Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
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and cerno, to secrete.] Consisting of superfluous matter separated from that which is valuable.

REC'TUM. The third and last portion of the intestines.

REC'TUS, -1. [L.] Straight; erect. A

term applied to several muscles. RE-SID'U-AL. Pertaining to waste matter. RE-SID'U-UM. [L.] Waste matter. The fæces.

RES-PI-RA'TION. [L. re, again, and spiro, to breathe.] The act of breathing. Inspiring air into the lungs and expelling it again. RE-SPI'RA-TO-RY.

Pertaining to respi

ration; serving for respiration. RET'I-NA. [L., rete, a net.] The essen- tial organ of sight. One of the coats of the eye, formed by the expansion of the optic nerve.

RO-TUN'DUM, -A. [L.] Round; circular. RU'GA, -E. [L.] A wrinkle; a fold.

SAC'CU-LUS. [L., dim. of saccus, a bag.] A little sac.

SA'CRAL. Pertaining to the sacrum. SA'CRUM. [L., sacred.] The bone which forms the posterior part of the pelvis, and is a continuation of the spinal column.

BA-LIVA. [L.] The fluid which is secreted by the salivary glands, which moistens the food and mouth. SAL'I-VA-RY. That which belongs to the saliva.

SAN'GUIN-E-OUS. [L. sanguis, the blood.] Bloody; abounding with blood; ple

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unequal.] A term applied to some muscles of the neck. SCAPH'OID. Gr. okapn, skaphë, a little boat.] The name applied to one of the wrist-bones.

SCAP'U-LA. [L.] The shoulder-blade.
SCAP'U-LAR. Relating to the scapula.
SCARF-SKIN. The outer, thin integ1-
ment of the body; the cuticle.
SCI-AT'IC. [Gr., pertaining to the loins.",
The name of the large nerve of the
loins and leg.

[Gr. oxλnpos, sklēros, hard.] A membrane of the eye. SE-BA'CEOUS. [L., sebum, tallow.] Pertaining to fat; unctuous matter. SE-CRE'TION. The act of secerning; the act of producing from the blood substances different from the blood it

self, as bile, saliva. The matter secreted, as mucus, bile, &c. SE-CRE'TO-RY. Performing the office of secretion.

SE-CUN'DUS. Second. A term applied to certain muscles.

SEM-I-CIR'CU-LAR. Having the form of a half circle. The name of a part of the ear.


[L. semi, half, and tendo, a tendon.] The name of a muscle. SEPTUM. [L.] A membrane that di vides two cavities from each other. SE'ROUS. Thin; watery. Pertaining to



[L.] The thin, transparent part of blood. SER-RA'TUS. [L. serro, to saw.] A term applied to some muscles of the trunk. SIG'MOID. [Gr.] Resembling the Greek s, sigma.

SI-LI'CI-UM. A term applied to one of the earths.

SI'NUS. [L., a bay.] A cavity, the interior of which is more expanded than the entrance.

SKEL'E-TON. [Gr. σxελλw, skellō, to dry.] The aggregate of the hard parts of the body; the bones.

SCA-LE'NUS. [Gr. okaλnvos, skalēnos, SO'DI-UM. The metallic base of soda.

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STOMACH. The principal organ of the TEN-TAC'U-LA, -Æ. [L. tento, to seize.]

digestive apparatus.

STRA'TUM. [L. sterno, to stew.] A

bed; a layer.

STY'LOID. [L. stylus, a pencil.] An

epithet applied to processes that resemble a style, a pen. SUB-CLA'VI-AN. [L. sub, under, and clavis, a key.] Situated under the clavicle. SUB-LI'MIS. High in place. SUB-LIN'GUAL. [L. sub, under, and lingua, the tongue.] Situated under the tongue.

SUB-MAX'IL-LA-RY. [L. sub, under, and maxilla, the jaw-bone.] Located under the jaw.

SULPHUR. A simple, mineral substance, of a yellow color, brittle, insoluble in water, but fusible by heat.

SU-PE-RI-O'RIS. A term applied to certain muscles.

SU-PI-NA'TOR. [L.] A muscle that turns the palm of the hand upward. SUT'URE. [L. suo, to sew.] The seam or joint that unites the bones of the skull. SYN-O'VI-A. [Gr. ovv, sun, with, and wov, don, an egg.] The fluid secreted into the cavities of joints for the purpose of lubricating them.

A filiform process or organ on the bodies of various animals. TEN-TO'RI-UM. [L. tendo, to stretch.]

A process of the dura mater which lies between the cerebrum and cerebellum. TE'RES. [L. teres, round.] An epithet given to many organs, the fibres of which are collected in small bundles. THO'RAX. [Gr.] That part of the skeleton that composes the bones of the chest. The cavity of the chest. THO-RAC'IC. Relating to the chest. THY'ROID. [Gr. Ovpeos, thureos, a shield.] Resembling a shield. A cartilage of the larynx.

TIB'I-A. [L., a flute.] The large bone of the leg.

TIB-I-A/LIS, TIB'I-AL. Relating to the tibia. TIS'SUE.

The texture or organization

of parts. TON'SIL. [L.] A glandular body in the throat or fauces.

TRA'CHE-A. [Gr. rpaxvs, trachus, rough.] The windpipe.

TRA'CHE-AL. Belonging to the trachea, TRANS-VERSE',TRANS-VER-SA'LIS. Ly ing in a cross direction.

TRA-PE'ZI-US. The name of a muscle, so called from its form.

TRICEPS. [L. tres, three, and caput, head.] Three. A name given to muscles that have three attachments at one extremity. TRI-CUS'PID. [L. tres, three, and cuspis, point.] The triangular valves in the right side of the heart. TROCH'LE-A. [Gr. rpoxaλta, trochalia,

a pulley.] A pulley-like cartilage, over which the tendon of a muscle of the eye passes. TROCH-LE-A'RIS. The name of a muscle of the eye.

TRUNK. The principal part of the body, to which the limbs are articulated. TU'BER-CLE. [L. tuber, a bunch.] A small push, swelling, or tumor, on animal bodies. TU-BER-OS'I-TY. The state of being knobbed or protuberant. TYM'PAN-UM. [L.] The middle ear.

UL'NA. [L.] A bone of the forearm. UL'NAR, UL-NA'RIS. Relating to the ulna.

U'RIC. [Gr. ovpov, ouron, urine.] An acid contained in urine, and in gouty concretions.

U-VE'A. [L. uva, a grape.] Resembling grapes. A thin membrane of the eye. U'VU-LA. A soft body, suspended from the palate, near the aperture of the nostrils, over the glottis.

VACCINE VIRUS. [L. vacca, a cow, virus, poison.] Pertaining to cows; derived from cows. VALVE. Any membrane, or doubling of any membrane, which prevents fluids from flowing back in the vessels and canals of the animal body. VAL'VU-LA, E. A valve.

VAS'CU-LAR. [L. vasculum, a vessel.] Pertaining to vessels; abounding in vessels.

VAS'TUS. [L.] Great, vast. Applied to some large muscles.

VEINS. Vessels that convey blood to the heart.

VE'NOUS. Pertaining to veins.
VEN'TRI-CLE. [L. venter, the stomach.]
A small cavity of the animal body.
VEN-TRIC'U-LAR. Relating to ventri-


VER-MIC'U-LAR. [L. vermiculus, a little worm.] Resembling the motions fa


VERM-J-FORM'IS. [L. vermis, a worm, and forma, form.] Having the form and shape of a worm. VERT'E-BRA, -E. [L. verto, to turn.] A joint of the spinal column. VERT'E-BRAL. Pertaining to the joints of the spinal column.

VES'I-CLE. [L. vesica, a bladder.] A little bladder, or a portion of the cuticle separated from the cutis vera and filled with serum.

VES'TI-BULE. [L.] A porch of a house.
A cavity belonging to the ear.
VIL'LI. [L.] Fine, small fibres.
VIRUS. [L., poison.] Foul matter of
an ulcer; poison.

VITAL. [L. vita, life.] Pertaining to life.

VIT'RE-OUS. [L. vitrum, glass.] Belonging to glass. A humor of the eye. VO'LAR. [L. vola, the hollow of the hand or foot.] Belonging to the palm of the hand.

VO'MER. [L., a ploughshare.] One of the bones of the nose.

ZYG-O-MAT'I-CUS. [Gr. (vyos, zugos, a yoke.] A term applied to some muscles of the face, from their attachment

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EXERCISE, how it should be taken,...91 HEMORRHAGE, Means of arresting,..175

Influence of, on the Bones, 53|





Influence of, on Muscles,..85
Influence of, on the Cir-

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EXPIRATION, how effected,....


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