Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση


and expedient, 275. Crime, ac-
cording to Blackstone, in all ca-
ses, includes an injury, 276. End
of punishment is to secure society
from harm, 277. Opinions of
Coleridge, 279. Views of Guizot,
280. Argument from the Social
compact, 281. Blackstone's opin-
ion discussed, 283. Right of inflict-
ing capital punishment to be put
upon the same ground as that of
inflicting inferior punishments,
284. Civil society has the right|
to defend the citizens, 285. Pun-
ishment of death for murder just,
286. Nearly universal consent of
mankind makes out a primâ facie
case, 287. Appeal both to the Old
and New Testament, 288. Teach-
ing of the Sermon on the Mount,
289; object of that sermon to con-
demn the prevalent abuse which
was made of the law of Moses,
291. Christ came not to abrogate
the law, 293. Case of divorce,
294. Law respecting adultery,
John viii, 295. Scripture argu-
ment does not depend on the va-
lidity of every particular exegesis,
297. Law of Moses, 299. Prof.
Upham's explanation of the sixth
commandment, 301. Hebrew word

usedin relation to murder
and manslaughter, 302. Hebrew
usage, 307. is never used of
the killing of brute animals, 308.
That word used of killing human
beings without legal authority, 309.
Usage of Septuagint and New Tes-
tament, 310. Natural sense of the
sixth command, 311. Right of
civil government, 313. Command
addressed to Noah, Gen. ix. 6,
considered, 314; new theory, that
it prohibits cannibalism, exam-
ined, 317; common version cor-
rect, 319; manner of interpreting
the command, 321; this divine
admonition contains an universal


warning and an universal right,
323. Theological bearing of this
discussion, 435. Objection from
the fact that the innocent are
sometimes executed, 436. The
only remediless punishment, 438.
Innocent friends are made to suf-
fer, 438. The punishment retali-
atory and unequal, 439; violates
the sanctity of human life, 440.
A murderer when executed has
repented or has not repented, is
therefore fit to remain here or un-
fit for another world, 441. Appeal
to the voice of nature, 443. Ar-
gument from expediency, 445. No
other form of punishment produ-
ces so salutary a fear, 447. Cap-
ital punishment not legalized mur-
der, 449. Death the most fearful
punishment, 453; secures against
private revenge, 455. Case of
Tuscany, 456; Russia, 457. Por-
cian law at Rome, 458; Belgium,
461. Case of Massachusetts, 463.
Compared with England, 465.
English legislation, 467. Increase
of crime in England, 468.
Preaching to the Spirits in Prison,
Brown's Essay on, 709.
Propaganda at Rome, Exhibition in,

Prophecies in relation to the Jews,
337, 471.

Pulpit, the American, its ends, its

means, its motives, 247. Pulpit
in the U. States, 248. Mission of
the preacher, extent of it, 249 ;
means to accomplish his mission,
250. Force, the leading quality
of eloquence, 251; illustrated by
the Iliad, 251. Demosthenes, 252.
Cicero, 252. Fox, Chatharn, 253.
Henry, Ames and Webster, 254.
Various exhibitions of force, es-
pecially tenderness, 255. The four
great French preachers character-
ized, 256. Whitefield and Ed-
wards, 257. Dependence of pul-

pit eloquence on a well-trained | Riblah, site of, 408.
mind, 258. Necessity of time for
study, 259. Proper reading for
ministers, 260. Value of argu-
ment in sermons, 261. Under-
standing first to be convinced, 263.
Preacher should lose himself in
his subject, 263. Illustrated by
Demosthenes and Robert Hall,
264. Necessity of faith, 265. Se-
cret of the eloquence of Brainerd
and Paul, 267. Force implies
judgment, 266. Great importance Russeger's Travels, 795.
of personal character, 267. Stim-
ulus to effort is found in the truth,
in its Author and in its objects,
268. Christ and his cross-the
great motive, 269. Inspiration of
the Holy Spirit, 270.

Ripley, Prof. H. J., Essay on Chry-

sostom, with translations, 605.
Robinson, Dr., notes on Biblical Ge-
ography, 403.

Rödiger, Prof., letter from, 598.
Roman Catholicism, correspondence
on, 540.

Rome, topography of, 203. Letters
from, 600.

Puritan Library in N. England, 582.
Purposes of God consistent with free-

agency, 77. If God's acts are
consistent with human freedom,
his purposes may be, 78. No in-
consistency can be pointed out, 79.
How are God's purposes effected?
81; partly by his own immediate
action, partly by second causes, 82.
Special divine influence does not
impair man's freedom, 83. Cause
of the first choice, 85. Influence
of motives, 87. Certainty of ac-
tions does not destroy their free-
dom, 89. Certainty does not im-
ply necessity, 91; nor preclude
free agency, 93. Certainty dis-
tinguished from necessity, 95.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Rosellini's great work completed,


Salt, valley of, 406.
Sanscrit Language, its relation to
Comparative Philology, 671. La-
bors of Humboldt, Bopp, etc. 671.
Ground of unity in language, 672.
Indian languages not related to
the Semitic, 673. High reputa-
tion of the Sanscrit, 774. Cole-
brooke's labors, 675. Nature of
the Vedas and Puranas, 675. San-
scrit poetry, 677. Extracts, 679.
Schlegel's division of languages,
681. Various families based on
the Sanscrit, 685. Arrow-headed
characters, 687. Discoveries of
Rawlinson, 689. Layard and Bot-
ta, 690. Median language, 693.
Schaf, Dr. Philip, article on German

literature, in America, 503.
Schmitz's History of Rome, 603.
Sears, Dr. B., Article on Life and
Church History of Neander, 386.
His Select Treatises of Martin
Luther reviewed, 503.
Seijar, site of, 407.

Shakspeare, old and new criticism ou
him, 522. Value of true criticisın,
523. Johnson and Hume on Shak-
speare 525. Coleridge's extrava-
getmiration, 526. The poet
has little sympathy with moral
goodness, 527. Contrasted with
Schiller, 529. Not successful in
exciting pity, 531. Counteracts


his own design, 533. Does not
make the marvellous probable,
535. Uses to a clergyman, 537.
Siedhof, Dr. Charles, review of
Zumpt's Grammar, 413, 696.
Smith, Prof. H. B., Article on the
Trinity translated from Twesten,
25. On History of Doctrines, 552.
Spirits in Prison, preaching to by
Christ, 708. Intelligibleness of the
Bible, 709. Some difficult pas-
sages, 710. The passage relates
to a part of the consequence of
Christ's sufferings, 711. Objec-
tions to the common interpreta-
tion, 713. Some suppose that
Christ went down to Hades, 714.
Some that he went to Gehenna,
others to Paradise, 715. Proposed
interpretation, 716. Christ's death
was expiatory, 717. By the Holy
Spirit communicated to the disci-
ples, he preached to the spirits
"in prison," in a state of bondage,
on the day of Pentecost and after-
wards, 719. To such captives as
had in former times, especially in
antediluvian, been hard to be con-
vinced, 720. Success of Christ's
preaching, 721. This interpreta-
tion preserves the logical and gram-
matical connection, 723. Practi-
cal remarks, 724. Dignity of the
ministry, 725. Hopeful message
of the gospel, 727. Value of the
Old Test., 729. Antediluvian his-
tory, 731. Character of Noah, 733.
Christ who went in Spirit to the
spirits in prison by his apostles,
went in Spirit by Noah to the an-
tediluvians, 784. Destruction by
the deluge then, 735. A few saved
by means of the water, 736. Peter
illustrates the blessed effects of
Christ's preaching after he had
been quickened in spiri. 737.
Water of the deluge a type of bap-
tism, 739. Consistency of various
statements, 741. General analogy


between the deluge and baptism,
Stearns, Rev. W. A., essay on the
American Pulpit, 247.


Tacitus, Tyler's edition of, 603.
Taylor Samuel H., review of Picker-
ing's Greek Lexicon, 196.
Tégner, Bishop, 410.
Tholuck, character of, 218. Extracts
from his Dialogues, 236.
Thomson, Rev. Wm. M., on antiqui-
ties in Syria, 404.
Torrey, Prof., Translation of Nean-
der, noticed, 386.

Traill, Dr., edition of Josephus, no-
ticed, 412.

Transfiguration of Christ, extract
from Müller's sermon, 239.
Trinity, Essay on by Twesten, trans-

lated by Prof. Smith, 25. Hypo-
static character, 25. Personal acts,
26. Scholastic view, 27. Nicene
formula, held by the Greek church,
29. Views of the Latin church,
30; with which the Lutherans
agree, 31. Spiratio activa not a
personal property, 33. Internal
traits, 35. Order of subsistence,
37. Self-existence of the Son, 39.
Relations no proof of inequality,
41. Acts of God indivisible, 43.
Meaning of appropriation, 45.
Creation attributed to the Father,
47. Relation of the Persons to
redemption, 51. the sending of
the Son and Spirit, 51. Schleier-
macher's objections, 53. Relation
of, the doctrine to the Bible, 55.
Biblical form of the doctrine, 57.
Reasons for a change from bibli-
cal form, 59. Development of the
doctrine, 61. This doctrine at the
Reformation, 63. Grounds of op-
position to it, 65. Importance of

the form of the doctrine, 66.
Turner, Prof., Remarks by, 691.
Twesten, Dr., on the Trinity, 25.


Ullmann, Dr. C., Essay on Festivals

of Church, 650.

Williams, Dr. Daniel, life, 584. Ac-
count of his Library, 585.
Wilson, Rev. J. L., on the African

United States, New works published Languages, 745.
in, 800.

Universities in Germany, 213.
University at Oxford, History of, 773.
Buildings, 773. Christ Church,
774. All Souls, 775.
memorial cross, 775. University
buildings, 776. Bodleian, 777.
Professors, 779. Students, 780.
Officers and usages, 781. Exam-
inations, 782. Oxford system of
instruction, advantages and de-
fects, 785.


Vaihinger on the Psalms, 793.
Vatican Library, 409.
Voigt, Prof., correspondence he-
tween and the bishop of Rochelle,
540. Author of life of Hildebrand,
540. Threefold object of that
pope, 541. Enticing letter of bish-
op of Rochelle to Voigt, 542.
Manly reply of Voigt, 544. Sec-
ond letter of the bishop, 546.
Clandestine publication of the cor-
respondence, 551.


Wallace, Prof. B. J., on relation of
Sanscrit to Comparative Philolo-

Ward, Rev. J. W., Essay on consis-
tency of God's purposes with free
agency, 77.
Wells, W. H., Notice of Worcester's
Dictionary, 789.

Withington, Rev. L., Article on Shak-
speare, 522.

Worcester's Dictionary, Noticed by
W. H. Wells, 789.


Zumpt's Latin Grammar critically
reviewed by Dr. Siedhof, 413, 696.
Previous similar works, 413.
Works of Scheller, Grotefend and
others, 414. Ramshorn charac-
terized, 415. Hegelian philoso-
phy, 415. Kühner, Billroth and
others, 416. Nature of general
grammar, 417. Grammar of a
particular language, 418. Gram-
mar of one's mother tongue must
be constituted on the principle of
logical analysis, 419. Zumpt has
done this, 419. Examination of
Zumpt's Syntax, 419. Remarks
and corrections, 421. Usages of
Cicero, 423. Use of the ablative,
425. Three kinds of conditional
sentences, 429. Metuo, timeo,
neve, 431. Qui, quanquam, etc.
433. Contingit, necesse est, etc.
696. Ablative Absolute, 697. Sub-
stantive with est, 698. Various
corrections, 699. Ipse, is, ille, etc.
761. Quisquam, 702. Quisque,
tum-tum, 703. Atque etiam, ut
nemo, 704. Hic and ille, 705. Non
posse, nego, 707. Neque tamen,
etc., 708.

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