Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Mamelukes, i. 172-174, 182, 381.
Manin, i. 155.

Mantua, i. 70, 72, 81, 82, 87, 91, 92, 93,
96-108, 114, 119, 120, 125, 198, 239.
Marbot, i. 234 n., 465; ii. 38, 177, 308 n.,
335 n., 457.

Marchand (the Valet), ii. 447, 527.
Marchand, Gen., ii. 407, 487.
Marengo, battle of, i. 234-239.
Maret, i. 152-153, 256-257; ii. 217, 239,
244, 250, 272, 341, 342, 360–361, 369,
378, 379, 410, 473.

Marie Louise, ii. 190-191, 210, 341, 352,
357, 384, 392, 397, 398, 401, 518–519.
Marmont, i. 55, 56, 58, 69, 90, 104, 114,
127, 140, 196, 227, 237, 445, 447; ii. 17,
106, 177 n., 236, 239, 269, 276, 305-
307, 320, 321 n., 323, 328, 330-331, 334,
335 n., 351, 353, 362–363, 372, 374, 375,
385, 386-388, 389, 392, 394-396, 418.
Marseilles, i. 32, 41, 44, 52, 166.
Martinique, i. 287, 290, 307, 458–459.
Masséna, i. 52, 75, 77, 78, 87, 93, 98, 100,
102, 105, 107, 108, 112, 114, 123, 127,
198, 224-225, 230-231, 416, 432, 434;
ii. 16, 24, 28, 56, 74, 176–178, 180, 193,
280, 397, 418.

Mauritius, ii. 401.
Mediatization, ii. 71.

Méhée de la Touche, i. 415-416, 418-
420, 422.

Melas, i. 224-225, 230–239.

Miller, Capt., i. 189.
Millesimo, 77.
Miloradovitch, ii. 264.
Mina, ii. 277, 278.
Mincio, i. 91, 92, 96, 98, 100.
Minto, Earl, i. 391 n.
Miquelon, i. 316.

Mirabeau, i. 27.

Missiessy, i. 452, 454; ii. 6.
Möckern, battle of, ii. 330.
Modena, i. 70, 108, 109, 133, 156, 243,

Modena, Duke of, i. 91.

Molien, i. 246 n.; ii. 55, 82, 200, 248 n.,
387, 409, 413, 446.
Moltke, Von, i. 97.

Moncey, i. 230, 432; ii. 387, 418.
Mondovi, i. 79.

Monge, i. 137, 166, 178, 197, 263, 446; ii.

Monroe, i. 342.

Montagu, Admiral, i. 448.
Montchenu, ii. 508 n., 510, 526.
Montebello, Castle of, i. 136, 145, 232.
Montechiaro, i. 98, 101.
Montenotte, i. 72, 76, 77.
Montereau, battle of, ii. 365.
Montesquieu, i. 23, 25, 38, 169.
Montholon, ii. 473, 478-487, 493-495,
500, 501, 502, 509, 510, 513 n., 516 n.,
517, 519, 523, 524, 527 n.

Montholon, Mme., ii. 488, 493, 500, 505.

Melito, Miot de, i. 94, 120, 137, 170, 431; Montmirail, battle of, ii. 362.

ii. 57, 415.

Melzi, i. 137, 421 n.; ii. 348.

Memel, decrees of, ii. 163.

Memmingen, ii. 13, 16, 22.

Memphis, i. 178.

Menou, Gen., i. 64, 167, 172, 289.

Mercer, Capt., ii. 417, 421, 445, 462, 463.
Merlin, i. 279.

Morea, the, i. 379, 390, 451, 452.

Moreau, i. 58, 93, 96, 129, 201, 225–226,
415-417, 433-435; ii. 274, 308, 314, 318.
Morfontaine, i. 244.

Morillo, Gen., ii. 285.

Mortier, i. 432; ii. 106, 107, 111, 318, 321,
362, 372, 374, 375, 386-387, 388-389,

Moulin, i. 202, 205.

Merry, Mr., i. 312, 364 n., 376, 380-381. Moscow, burning of, ii. 236–237.
Merveldt, Gen., ii. 332, 346.
Metternich, ii. 162 n., 185, 186-187, 190,
222 n., 233, 250-251, 259-260, 266–267,
289-291, 293-295, 297, 299-301, 339,
341-342, 344-346, 355-358, 359, 368,
377, 380, 384, 388, 392, 403, 410, 412,

Milan, i. 70, 72, 84, 87, 96, 98, 131, 133,
138, 157.

Milan decrees, ii. 144.

Milhaud, Count, ii. 434, 443, 458, 461.

Mouton, i. 445; ii. 176. See Lobau.
Müffling, Gen. von, ii. 85, 222, 224 n.,
270,312, 420 n., 441 n., 451, 457, 460 n.
Muiron, i. 48, 114; ii. 558.
Murad, i. 172–175.
Murat, i. 65, 69, 127, 167, 177, 195, 196,
207, 232, 254, 390, 423, 425, 432; ii. 17,
19, 20, 22, 24, 28, 36, 58, 77, 78, 89, 92,
104, 110, 112, 124, 149-150, 152-154,
162, 172, 199, 232-236, 239, 240, 244,

301 n., 304, 318-319, 320, 325, 327, 329, | O'Meara, ii. 488, 493, 499 n., 502, 503,
334, 340, 350, 402, 412, 413, 500, 503.
Muscat, i. 350-351.

Nablus, i. 188.
Nansouty, ii. 318.

Naples, i. 117, 179, 198, 243, 284, 290,

400; ii. 27, 54, 55, 56, 58, 105, 124.
Napoleon, first abdication of, ii. 396.
Narbonne, ii. 297–298.

National Assembly, i. 25, 27, 33.

508, 511, 518, 520, 526, 527 n.
Ompteda, ii. 51.

Oporto, ii. 179.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

National Guard, i. 26, 31-32, 36, 56, Ossian, i. 169.


Nazareth, i. 190.
Necker, i. 146.

Neipperg, Count de, ii. 352, 398, 401.
Nelson, i. 76 n., 171, 175-179, 185, 189,
242, 287, 291, 308, 400, 406, 419, 447,
450-451; ii. 528.
Nepean, i. 417.

Nesselrode, Count, ii. 341, 342, 390.
Neuchâtel, ii. 40.

Newfoundland, i. 159, 290, 317; ii. 496.
Ney, i. 366, 404, 432-433, 449; ii. 17, 19,
22, 84, 89, 104, 111-113, 179, 194 n.,
226, 232-236, 242, 264, 266, 268-269,
309, 322, 325, 328, 330, 334, 351, 372,
374, 393, 394, 397, 408, 425-426, 429,
430, 431, 435-441, 444, 451, 460, 461-
466, 499.

Ostermann, ii. 320.

Otto, i. 236, 286, 289, 308, 315.
Oubril, ii. 66-69, 75.

Oudinot, i. 243; ii. 29, 35-36, 111, 114,
179, 213, 231, 234, 242-243, 245 n.,
269, 305, 310-311, 323, 375, 376, 393,
397, 418.

Ouvrard, ii. 55, 196.

Pacthod, Gen., ii. 386.
Pahlen, ii. 330.

Pajol, ii. 329, 365, 442.
Palais Royale, the, i. 15.
Palm, ii. 82, 169.

Paoli, i. 5, 17, 27, 29, 31, 32, 35-39, 54.
Papal States, i. 70; ii. 141, 210.
Paris, i. 12-15, 32-33, 40-41, 56, 59, 60,
158, 239.

Nice, i. 44, 52, 54, 69, 71, 73, 79, 213, 224, Paris, Treaties of (1814), ii. 401.

225, 288.

Nile, battle of the, i. 175-177.

Nisas, ii. 292.

Nivelle, battle of the, ii. 339.
Nivôse, affair of, i. 280–283.
Non-intercourse Act, ii. 144.
Non-jurors, i. 25, 250.

Norway, ii. 1, 220, 273-274, 350.
Noverraz, ii. 522.

Novi, i. 198, 201.

Novossiltzoff, ii. 5, 7, 10.

O'Connor, i. 470-471 (App.).

Odeleben, Col. von, ii. 265, 325, 332 n.

Oglio, i. 129.

O'Hara, i. 47, 50.

Paris, Treaty of (1815), ii. 496.
Parlements, i. 25, 247, 248.
Parma, i. 70, 339-341, 359.

Parma, Duke of, i. 91, 118, 243.
Parthenopæan Republic, i. 198.

Pasquier, i. 246 n; ii. 137, 257, 446, 473.
Passeriano, i. 143, 155.

Paterson, Miss, ii. 14.

Paul, Czar, i. 167, 199, 240-242, 287.
Pavia, i. 83, 87, 89.

Pelet, ii. 335 n.

Peltier, i. 372.

Peninsular War, ii. 193-195.

Perceval, Mr., ii. 192.

Pérignon, i. 432.

Perim, i. 242 n.

Permon, Madame, i. 58, 67.

Oldenburg, annexation of, ii. 198, 216- Perponcher, Gen., ii. 425 n.


Oldenburg, Duchy of, ii. 168, 190.

Perron, i. 349.

Persia, i. 241; ii. 8, 101.

Oldenburg, ii. 124.

Old Guard, ii. 434, 465, 467 n.

Olivenza, i. 287, 290.

Persia, Shah of, ii. 108.

Perthes, ii. 275 n.


Peschiera, i. 92, 103.
Pétiet, ii. 447.

Petit, Gen., ii. 398.

Phelippeaux, i. 189–191.
Phillip, Port, i. 352, 354.

Phull, Gen. von, ii. 224, 229-230.
Piacenza, i. 84.


Provence, Comte de, i. 49-50, 60, 131.
Provera, i. 77, 120, 125.

Prussia, i. 34, 58, 201, 242, 326, 389, 402;
ii. 1, 34, 9, 19, 26-27, 31, 38–41, 44,
47-50, 59-64, 76-93, 101, 105-106, 116–
117, 121, 122 n., 124-126, 163–164, 167,
178, 204, 209, 218-221, 222, 247-250,
252-256, 258, 260, 290-292, 354-357,
370, 389, 412.

Pichegru, i. 58, 144, 148, 417, 421, 428,
Picton, Gen., ii. 286, 436, 441, 455, 458. Public works, i. 292–293.

Piedmont, i. 43, 58, 222, 226.

Piombino, i. 243.

Puisaye Papers, i. 416, 418 n.
Pyrenees, battle of the, ii. 339.

Pirch I., ii. 423, 428, 430, 431, 451, 465. Pyramids, battle of the, i. 174–175.
Pirch II., ii. 422.

Pitt, i. 49-51, 152-153, 223, 286, 383, 407,
417; ii. 5, 7, 13 n, 49, 51-53, 528.
Pius VI., Pope, i. 71, 93, 94, 110, 125,
164, 240.

Pius VII., Pope, i. 252-255, 258-259, 439-
440, 443; ii. 66, 81, 141–142, 176, 195,
210, 350.

Pizzighetone, i. 85.
Plague, the, i. 188, 191-194.
Po, River, i. 72, 80, 84, 91.
Poischwitz, Armistice of, ii. 272, 295.
Poland, ii. 100-102, 120-121, 178, 185,
214, 218, 225-227, 250, 252, 271, 304,
356-357, 402.

Polignacs, i. 421, 423, 435.

Pondicherry, i. 345.

Quatre Bras, battle of, ii. 435-437, 470.
Quosdanovich, i. 97, 100, 101, 103, 104,
105, 106.

Rapp, ii. 37, 418.

Rastadt, Congress of, i. 156, 161.
Ratisbon, battle of, ii. 176.
Raynal, M., i. 31 n.

Réal, i. 203, 279, 414, 423, 425, 427 n.
Reding, i. 363–364.
Rebecque, Constant de, ii. 425 n.
Red Sea, i. 166, 182.
Reggio, i. 108.

Regnier, i. 414, 420.

Reiche, Gen., ii. 424, 431, 439, 465.
Reichenbach, Treaty of, ii. 291.

Poniatowski, ii. 232, 234, 261, 305, 333. Reille, Gen. ii. 284-286, 418, 426, 436,

Pons (de l'Hérault), ii. 401 n.

Ponsonby, ii. 455, 458, 459.

Portalis, i. 267.

Portland, Duke of, ii. 107, 192.

Porto Ferrajo, ii. 400, 406.

452, 456, 466.

Religion, Napoleon's, i. 18-19.

Rémusat, Madame de, i. 304-305, 428.

Revolution, French, i. 429-430.

Rewbell, i. 68, 145, 165, 201, 416.

Portugal, i. 198, 287-288, 404; ii. 98, 134- Reynier, i. 167, 174; ii. 73, 305-306,

141, 147, 157, 193-194, 282.

Potsdam, Treaty of, ii. 27, 39.
Poussielgue, i. 162.

Power-looms, ii. 203.

Pozzo di Borgo, ii. 346, 390, 394, 404 n.
Praams, i. 448.

Pradt, Abbé de, ii. 227, 233 n., 238, 246,


Prague, Congress of, ii. 297, 300, 303,

Prefect, office of, i. 247, 248.

Press, the, i. 294.

310-311, 325, 328, 331, 333, 336.
Richter, Jean Paul, ii. 163.
Rivière, Marquis de, i. 421, 423.
Robespierre, i. 52, 54, 56, 57, 64, 74,
Rivoli, battle of, i. 120-125.

Robespierre, the younger, i. 52, 53, 54.
Roederer, i. 203, 214-215, 281-282, 284,
369, 436; ii. 345.

Rohan, Charlotte de, i. 422.
Roland, Mme., i. 41.

Roll, Baron de, i. 416.

Press, liberty of the, i. 219; ii. 195, 414. Roman Catholic Church, i. 250.

Pressburg, Treaty of, ii. 42–43.

Priests, orthodox, i. 251-255, 260.
Provence, i. 29, 40, 225.

Romantzoff, ii. 133, 166, 248, 252.

Rome, i. 91, 118, 164, 253–255.

Rome, King of, ii. 210, 351, 387.

United States, i. 243, 338-344, 469-470 | Walpole, Lord, ii. 251, 261.

(App.); ii. 144, 196, 204, 248.

Uxbridge, Lord, ii. 445.

Valais, i. 362; ii. 198.
Valeggio, i. 92.

Valençay, Treaty of, ii. 349.
Valence, i. 13–15, 17.

Valenza, i. 80, 81, 84.

Valetta, i. 101.

Valteline, i. 139.

Valutino, battle of, ii. 233.

Vandamme, ii. 35-36, 37, 272, 305-307,

315, 317, 318-321, 375, 418, 424, 426,

Vandeleur, ii. 459, 465, 469.

Van Diemen's Land, i. 351-358.
Vaubois, i. 113, 116.

Vauchamps, battle of, ii. 363.
Vaud, i. 164, 367.

Vendée, La, i. 42, 56, 59; ii. 246, 413.
Vendémiaire, the affair of, i. 62-66.
Vendetta, i. 3, 4.
Venetia, ii. 41-43, 403.

Venice, i. 92, 130, 153-158.

Verdier, i. 102, 106; ii, 111.

Verling, Dr., ii. 521.

Verona, i. 111, 113, 132, 133.
Viasma, battle of, ii. 240.
Vicenza, i. 116.

Victor, Gen., i. 48, 127, 341; ii. 111,
182, 234, 243, 245 n., 305, 318, 334, 351,
364, 365, 372, 374, 375, 397, 418.
Victor Amadeus III., i. 71.
Vienna, Congress of, ii. 402-404, 417.
Villeneuve, i. 452-455, 457, 464, 467;

ii. 11, 24-25.

Vimiero, battle of, ii. 157.

Vincent, Baron, ii. 166.

Visconti, i. 138.

Vitrolles, Count de, ii. 380, 385.

Vittoria, battle of, ii. 283-288.

Warden, Surgeon, ii. 493.

Warren, Admiral, i. 376, 379, 391; ii.

Warsaw, Duchy of, ii. 124, 378 n.
Waterloo, the position at, ii. 452–454.
Wavre, movement on, ii. 450.

Wellesley, Marquis, i. 346, 349-351, 406.
Wellesley, Sir Arthur. See Welling-

Wellington, i. 307; ii. 132 n., 157, 179-
182, 193, 211, 236, 275, 277-281, 335 n.,
339, 348-349, 381, 385, 395, 402 n., 404,
410 n., 420, 424, 427, 436-437, 443, 451,
459, 462, 465, 467-471, 475, 476, 495,
506, 528.

Wertengen, ii. 20.

Wessenberg, Count, ii. 261, 383 n.

West Indies, i. 453-454, 458-460; ii. 212,
359 n.

West Indies, French, i. 51.
Westphalia, ii. 124, 178.

Weyrother, ii. 33.

Whigs, the, i. 20, 153 n., 394, 417, 456;

ii. 193, 411, 420, 486 n., 515.

Whitbread, Mr., M.P., ii. 411.

Whitworth, Lord, i. 372-374, 384, 386-

Wieland, ii. 168–169.

Wilks, Governor, ii. 497, 502, 505.
Wilson, Sir R., ii. 238-242.
Windham, i. 418 n.

Winzingerode, ii. 369, 372-373.
Wittgenstein, ii. 231, 234, 264, 270, 308,
313, 318.
Wrede, ii. 386.

Wright, Capt., i. 417, 421.

Wurmser, i. 96-98, 100-107, 117, 125.
Würtemberg, ii. 42, 55.

Würzburg, ii. 42.

Yarmouth, Lord, ii. 66, 73, 75–76, 78.

Vivian, Sir Hussey, i1. 421, 444, 453 n., Yorck, Gen., ii. 249, 312, 330, 361, 362–

Volney, i. 68, 166, 188, 446.

Voltaire, i. 19 n., 23-25; ii. 165, 523.

Voltri, i. 75, 76.

Voss, Countess von, ii. 121, 123.

Wagram, battle of, ii. 180, 181.
Walcheren, expedition of, ii. 184.
Walewska, Countess of, ii. 102 n., 401.
Walmoden, Gen., ii. 324.

363, 375.

York, Duke of, i. 199, 240.

Yorke, i. 416.

Young Guard, ii. 464.

Zach, i. 236.

Ziethen, Gen., ii. 424, 425, 426, 428, 465,

Znaim, Armistice of, ii. 182.

Zürich, battle of, i. 164, 198.

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