Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

QUESTIONS ON GREEK AND ROMAN LITERATURE. Prepared for an Examination of Candidates for the Colonial Office (vide p. 8).

1. State briefly the arguments for and against the opinion, that the Homeric poems are the work of one man.

2. Sketch the history of the Greek drama.

3. Draw a parallel between Thucydides and any historian, ancient or modern, to whom you consider that he bears resemblance. 4. What do you consider to be the chief merits and defects, as philosophers, of Plato and of Aristotle respectively?

5. Describe the daily life of a citizen (1) of Athens in the time of Pericles (2) of Rome in the time of Augustus.

6. Distinguish the different grades of political right enjoyed by various classes at Rome; and trace historically the progressive extension of the franchise.

7. What were the distinctive opinions of the Old, Middle, and New Academies? Who were the founders of each? Which philosophical sect found the greatest number of adherents at Rome? Can you account for this?

8. Enumerate, with brief notices of their lives and writings, the Latin dramatic poets who devoted themselves to the adaptation of Greek models. Can you cite any passages of Horace in illustration?

9. Write a short review, or criticism, of any one Latin poet.


Prepared for an Examination of Candidates for the Colonial Office (vide p. 8).

1. What are the chief periods of French literature? Name some of the most celebrated authors in each period.

2. Who are the chief tragic poets of France? Name some of their greatest works :-What are the chief characteristics of the French drama as compared with the English?

3. Mention the most important works of the following authors, and the period at which they flourished :-Montesquieu, Voltaire, Madame de Stäel, Lamartine, Rousseau, Moliere.

4. Who were the chief "Encyclopædist" writers? What was their influence on their age?

5. Name the chief masters of pulpit oratory in the 17th and 18th centuries; and the chief political orators who flourished at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century.

6. Who was the author of the Provincial Letters? For what purpose were they written?

7. Trace the influence of "the English School" on modern French literature.

S. What are the distinguishing characteristics of the Classical and Romantic schools? What writers belong to each ?









and clerks.

AN ACT for improving the Organization and increasing the Efficiency of the Civil Service of Canada. [Assented to 10th June 1857.]

WHEREAS it is expedient to make legislative provision for the better organization and greater efficiency of certain branches of the Public Service: Therefore Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada, enacts as follows: I. No appointment shall be made, except as herein-after provided, in any of the offices or departments in Schedule A. hereunto appended.

II. No appointment to any office or situation in any of the departments included in the said schedule, shall be made except with the approval of the Governor of this province.

III. The persons composing the staff of each of the departments into officers included in said schedule shall immediately after the passing of this Act be divided into two classes, namely, "officers" and "clerks ;" and for the purposes of this Act, the term "officers" shall be held to mean the persons included in Schedule B., exclusive of landing waiters and railway mail clerks.

Classes of clerks.


Present salaries saved.

Each head

ment to have a deputy.

IV. The clerks shall be divided into four classes; namely,

First-class clerks, second-class clerks, third-class clerks, and fourth class or probationary clerks.

V. To the offices included in Schedule B. to this Act shall be attached the fixed salaries therein mentioned, subject to the provision in the next section.

VI. No salary of any officer, clerk, messenger, or other person, fixed before the time of the passing of this Act, shall be lowered by its provisions.

VII. In each of the said departments there shall be one officer who of a depart shall be the deputy of the head of the department, and who shall have the oversight of the other officers, clerks, and messengers, or servants, and the general control of the business of the department, and whose directions shall be obeyed in like manner as the directions of the head of the department would be; and the authority of such deputy shall be deemed to be that of the head of the department, without prejudice however to the control of the latter, in all matters whatever: Provided that this section shall not apply to the Audit and Customs branches of the Inspector General's Department.


VIII. The following officers shall be by virtue of their office the officers shall deputy heads of departments for the purposes of the last preceding

be such



1. Executive Council;

The Clerk:

2. In the Provincial Secretary's Office;

Lower Canada Branch

The Assistant Provincial Secretary for Lower Canada :
Upper Canada Branch-

The Assistant Provincial Secretary for Upper Canada:

3. In the Inspector General's Department;

The Deputy Inspector General :

4. In the Receiver General's Department;
The Deputy Receiver General:.

5. In the Postmaster-General's Department;
The Deputy Postmaster-General :

6. In the Crown Lands Department;

The Assistant Commissioner of Crown Lands:

[blocks in formation]

to deputies.


IX. Each officer while so acting as deputy shall receive in addition Allowance to his stated salary a further sum at the rate of fifty pounds per annum. X. During the illness or absence of the deputy, the head of the Temporary department may appoint another officer, temporarily to discharge the duties of such deputy, and notice of such temporary appointment shall be communicated in writing to every officer and clerk in such department.

XI. Such officer so appointed, and while discharging the duties Allowance of the deputy, shall be entitled to receive the additional salary allowed to them. to such deputy.

XII. Within thirty days from the time of the passing of this Act, it Heads of shall be the duty of the head of each department included in Sche- departments to classify dule A. to cause to be transmitted to the office of the Executive Council their clerks and when. a return of the persons composing the staff of such department, dividing the clerks into classes as herein-before provided, having respect to their relative ability and length of service.

Board of Examiners.

XIII. There shall be a Board to be called the Board of Examiners Board of Examiners. for the Civil Service.

XIV. Such Board shall consist of the persons who for the time How conbeing shall fill the offices following; viz.

1. Clerk of the Executive Council.

2. Assistant Provincial Secretary, East.

3. Assistant Provincial Secretary, West.
4. Deputy Inspector General.

5. Commissioner of Customs.
6. Auditor of Public Accounts.

7. Deputy Receiver General.

8. Deputy Postmaster General.

9. Assistant Commissioner of Crown Lands.

10. Secretary of Public Works Department.

11. Secretary, Bureau of Agriculture.

12. Deputy Provincial Registrar.


XV. Five of the members of the said Board shall be a quorum Quorum. thereof and may exercise all the functions of the Board.

chairman in

XVI. It shall be the duty of each of the members of the said Board Each mem(in the order in which his office is named in Section XIV.) to act for ber to act as one month as chairman of the Board, and to preside at all meetings turn. thereof held during such month; but in his absence any member of the Proviso. Board then present may be selected by the others to preside as chairman.

XVII. Minutes of the proceedings of the Board shall be kept by the Minutes. chairman, and he shall certify the same.

Duties of the Board.

XVIII. To frame and publish regulations to be observed by candi- Making dates for employment in the Civil Service of Canada, such regulations regulations. being first approved by the Governor in Council.

XIX. To examine all candidates who may present themselves in Examining accordance with the regulations of the Board, and such other regulations candidates. or restrictions as may be provided under this Act.

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