Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

35. As authorities for the above rules for accent,-see Worcester's and Webster's Dictionaries, on "Accent."

36. What marks are used to show on what syllables the Primary and Secondary accents fall? (Page 29.)

37. Tell on what syllables the primary and secondary accents fall, in the following:-The impenetrability and indestructability are two essential properties of matter." (Page 29.)

38. What is the rule for accent on nouns, adjectives, and verbs? (Page 30.)

39. Mark the accented syllables in the following words and give the parts of speech:

"Why does your absent friend absent himself?" "Did he abstract an abstract?"

Note the mark of accent, and accent the right syllable.

Buy some cement and cement the glass. Desert us not in the desert. If they rebel and overthrow the government even the rebels themselves can not justify the overthrow. In August, the august writer entered into a compact to prepare a compact discourse. (Page 30.)

40. What is the rule for contrast?

(Page 30.)

41. Note the accent in the following sentences:—

"He must increase, but I must decrease. This corruption must put on incorruption; and this mortal must put on immortality." (Page 30.)


42. What is Expression? ANS.-It is the soul of elocution. 43. What does it embrace?

44. What is Emphasis? Inflection? Slur? (Page 31.) 45. What is Modulation? Monotone? Personation? Pauses? 46. Give four rules for the use of Emphasis. (Page 32.)

Give examples to illustrate each rule. 47. What rules apply for the use of Slur?

Give any examples. (Page 36.)

(Page 32.)

(Page 35.)

48. How many Inflections are there? Name them. (Page 39.)

49. How are these inflections indicated in the books? (Page

50. What is the rising inflection, and the falling? (Page 39.) 51. What is the Circumflex? Give examples for each. (Page 39.)

52. What is meant by the slide of the voice? (Page 40.)

53. How many parts does the slide consist of, and how many things are necessary to the perfect formation of the slide? (Page 40.)

54. Give the rule for the rising inflection, and falling inflection, and an example for each. (Page 41.)

55. Is there any exception to the above rules? Give it. (Page 41.)

56. Give the rule for the inflections in questions and clauses connected by the disjunctive, or. (Page 42.)

57. Give the rule for inflections, when words or clauses are contrasted. Illustrate by examples. (Page 43.)

58. What inflection does the language of concession, politeness, admiration, entreaty, and tender emotions, usually require? ANS.-The zising. (Page 44.)

59. What inflection has the language of command, rebuke, contempt, exclamation, and terror?


60. What inflection has a succession of particulars?

61. What inflection does emphatic repetition and the pointed enumeration of particulars require?

ANS.-Falling. (Page 46.)

62. How is the language of irony, sarcasm, derision, condition, and contrast, marked?

ANS. By the circumflex. Give examples. (Page 46.)

63. What is Modulation? What does it embrace? (Page 47.) 64. Define Pitch. (Page 47.) How many general distinctions of Pitch?

ANS.-High, Low, and Moderate.

65. Define High Pitch. Low Pitch. (Pages 47 and 48.) 66. Illustrate Moderate Pitch, and Low Pitch, by examples. (Page 49.)

67. Define Force. How many degrees of force? (Page 50.) 68. Define Loud Force, Moderate Force, and Gentle Force. (Pages 51 and 52.)

69. Define Quality. How many kinds of tone are used in reading and speaking? (Page 52.)

70. What is Pure Tone? Illustrate by an example. (Page 52.)

71. Define Orotund, and illustrate by an example.

72. Define Aspirated Tone, and give an example. 73. Define Guttural by an example. (Page 54.) 74. Define the Tremulous or Tremor.

75. Define Rate. How many degrees? (Page 56.)

(Page 53.)

(Page 54.)

76. Define Quick Rate, Moderate Rate, and Slow Rate, and give examples to illustrate.

77. Define Monotone. Give examples. (Page 59.)

78. Define Personation. (Page 60.)

79. What are Pauses in elocution? (Page 61.)

80. What are the general rules for the use of Pauses? Also the rule for Suspensive Quantity. (Pages 61, 62 and 64.)

81. Read the following sentence, so that it will make a temperance speech, and an anti-temperance speech:—

"The person who is in the daily use of intoxicating liquors, if he does not become a drunkard, will be in danger of losing his health and character."



The following references in the questions on Geography are to CAMP'S HIGHER GEOGRAPHY,- -a work of rare merit "arranged to accompany Mitchell's Series of Outline Maps," but can be used independently, as the book is complete in itself. (P. stands for page.) (C. for column.)

Definitions of Mathematical terms used in Geography.

1. What is a Sphere? What is the Diameter of a sphere? P. 7, C. 1.

2. What is the Circumference of a sphere? What is the Axis of a sphere? P. 7, C. 1.

3. What are the Poles? What is a Circle? P. 7, C. 1. 4. What are the great circles of a sphere? P. 7, C. 2.

5. How are arcs measured? P. 7, C. 2.

What is an Arc?

Geographical Definitions.

1. What is the Earth? ANS.-A Planet.

2. What is a planet?


ANS.-A body revolving around the sun.

3. What are some of the planets?

ANS.-Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and a large number of others, called asteroids.

4. What is Geography, and what is the origin of the word?

P. 8.

5. What is the form of the Earth? The proofs ?

6. Of what does the surface of the earth consist? P. 8.


1. What portion of the earth is land? What portion water? P. 8.

2. What are the principal divisions of land? P. 8.

3. What is a Continent? Island? Peninsular? P. 8.

4. What is an Isthmus? Cape? Promontory? Mountain? P. 8.

5. What is a Volcano? Hill? Plain? Valley? Plain? Valley? Desert? Oasis? P. 8.

6. What is a Shore or Coast? Plateau? P. 8.


1. How is the water divided? P. 9.

2. What is an Ocean? How many Oceans are there? P. 9. 3. What is a Sea? Archipelago? Gulf or Bay? Strait? Channel? Sound? Lake? River? Creek? P. 9.

4. Which is the right bank of a River? Which the left? P. 9, C. 2.

5. How are rivers formed? What is the source of a river? P. 10.

6. What is the mouth of a river? What is the bed of a river? P. 10.


1. Define a map. What does a map represent? P. 10. 2. In what direction is the top of the map supposed to be? P. 10.

3. What direction is the bottom of the map? The right hand? The left hand? What are these directions called? P. 10.


1. Define Hemisphere? How many hemispheres are there? P. 10.

2. Which is the Eastern Hemisphere, and what does it represent? P. 11.

3. What is the Western, and what does it represent? P. 11. 4. Which Hemisphere contains most land? P. 11. 5. Which most water? P. 11.

6. For what is the Eastern Continent distinguished? P. 11. 7. For what is the Western Continent noted?

P. 11.

SIZE AND MOTIONS OF THE EARTH, EQUATOR AND CIRCLES. 1. What is the size of the Earth? What is the axis of the Earth? P. 11.


2. What motions has the Earth? P. 11.

3. What is the Equator? How does it divide the Earth? P.

4. What are the Tropics, and why are they 23° from the Equator? P. 11.

5. What are the Polar Circles? Why are they 23° from the Poles? P. 11.


1. What is Longitude? How is it represented on the map? P. 12.

2. What are these lines called? What do the figures attached to them show? P. 12.

3. Where do we begin to reckon the degrees of latitude? P. 12.

4. How many degrees between the Equator and each Pole?

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