CHAP. 419. An act authorizing licenses to keep taverns without including a license to sell spirituous or intoxicating liquors. Passed June 5, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 420. An act to amend chapter six hundred and twenty-eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, entitled "An act to suppress intemperance and to regulate the sale of intoxicating liquors." Passed June 5, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 421. An act supplemental to an act entitled "An act to further amend chapter seven hundred and twenty-one of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-one, entitled 'An act to amend and consolidate the several acts relating to the preservation of moose, wild deer, birds and fish.'" Passed June 6, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 422. An act to further amend chapter four hundred and forty-eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-six, entitled "An act relating to courts, officers of justice and civil proceedings." Passed June 6, 1877. CHAP. 423. An act to amend chapter three hundred and sixty-six of the laws of eighteen hundred fifty-nine, entitled "An act to establish an insurance department." Passed June 6, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 424. An act in relation to the appointment of a state agent for the guidance and employment of discharged convicts. Passed June 6, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 425. An act in regard to the instruction of common school teachers in academies and union schools, and to the establishing of examinations by the regents of the university as to attainments in learning. Passed June 6, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 426. An act to amend chapter four hundred and two of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, entitled "An act to authorize the trustees of incorporated rural cemeteries to impose a tax upon the lot owners in said cemeteries." Passed June 6, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP.427. An act for the preservation of life at bathing places. Passed June 6, 1877. CHAP. 428. An act for the protection of children, and to prevent and punish certain wrongs to children. Passed June 6, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 429. An act making a gratuity to the survivors of certain Shinnecock Indians, who were lost upon the wreck of the steamer "Circassian." Passed June 6, 1878; by a two-third vote. CHAP. 430. An act to amend the provisions of the revised statutes in regard to the solemnization of marriages. Passed June 6, 1877. CHAP. 431. An act to amend section four of title three of chapter four hundred and seventy-nine of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, as amended by subdivision four of section one of chapter twenty-four of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy, entitled "An act to amend the charter of the village of Dunkirk." Passed June 6, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 432. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act to incorporate the village of Chateaugay, in the county of Franklin,'" passed May third, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, passed April twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and seventy. Passed June 6, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 433. An act to validate and confirm the title to certain real estate in the city of New York. Passed June 16, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 434. An act to amend chapter one hundred and eighty-four of the law of eighteen hundred and sixty-six, entitled "An act for the better protection of seamen in the port and harbor of New York. Passed June 8, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 435. An act in relation to the payment of taxes and assessments in the city of Brooklyn. Passed June 8, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 436. An act in relation to county treasurers. being present. Passed June 9, 1877; three-fifths CHAP. 437. An act to amend chapter seven hundred and seventy-six of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy, entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act to provide for the incorporation of villages," passed December seven, one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, and the several acts amendatory thereof, so far as the same relate to the village of Mount Vernon, in the county of Westchester, and to declare, enlarge and define the powers and duties of the officers of said village, and to cor firm and extend the powers of the corporation of said village, passed May ten, eighteen hundred and seventy. Passed June 9, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 438. An act to create a police pension fund for disabled and retired policemen ir the city of Brooklyn. Passed June 15, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 439. An act in relation to the insurance of plate-glass. Passed June 15, 1877. CHAP. 440. An act to amend chapter four hundred and forty of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-three, entitled an act requiring commissioners of highways to act as inspectors of plank-roads and turnpikes. Passed June 15, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 441. An act to authorize the board of education of union free school district number one of the town of Ellicott, Chautauqua county, to employ a superintendent, and fix the time of holding their annual school meeting. Passed June 15, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 442. An act to authorize a recovery at law for certain printing done for, and stationery furnished to, the boards of aldermen and assistant aldermen in the city of New York. Passed June 15, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 443. An act to confirm and levy a certain assessment for excavating, filling and forming Swan street from Elm street to Morton street in the city of Albany, and conferring upon the mayor, and a majority of the common council of said city power to reduce the said assessment fifty per cent. Passed June 15, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 444. An act to repeal an act entitled "An act to alter the map or plan of the city of New York by laying out thereon a parade ground, and to authorize the taking of the same," passed April twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and to provide for the payment of compensation for loss and damage to certain owners of land affected by said act. Passed June 15, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 445. An act to provide for perfecting and perpetuating the right and title of the city of New York to property, water, water rights and privileges heretofore taken or used, or which may be hereafter taken or used by said city to increase the supply of pure and wholesome water for the use of said city, and to provide for the payment and extinguishment of all claims or damages growing out of such taking or using. Passed June 15, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 446. An act to amend chapter six hundred and eleven of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, entitled "An act to incorporate the village of West Mount Vernon, county of Westchester." Passed June 15, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 447. An act to establish the boundaries of school district number five of the town of Flushing, and to provide for the collection of school taxes therein, and conferring additional powers and duties upon the board of education of said district. Passed June 15, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 448. An act to amend chapter three hundred and five of the laws of eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, entitled "An act to consolidate school districts number six and number fifteen, in the town of Mentz, in the county of Cayuga, into one school district, and to provide for the organization of a school and academy therein, and to enable the said district to loan money to erect the necessary buildings therefor." Passed June 15, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 449. An act to legalize and confirm the proceedings of the common council of the city of Buffalo, in relation to certain streets. Passed June 15, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 450. An act to amend chapter one hundred and seventy-seven of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-two, entitled "An act in relation to the establishment and care of a cemetery in the village of Geneva, Ontario county, and to provide means for the same." Passed June 15, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 451. An act for the more effectual prevention of wanton and malicious mischief, and to prevent the defacement of natural scenery. Passed June 15, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 452. An act to authorize St. Joseph's Church in the city of Yonkers to acquire land and use the same for cemetery or burial purposes. Passed June 16, 1877; threefifths being present. CHAP. 453. An act to amend chapter four hundred and four of the laws of eighteen hun dred and seventy-two, entitled "An act to incorporate the Oswegatchie Bridge Company. Passed June 16, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 454. An act in relation to the change of grades of streets and avenues in the twenty-third and twenty-fourth wards of the city of New York. Passed June 16, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 455. An act to provide for widening Vernon avenue, from Third street to Jackson avenue, in the first ward of Long Island City. Passed June 16, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 456. An act to amend section seventy-four of title six, chapter six, part two of the revised statutes relative to the application for moneys paid into the state treasury by administrators. Passed June 16, 1877. CHAP. 457. An act in relation to the repaving and improvement of Fourth street from Division avenue to Grand street, in the city of Brooklyn. Passed June 16, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 458. An act to enable the city of Brooklyn to raise further means for the improvement and sale of certain portions of Prospect park in said city. Passed June 16, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 459. An act in relation to the salaries, fees, percentages and allowances of the officers of the city of Brooklyn. Passed June 16, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 460. An act to provide for the payment of certain sewers built in the city of Brooklyn. Passed June 16, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 461. An act to confer the powers of harbor master on the police patrolmen detailed to certain docks and piers in said city by the board of commissioners of police and excise of the city of Brooklyn. Passed June 16, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 462. An act to dispose of the surplus moneys in the hands of the commissioners for grading Franklin avenue, in the towns of Flatbush and New Utrecht. Passed June 16, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 463. An act to amend an act, entitled "An act to change the time of payment of certain railroad bonds of the town of Plattsburgh, executed in aid of the New York and Canada Railroad Company, and to issue other bonds in place thereof," passed May thirteen, eighteen hundred and seventy-six. Passed June 16, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 464. An act to authorize the city of Rochester to acquire the title to land or other property for the use and purposes of water-works, sewers, dumping rubbish and dirt. Passed June 16, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 465. An act to amend the revised statutes in relation to the laying out of public roads and the alteration thereof. Passed June 16, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 466. An act in relation to assignments of the estates of debtors for the benefit of creditors. Passed June 16, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 467. An act to repeal section fifty-one, of chapter five hundred and five of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-three," entitled "An act to reorganize the village of Gloversville." Passed June 16, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 468. An act to discontinue the Charlotte turnpike and to authorize the Charlotte turnpike company to maintain a toll-bridge across the Susquehanna river. Passed June 16, 1877. CHAP. 469. An act to amend chapter sixty-eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-one, entitled "An act for the incorporation of private and family cemeteries." Passed June 16, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 470. An act to amend chapter eight hundred and forty-nine, of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-two, entitled "An act to incorporate the Buffalo Catholic Institute." Passed June 16, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 471. An act to provide for the appointment of patrolmen in and for the first collection district of the town of Watervliet, county of Albany. Passed June 16, 1877; threefifths being present. CHAP. 472. An act to authorize the trustees of incorporated rural cemeteries to register the lots thereof, and to impose a tax upon the lot owners in said cemeteries, in the counties of Kings and Queens. Passed June 16, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 473. An act to provide for the determination and payment of claims for goods, merchandise and material furnished, and labor performed, in fitting up and furnishing armories and drill-rooms in the city of New York. Passed June 22, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 474. An act to provide for the collection of the unpaid assessments for the opening, regulating and grading of Franklin avenue in the towns of Flatbush and New Utrecht. Passed June 22, 1877; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 475. An act to grant to the city of Yonkers, for highway purposes, certain land below original high-water mark in the Hudson river, and to authorize the building of a bridge over the tracks of the New York Central and Hudson River railroad upon such land. Passed June 22, 1877; three-fifths being present. CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS: Relative to printing the report of the State Engineer and Surveyor on Railroads, for eighteen hundred and seventy-six. Passed April 10, 1877. Relative to the reduction of canal tolls. Passed May 4, 1877. In reference to a soldiers' home for the State of New York. Passed May 8, 1877. Relative to the abolition of tolls or in the imposition of a nominal rate of tolls on certain articles and commodities. Passed May 8, 1877. Relative to repeal of bankrupt laws. Passed May 15, 1877. Relative to printing the census. Passed May 16, 1877. PROPOSING AN AMENDMENT to the Constitution to be known as article seventeen thereof. Passed May 18, 1877. Passed May 22, 1877. Passed May 22, 1877. Relative to canal tolls on rived hoops. Passed May 20, 1877. GENERAL STATUTES OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, PASSED AT THE 100th SESSION, 1877. CHAP. 10. AN ACT to amend chapter six hundred and thirteen of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-five, entitled "An act to authorize the formation of corporations for the safe-keeping and guaranteeing of personal property." PASSED February 5, 1877. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Laws 1875, ante, p. 232. ch. 613; Certificate ration. SECTION 1. Section one of chapter six hundred and thirteen of the Amending laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-five, entitled "An act to authorize the formation of corporations for the safe-keeping and guarantee ing of personal property," is hereby amended so as to read as follows: §1. At any time hereafter, any five or more persons who may desire to form a company for the purpose of taking and receiving upon de- of incorpoposit, as bailee for safe-keeping and storage, jewelry, plate, money, specie, bullion, stocks, bonds, securities and valuable papers of any kind, and other valuables, and guaranteeing their safety upon such terms and for such compensation as may be agreed on by such company and the respective bailors thereof, and to let out vaults and safes and other receptacles for the uses and purposes of such corporation, may make, sign and acknowledge, before some officer competent to take the acknowledgment of deeds, and file in the office of the clerk of the county in which the business of the corporation shall be carried on, and duplicates thereof in the office of the secretary of state, and in the banking department of the state, a certificate in writing, in which shall be stated the corporate name of the said corporation, which shall be in no material respect similar to the name of any other corporation organized and engaged in the business of receiving valuables on deposit for safe-keeping, for hire, or of letting out safes, and doing busi |