Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

examination without a complete knowledge of all the branches touched upon in this work. But when you can give positively correct answers to all the questions in the COMPLEte Examiner, you need not hesitate to present yourself for examination before any Board of Examiners.




The following questions on Orthography are taken from Worcester's Unabridged Dictionary, as the most complete source of knowledge on the subject. Yet a good knowledge of it may be obtained from several Spellers and Grammars.

NOTE.-Make the sounds which the characters represent in the following questions wherever it is more convenient than to write out the description.

1. Define Orthography. (See Worcester's Un. Dic.)

2. What is a Letter?

3. What is an Elementary Sound? Syllable?

4. What is a Word? Sentence? Paragraph? Chapter?


1. How many Elementary Sounds in our Language?

2. How many Letters have we to represent the sounds? 3. Into how many Classes are these elementary sounds divided? 4. What is a Vocal, Sub-vocal, and Aspirate?

5. How many Vowels have we?

6. How many Semi-vowels? How many Aspirates?

7. How many Sounds do the vowels represent?

8. How many Sounds do the semi-vowels represent ?

9. What is a Diphthong?

10. What is a Triphthong?

11. What sound has the letter a in fate, and ai in pain? 12. What sound has a in fat, man? Far, calm?

13. What sound has a in fare, pair?

14. What sound has a in fast, grass? Fall, walk? 15. What sound has a in liar? Palace, cabbage?

16. What sound has e in mete, seal? Met, sell?

17. What sound has e in there, heir? Her, fern? 18. What sound has e in brier, college?

19. How does e in college differ from a in cabbage?

20. What is the sound of i in pine, mild? Miss, pin?

21. What is the sound of i in police, marine? Sir, virtue? 22. What is the sound of i in elixir, ability?

23. What sound has o in sore, ton?

Odd, dove? 24. What sound has o in prove, soon, nor, form? 25. What sound has o in come, wrong, actor, purpose?

26. What sound has u in pure, tube? Hut, hurry?

27. What is the sound of u in bull, push? Fur, hut? 28. What sound has u in true, rude? Sulphur, deputy?

29. What is the sound of y in type, symbol? Myrrh, truly, envy?

30. When are w and y consonants? When vowels?

31. Give a set of words that contain the different elementary sounds in the language.

32. In the following words, which letters are Vowels, which Semi-vowels, and which Aspirates:-And, great, made, fame, sad, mate, life, six, vice, zebra, sup, bid, bag, pare, when, this, shall, ocean, link?

33. In the above examples which vowels are long? Which short?

34. In the word union are the i and u vowels or consonants? 35. In the word one is o a vowel or consonant?

36. In the word righteous is the e a vowel or consonant?

37. How many letters have we then that are always consonants? 38. What is a Digraph?

39. What is an Improper Triphthong?

40. In the words boil and boat which has a Digraph? Which a Diphthong?

41. In the words beauty and buoy, which has the Proper Triphthong? Which the Improper Triphthong?

42. What sound has ew in mew? oi in boil?


1. What is a Consonant?

2. How many sounds has c?

3. How many sounds has ch?

Give examples.

Give examples.

4. What is the sound of g in get, give, giant?

5. How many sounds has S, x?

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6. What sound has th in this, then, think, pith?

7. How is tion pronounced in notion, and sion in pension? 8. How is sion pronounced in vision, and cean and cian in ocean and logician?

9. Give examples and tell the different sounds of cial, sial, and tial.

10. What is the sound of ceous, cious, and tious? Give examples.

11. What is the sound of geous and gious? Give examples. 12. What sound has qu in queen?

13. In the word when, which letter is sounded first, w or h? 14. What is the sound of ph in phantom?

15. How many sounds have the following Diphthongs :—ea, eu, ew, ia, ie, io, oi, ou, ow, oy, ua, ue, ui, uo?

16. Give examples and tell what sound each of the following Diphthongs has :-ae, ai, ao, au, aw, ay; ea, ee, ei, eo, ey; ie, oa, oe, oo, ow.

17. In the last two questions what Diphthongs are Proper, and what Improper?

18. Into how many classes are the Consonants divided?

19. What is a Mute? Which of the consonants are Mutes?

20. Name the Semi-vowels.

21. What is a Liquid? Why? Name the Liquids.

22. Which of the consonants are Dentals? Why so called? 23. Which letters of the Alphabet are Palatals?

24. Which are Labials? Which are Nasals?

25. Which letters are called Gutturals? Why?

26. What sound has b preceded by m in the same syllable?

27. What sound has when it comes after the accent and is

followed by ea, ia, io, or cous? Give examples. 28. What sound has d in healed and mixed?

29. What sound has p in up? In all other cases?

30. What sound has g followed by r at the beginning of a word?

31. How many g sounds in the word longer (the comparative of long,) and longer (one who longs)?

32. What sound has gh at the beginning of words?

33. What sound usually at the end of words? Give examples. 34. What sound have they in the words plough, nigh, laugh? 35. The combination of letters ough is said to have seven sounds; what are they? Give examples.

36. What sound has ght terminating a word? 37. What sound has h in her, heir, honor?

38. What sound has k? When is it silent?

39. How many sounds has l? Is it ever silent? 40. Is m ever silent? Give examples.

Give examples.

Give examples.

41. What sound has n in man, no, angle, thanks? 42. Give examples when n is silent. 43. What sound has p in pit, psalm? 44. How many sounds has ph? 45. How many sounds has q? 46. How many sounds has r? does it have on the short sound of 47. How many sounds has s? Give examples. 48. What sound has s at the beginning of a word? 49. What sound has s usually at the end of a word?

Is it ever silent? What effect the vowels? Give examples,

50. When has s the sound of sh? When zh?

51. How many sounds has t? What sound in notion, militia? 52. What is the sound of th in truth, truths, bath, baths?

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54. When is w a consonant? Is it ever silent? Give exam


55. How many sounds has x? What sound in exalt?

56. What sound has x in luxury, fluxion?

57. How many sounds has y? 58. How many sounds has z?

Is it ever silent?
Is it ever silent?
Is it ever silent?

59. How many sounds has j?
60. What sound has z in glazier, azure?
61. What sound has u in nature, educate?

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