Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Of dreaded justice, but on the ministers
That do distribute it; In the name o' the people,

And in the power of us the tribunes, we,
Even from this instant, banish him our city;

In peril of precipitation

From off the rock Tarpeian, never more

To enter our Rome gates: I' the people's name,

I say, it shall be so.

[blocks in formation]

It shall be so; let him away: he 's banish'd,

And so it shall be."

Com. Hear me, my masters, and my common friends;-
Sic. He 's sentenc'd: no more hearing.

Let me speak:

I have been consul, and can show from Rome,
Her enemies' marks upon me. I do love
My country's good, with a respect more tender,
More holy, and profound, than mine own life,
My dear wife's estimate, her womb's increase,

And treasure of my loins; then if I would

Speak that


We know your drift: Speak what?

Bru. There 's no more to be said, but he is banish'd,

As enemy to the people, and his country:

It shall be so.


It shall be so, it shall be so.

Cor. You common cry of curs!1 whose breath I hate

It is thus used in The New Testament, 1 Thess. iv, 8: "He therefore that despiseth, despiseth not man but God," &c.


7 And so it shall be.] Old copy, unmetrically-And it shall be so.



- show from Rome,] Read-"show for Rome." M. Mason. He either means, that his wounds were got out of Rome, in the cause of his country, or that they mediately were derived from Rome, by his acting in conformity to the orders of the state. Mr. Theobald reads for Rome; and supports his emendation by these passages:


"To banish him that struck more blows for Rome," &c. "Good man! the wounds that he does bear for Rome." Malone.

My dear wife's estimate, I love my country beyond the rate at which I value my dear wife. Johnson.

You common cry of curs! Cry here signifies a troop or pack. So, in a subsequent scene in this play:

As reek o' the rotten fens, whose loves I prize
As the dead carcasses of unburied men

That do corrupt my air, I banish you ;3
And here remain with your uncertainty!
Let every feeble rumour shake your hearts!
Your enemies, with nodding of their plumes,
Fan you into despair! Have the power still
To banish your defenders; till, at length,
Your ignorance, (which finds not, till it feels,4)


- You have made good work,

"You and your cry.

Again, in The Two Noble Kinsmen, by Shakspeare and Fletcher, 1634:

"I could have kept a hawk, and well have holla'd
"To a deep cry of dogs." Malone.

2 As reek o' the rottens fens,] So, in The Tempest :
"Seb. As if it had lungs, and rotten ones.

"Ant. Or, as 'twere perfum'd by a fen." Steevens.

31 banish you;] So, in Lyly's Anatomy of Wit, 1580: "When it was cast in Diogenes' teeth that the Sinopenetes had banished him Pontus, yea, said he, I them.

Our poet has again the same thought in King Richard II:


"Think not, the king did banish thee,

"But thou the king." Malone.

Have the power still

To banish your defenders; till, at length,

Your ignorance, (which finds not, till it feels,) &c.] Still retain the power of banishing your defenders, till your undiscerning folly, which can foresee no consequences, leave none in the city but yourselves, who are always labouring your own destruction.

It is remarkable, that, among the political maxims of the speculative Harrington, there is one which he might have borrowed from this speech. The people, says he, cannot see, but they can feel. It is not much to the honour of the people, that they have the same character of stupidity from their enemy and their friend. Such was the power of our author's mind, that he looked through life in all its relations private and civil. Johnson.

"The people, (to use the comment of my friend Dr. Kearney, in his ingenious LECTURES ON HISTORY, quarto, 1776,) cannot nicely scrutinize errors in government, but they are roused by galling oppression." - Coriolanus, however, means to speak still more contemptuously of their judgment. Your ignorance is such, that you cannot see the mischiefs likely to result from your actions, till you actually experience the ill effects of them.-Instead, however, of "Making but reservation of yourselves,” which is the reading of the old copy, and which Dr. Johnson very rightly explains, leaving none in the city but yourselves, I have no doubt that we should read, as I have printed, "Making not




Making not reservation of yourselves,
(Still your own foes) deliver you, as most
Abated captives, to some nation

That won you without blows! Despising,6
For you, the city, thus I turn my back:
There is a world elsewhere.

[Exeunt Cor. COM. MEN. Senators, and Patricians. Ed. The people's enemy is gone, is gone! Cit. Our enemy 's banish'd! he is gone! Hoo! hoo! [The People shout, and throw up their Caps.

Sic. Go, see him out at gates, and follow him, As he hath follow'd you, with all despite;

reservation of yourselves," which agrees with the subsequent words-"still your own foes," and with the general purport of the speech; which is, to show that the folly of the people was such as was likely to destroy the whole of the republick without any reservation, not only others, but even themselves, and to subjugate them as abated captives to some hostile nation. If, according to the old copy, the people have the prudence to make reservation of themselves, while they are destroying their country, they cannot with any propriety be said to be in that respect "still their own foes." These words therefore decisively support the emendation now made.

How often but and not have been confounded in these plays, has already been frequently observed. In this very play but has been printed, in a former scene, instead of not, and the latter word substituted in all the modern editions. See p. 75, n. 5.

Mr. Capell reads:


Making not reservation of your selves. Steevens. 5 Abated captives,] Abated is dejected, subdued, depressed in spirit.

So, in Cræsus, 1604, by Lord Sterline :

"To advance the humble, and abate the proud."

i. e. Parcere subjectis, et debellare superbos.
Again, in Arthur Hall's translation of the 7th Iliad:

"Th' abated mindes, the cowardize, and faintnesse of my


Randle Holme, however, informs us that "an abatement is a mark added or annexed to a coat of arms] by reason of some dishonourable act whereby the dignity of the coat is abased," &c. See the Academy of Armory and Blazon, p. 71.

Abated has the same power as the French abattu. See Vol. V, p. 195, n. 8. Steevens.

6 Despising, As this line is imperfect, perhaps our author originally gave it

Despising therefore,
For you, the city, &c. Steevens.

Give him deserv'd vexation. Let a guard
Attend us through the city.

Cit. Come, come, let us see him out at gates; come:The gods preserve our noble tribunes! - Come. [Exeunt.


The same. Before a Gate of the City. Enter CORIOLANUS, VOLUMNIA, VIRGILIA, MENENIUS, COMINIUS, and several young Patricians.

Cor. Come, leave your tears; a brief farewel:-the beast With many heads butts me away. - Nay, mother, Where is your ancient courage? you were us'd To say, extremity was the trier of spirits; That common chances common men could bear; That, when the sea was calm, all boats alike Show'd mastership in floating: fortune's blows, When most struck home, being gentle wounded, craves A noble cunning: you were us'd to load me

[blocks in formation]

With many heads - Thus also, Horace, speaking of the Ro

man mob:


Bellua multorum est capitum. Steevens.

You were us'd

To say, extremity was the trier of spirits;

That common chances common men could bear;

That, when the sea was calm, all boats alike

Show'd mastership in floating:] Thus the second folio. The

first reads:

"To say, extremities was the trier of spirits."

Extremity, in the singular number, is used by our author in The Merry Wives of Windsor, The Comedy of Errors, Troilus and Cressida, &c.

The general thought of this passage has already occurred in Troilus and Cressida.



- In the reproof of chance

"Lies the true proof of men: The sea being smooth,
"How many shallow bauble boats dare sail

"Upon her patient breast, making their way

"With those of nobler bulk?" Steevens.

fortune's blows,

When most struck home, being gentle wounded, craves

A noble cunning:] This is the ancient and authentick reading.

The modern editors have, for gentle wounded, silently substituted

With precepts, that would make invincible
The heart that conn'd them.

Vir. O heavens! O heavens!

Nay, I pr'ythee, woman,

Vol. Now the red pestilence strike all trades in Rome,

And occupations perish!


What, what, what!
I shall be lov'd, when I am lack'd. Nay, mother,
Resume that spirit, when you were wont to say,
If you had been the wife of Hercules,

Six of his labours you 'd have done, and sav'd
Your husband so much sweat. Cominius,
Droop not; adieu: -Farewel, my wife! my mother!
I 'll do well yet. - Thou old and true Menenius,
Thy tears are salter than a younger man's,
And venemous to thine eyes. - My sometime general
I have seen thee stern, and thou hast oft beheld
Heart-hard'ning spectacles; tell these sad women,
'Tis fond1 to wail inevitable strokes,

As 'tis to laugh at them. - My mother, you wot well,
My hazards still have been your solace: and

Believe 't not lightly, (though I go alone,

Like to a lonely dragon, that his fen

Makes fear'd, and talk'd of more than seen,) your sonWill, or exceed the common, or be caught

With cautelous baits and practice.2


My first son,3

gentle warded, and Dr. Warburton has explained gently by nobly. It is good to be sure of our author's words before we go to explain their meaning.

The sense is, When Fortune strikes her hardest blows, to be wounded and yet continue calm, requires a generous policy. He calls this calmness cunning, because it is the effect of reflection and philosophy. Perhaps the first emotions of nature are nearly uniform, and one man differs from another in the power of endurance, as he is better regulated by precept and instruction.


"They bore as heroes, but they felt as men." Johnson. 'Tis fond-] i. e. 'tis foolish. See our author, passim. Steevens. cautelous baits and practice.] By artful and false tricks, and treason. Johnson. Cautelous, in the present instance, signifies-insidious. In the sense of cautious it occurs in Julius Cæsar:

"Swear priests and cowards, and men cautelous." Steevens. 3 My first son, First, i. e. noblest, and most eminent of men. Warburton.

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