Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

5. What is said of places either North or South of the Equator? P. 12.

6. What of places on the Equator? P. 12.

7. What is the length of each degree of latitude? P. 12. 8. How then may we learn the distance of a place from the Equator? P. 12.


1. What is Longitude? What are Meridians? P. 12,

2. From what meridian do we usually reckon Longitude? P. 12.


3. What is the custom of different nations in this respect? P.

4. Where are the degrees of longitude usually marked on the map? P. 12.

5. How many degrees of longitude are there? P. 12. 6. How many degrees then around the Earth? P. 12.

7. What longitude have places on the first Meridian? P. 12. 8. How can you tell whether the longitude of a place be East or West? P. 12.

9. What is the length of a degree of longitude? P. 12. 10. Give the table of longitude, showing the number of miles in a degree of longitude on a parallel of latitude, for every five degrees, from the Equator to the Poles,-sixty geographical miles being taken equal to sixty-nine and a quarter statute miles? P.



1. What are zones, and what does the word mean? How many zones are there? P. 13.

2. What is the North Frigid? What the South Frigid? P. 13.

3. What is the climate of the zones? What the productions? P. 13.

4. What animals are found? What can you say of the inhabitants? P. 13.

5. What does the North Temperate Zone embrace? South Temperate? P. 13.

6. What is the climate of the Temperate Zones?

7. What minerals are found? P. 13.

8. For what is the North Temperate Zone more particularly distinguished?

9. Where is the Torrid Zone situated? What is its climate? P. 13.

10. What are the productions of this zone? What animals? P. 13.

11. Describe its inhabitants? To what is the Torrid Zone subject? P. 13.


1. Give the seas, gulfs and bays on the map of the Western Hemisphere.

P. 19.

P. 19.

2. Mention all the straits and islands on the same map. 3. Give also the Peninsulars and Capes. P. 19. 4. Give the Mountain ranges and their direction. 5. What five large lakes in North America are connected, and discharge their waters into the Gulf of St. Lawrence? P. 19. 6. What are the principal rivers of North America? P. 19. 7. Name the principal rivers of South America? P. 19.


8. Name the Seas, Bays and Gulfs on the map of the Eastern Hemisphere. P. 19.

9. Give the names and direction of the principal channels and straits. P. 20.

10. Locate the principal Islands, Capes and Peninsulars. P. 20.

11. What Mountains, Lakes and Rivers? P. 20.


1. How are mankind divided? P. 21.

2. How is the European Race distinguished? P. 21.

3. What Nations are included in the European Race? P. 21. 4. How is the Asiatic race distinguished? P. 21

5. What nations does it include? P. 21.

6. How is the American Indian race distinguished? P. 21.

7. What nations does it include? P. 21.

8. How is the Malay race distinguished? P. 21. 9. What nations are included in this race? P. 21. 10. How is the African race distinguished? P. 21. 11. What nations does it include? P. 21.


1. On what does the social condition of men depend? P. 21. 2. What do the different degrees of advancement among men in these particulars form? How many of these are there? P. 21. 3. What can you say of savage nations?

P. 22.

4. What is the condition of half-civilized nations? 5. What nations are civilized? Give examples.

P. 22.

P. 22.

6. For what are enlightened nations noted? P. 22.

7. What nations are enlightened? How distinguished? P. 22.


1. What are the different forms of government? P. 22,

2. What is a Monarchy? How many kinds? P. 22. 3. What is an absolute monarchy? Limited monarchy? P. 22. 4. What is an Aristocracy? Democracy? P. 22.


1. What are the Political divisions of the Earth? P. 22. 2. What is an Empire? Republic? Kingdom? P. 22. 3. What is the Chief Officer of a Republic called? P. 22. 4. How is he elected?

5. How are Empires, Kingdoms, and Republics subdivided? P. 22.

6. How are States subdivided?


1. What are the principal systems of Religion? P. 22.

2. What Nations are called Christians? P. 23.

3. How are christians subdivided? P. 23.

4. Who are Mohammedans? Jews? Pagans? P. 23.


1. How many souls do the Caucasian race number? P. 23. 2. How many do the Asiatic or Mongolian? P. 23.

3. How many do the African or Negro? P. 23.

4. How many do the Malay? P. 23.

5. How many do the American or Indian? P. 23.


1. How many do the Jews number? P. 23.

2. How many do the Christians number? P. 23.

3. How many do the Pagans and Mohammedans number? P. 23.


1. What part of the globe does North America comprise? P. 27.

2. What is its length? Breadth? P. 27.

3. What Ocean bounds North America on the north? P. 27, On the East? West? What isthmus connects it with

South America? See map North America.

4. Bound the different divisions of North America.

5. Draw a map of North America.

6. What sea between North and South America? P. 27.

7. Name the principal seas, Gulfs, and Bays of N. A. P. 27. 8. What strait between Asia and N. A.? North of Brit. A.? P. 28.

P. 28.

9. What strait between B. A. and Greenland? 10. Name the principal straits and sound, and locate them. P. 28.

11. Locate the principal islands, and name them. P. 28. 12. Name and locate the principal capes and peninsulas. P. 28. 13. Name and give the directions of the Mountain chains. P. 28.

14. Name and locate the lakes. Rivers.

15. How would you go by boat and car from Chicago to San Francisco?

16. How would you go by steamer from Chicago to Liverpool?

17. How does North America rank in size among the other divisions? P. 31.


18. What division is most mountainous? P. 31.

19. What division is most level? P. 31.

20. Who inhabit Russian America? What is its capital? P.

21. Are there any Volcanoes in it? Name them. P. 31.


1. Bound British America. See map No. 2.

2. In what part is Hudson's Bay Territory? Labrador? 3. Bound Upper Canada. Lower Canada.

4. Bound New Brunswick.

P. 34.

P. 34.

[blocks in formation]

5. Name the Oceans, Seas and Bays. P. 34.

6. Name the Straits and Channels, Islands, Capes and Lakes.

P. 34.


7. What rivers flow into James Bay? P. 34.

8. What river is the boundary between New Brunswick?

9. What river connects Lake Erie and Ontario?

10. Name the chief rivers and give their directions. 11. Draw a map of the British Provinces.


1. What country bound the U. S. on the North? 2. What ocean on the East?



What Gulf and country on the

3. What ocean on the West? What is the latitude of the U. S.?

4. What is the longitude? How many states are there?

5. How many territories are there? Name the States and Territories.

6. What states border on the Atlantic? On the Gulf of Mexico?

7. On the Pacific? On the Great Lakes? What States lie west of the Mississippi? What States are separated by the Connecticut?

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