupils. On the 80th page, 3rd question. Teacher. Read it, Charles. Cha,les. (Reads.) " A man being asked how many sheep he had, said that...them in two pastures ; in one pasture he had eight ; that threefourths of these were just one-third of what he had in the other. How many were there in...

The Popular Educator, Τόμος 6

1855 - 424 σελίδες
...page, 3rd question. Teacher. Read it, Charles. Charla, (¡leads.) " A man being asked how many sheep be had, said that he had them in two pastures ; in one pasture he had eight ; that three-fourths of these were just one- third of what he had in the other. How many were there...

The American Journal of Education, Τόμος 5

Henry Barnard - 1858 - 914 σελίδες
...the book. Pupils. On the 80th page, third question. Trucker. Read it, Challes. Charlen. (Reads.) " Л man, being asked how many sheep he had, said that...them in two pastures ; in one pasture he had eight ; that three-fourths of these were just one-third of what he hüd in the other. How many were there...

Theory and Practice of Teaching, Or The Motives and Methods of Good School ...

David Perkins Page - 1859 - 376 σελίδες
...taking the book. Pupils. On the 80th page, 3rd question. Teacher. Read it, Charles. Charles. (Reads.) " A man being asked how many sheep he had, said that...them in two pastures ; in one pasture he had eight; that threefourths of these were just one-third of what he had in the other. How many were there in...

Intellectual Arithmetic, Upon the Inductive Method of Instruction

Warren Colburn - 1862 - 200 σελίδες
...difficult, they may be omitted until reviewing the book. A. 1. A RUN being asked the age of his eldest son, « answered, that his youngest son was six years...that he had them in two pastures ; in one pasture Ise had eight ; and that 3 fourths of these was just 1 third of what he had in the other. How many...

The Teacher's Assistant: Or Hints and Methods in School Discipline and ...

Charles Northend - 1865 - 364 σελίδες
...Pupils. " On the eightieth page, third question." Teacher. " Read it, Charles." Charles. (Reads.) " A man being asked how many sheep he had, said that...them in two pastures ; in one pasture he had eight; that three fourths of these were just one third of what he had in the other. How many were there in...

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