Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση


IF the faid Officer doth not find one of his Companions at the fourth Estappe, whither he has Orders to go to conduct the abovefaid Company out of the Province; he fhall fend to the Confuls of the remaining Eftappe within the Bounds of that Province, the State of the Review of the faid Company, that they may be advertiz'd of it; after which he fhall return to the Entrance of the Line, till the Companies contain'd in his Regifter are pafs'd or repass'd.


THE faid Officer fhall fend every Week to the Secretary of the Governour of the Province an account of the Mufters which he has taken of the Companies, of the Strength and Condition of the Soldiers, if they are able Men, and he shall inform him of what has pafs'd in the Paffage of the faid Companies that the Governour may be inform'd of it by him. Given at · · ·, &c :



For the Confuls.



HEY fhall hinder any Perfon convicted of a Crime from fettling in the City, and in cafe there are any fuch, he fhall fee to the Execution of the Decrees of Juftice which have been given against them.


They fhall take care to make the Sundays and Holy-days be observ'd in their City, and to hinder the Shops from being open'd on those Days, and in cafe there are any Perfons who refufe to obey, they shall make Information be given of their Treffafs, that they may be criminally profecuted at Law.


THEY fhall oblige thofe of the pretended Reform'd Religion to take off their Hats when the Sacramènt is carried to the Sick, and in cafe of Contravention they shall give Information of it, and immediately profecute the Guilty whether for theMatter above-nam'd, or any Irreverence or injurious Words which they may speak against the Ce remonies of the Church,


THEY fhall take care to hinder thofe of the pretended Reform'd Religion from doing any violence to fuch as are converted; and fhall oppose all Menaces and ill treatment which they would give to those who are on the point of abjuring their Religion, and if it fhould happen to be any of the chief of the faid pretended Reform'd Religion who countenance it, they fhall immediately give notice of it to the Governour of the Province, that he may Support them with his Authority. And that those things which refpect



the Glory of God and his Service may be done in the City with the greater facility, they fhall likewife carefully fee to the Execution of the Ecclefiaftical Ordinances of the Archbishops and Bishops; and when they cannot make them be Executed by their own Authority they shall Advertise him of it, that he may use his power in fuch a cafe.


BESIDES the opening of Shops and Trardesmens working on Sundays or Holy-days, which they are to hinder, they fhall likewife take care that there be no labouring in the Fields, no driving of Carts, and that no Commodities be publickly expos'd to Sale.


ABOVE all they fhall take care that no hew Impofitions be made without exprefs Orders from his Maiefty, and that the Publick Money be Employ'd, to those Ends for which it is defign'd without fuffering it to be otherwise diverted.

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THEY ought to be very Severe in Suppreffing fcandalous Places, and in Punishing Perfons of an ill Life.

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AS in all good and well govern'd Cities, it is cuftomary to nominate a fufficient Number of Persons of Probity to affift them in the Functions of their Charge, they. fhall chufe fuch Perfons as they judge to have the most Probity, and whom they think moft inclin'd for the Good of the Community, that by this means they may all together re-establish good Orders in the City, by reforming all the Abuses which they know to be Prejudicial to the Publick Good, as well against Bakers, Butchers, Hucksters and Artifans, as against other Persons subjected to their Government.

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