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Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση


Pius II

(pitz'tun), a city of Luzerne Co., Pennsylvania, on the Susquehanna River, in the Wyoming Valley, 9 miles N. E. of Wilkes-Barre. Here are extensive anthracite-coal industries, planing, knitting, paper, and silk mills, iron and terra-cotta works, breweries, etc. The St. John's Academy is located here. Pittston is the business center of a populous surrounding district. Pop. 16,267. (pi-tû'i-ta-ri), a

mercial emporiums of the East, West, 151 miles w. of Boston. It is situated and South, while in the neighborhood in the Berkshire Valley, 1010 feet above there are immense and cheaply-obtainable sea-level, and is surrounded by mouncoal supplies. These exceptional advan- tains. It has large manufactures of cottages have made Pittsburgh the chief cen- ton and woolen goods, knit goods, shoes, ter of the American iron and steel in- paper, machinery, etc. There are a numdustry; smelting furnaces, foundries, ber of interesting institutions, among rolling-mills, etc., being numerous and them the white marble courthouse and on a very large scale. The pig-iron the Berkshire Athenæum, which stand in product is about one-fourth of that of the public green in the center of the the whole country and the steel product city, and are known as the Heart of more than one-half. The glass manu- Berkshire.' Pop. 32,121. factures of Pittsburgh also rank first in Pittston importance in the United States; cotton goods, leather, earthenware, white lead, soda, tobacco, beer, and spirits are largely produced; but the chief products are iron and steel, hardware and machinery, electrical appliances, railroad brakes, cars and locomotives, steel bridges, aluminum, glass, coal, and coke. In addition to coal, this city is the center of an extensive petroleum and natural gas field. Pittsburgh consists of the town proper Pituitary Body rounded body of and of several large suburbs, and with those that are on the opposite side of the size of a small bean found in the sella the rivers the connection is kept up by turcica, a saddle-shaped cavity of the numerous bridges, comprising some very sphenoid bone in the floor of the cavity excellent examples on the suspension of the skull. Its function appears to be principle. Of the adjacent places, which, related to that of the thyroid gland. though separately incorporated, were long Pityriasis (pit-i-ri'a-sis), a chronic regarded as suburbs of Pittsburgh, the and non-contagious inflammost important is Allegheny, on the right mation of the skin, manifesting itself in bank of the Allegheny River, a favorite red spots or patches on which minute residence with the wealthier classes. It scales are produced, thrown off as soon has now become a corporate part of Pitts- as formed, and as quickly renewed. It burgh and the combined cities possess may affect any part, and, though seldom, many fine public buildings and institu- many parts of the body at the same time; tions. Among these may be named the but the commonest is the P. capitis, on Carnegie Library and Institute building the head, when the scales are popularly (with a large library, music-hall, art known as scurf or dandruff. Mild forms gallery and natural history museum), the generally yield to warm bathing and a amply-endowed Carnegie Schools of Tech- light diet, if persevered in; but more nology, the Phipps Conservatory, the obstinate cases can only be thoroughly United States Arsenal, the University of cured by a radical change in the system, Pittsburgh, the Pennsylvania College for produced by suitable regimen and treatWomen, the Exposition buildings, the ment. Roman Catholic and St. Paul's cathe- Piura (pe-o'rå), a town of Northern drals, various municipal buildings and Peru, capital of province of charitable institutions, etc. Pittsburgh same name, connected by railway with its occupies the site of a fort called Du port, Payta. Pop. about 12,000. Quesne, which was built by the French Pius II (pi'us; ENEAS SYLVIUS in 1754. It was afterwards captured by PICCOLOMINI), pope, born in the British, in 1758, and named in honor 1405; died in 1464. He was descended of William Pitt. Allegheny was joined to from an illustrious Tuscan family, and it by act of the legislature, sustained by studied at the University of Siena. He a decision of the United States Supreme became secretary to Cardinal Capranica, Court, in 1907. Its population in 1900 and the Council of Basel in 1431; to the was 321,616; that of Allegheny 129,896; anti-pope Felix V in 1430, and to Fredmaking 451,512. In 1910 the popu erick III of Germany in 1442. The emlation of the consolidated city totaled peror sent him as an imperial ambassador 533,905. to a diet at Ratisbon, and in 1446 to

Pittsfield (pitz'feld), a city, capital of Berkshire county, Massachusetts, on the Housatonic River,

Pope Eugenius IV to negotiate the sub

mission of Germany. He gained the favor of Eugenius, whom he had formerly

Pius V

opposed, and by his successor was created bishop of Trieste in 1447, and cardinal in 1456. He succeeded Calixtus III as pontiff in 1458. In 1460 he published a bull condemning the doctrine he had in former years so vigorously defended: the superiority of a general council to the pope. Pius II was one of the most learned men of his age, and left some valuable and interesting historical works, orations, and letters.

Pius IX

FERRETTI), pope, born in 1792, was destined for a military career, and on the restoration of Pius VII entered the Guardia Nobile of the Vatican, but soon after adopted the clerical profession. He held various ecclesiastical

aimed at re-establishing the old order of things, and to gain it he tried to conciliate Napoleon by attending his coronation. He aroused the open enmity of the emperor by refusing to be present at the coronation in Milan, and to recognize his brother Joseph as king of Naples; the results being another occupation of Rome by French troops (February 2, 1808), the incorporation of the papal cities, and shortly after of Rome itself, Pius V (MICHELE GHISLERI), pope, with the Kingdom of Italy, and the arrest born in 1504; died in 1572. of the pope (July 6, 1809) and his conHe was raised to the cardinalate by Paul finement in Savona and afterwards at IV in 1557, appointed inquisitor in Lom- Fontainebleau. In 1814 he was released bardy, then inquisitor-general, and chosen and restored to the possession of all the pope in 1565. He chiefly distinguished papal territories except Avignon and himself by his zeal for conversion of Venaissin in France, and a narrow strip Protestants and Jews; the bull in Cana of land beyond the Po. His subsequent Domini was renewed by him, and the government was politically and ecclesiauthority of the Index Expurgatorius astically of a reactionary_character. enforced. In 1570 he excommunicated Pius IX (GIOVANNI MARIA MASTAI Elizabeth of England. He lent his influence and assistance to Charles IX of France against his Protestant subjects, and to the Venetians and Spaniards in their war against the Turks. He was canonized by Clement XI. Pius VI GIOVANNI ANGELO offices under Leo XII, who appointed BRASCEI), pope, born at him Archbishop of Spoleto in 1827, and Cesena in 1717; died at Valence in 1799. to the see of Imola in 1832. Here he He held important offices under several acquired much popularity by his liberal pontiffs, was raised to the cardinalate tendencies. He further showed his by Clement XIV and succeeded him in benevolent nature during a mission to 1775. Several beneficent reforms were Naples at the time of a cholera epidemic, introduced by him in the finance depart- when he sold his plate, furniture, and ment; he also improved the Vatican equipage to relieve the sufferers. AlMuseum, drained the Pontine marshes, though raised to the cardinalate in 1840, reconstructed the port of Ancona, and he resided in his diocese until his election embellished Rome. The French revolu- to the pontificate in 1846. His accession tion, however, hastened the decay of the was signalized by the release of 2000 temporal power of the holy see. In political prisoners, followed by a com1791 Avignon and the county of Venais- plete amnesty; and Italy was to be free sin were reunited to France; by the and independent under a liberal constitreaty of Tolentino (1797) he lost the tution. But the Italians, who wanted Romagna, Bologna, and Ferrara; and on to be free of the Austrians, flocked under the 15th of February, 1798, General Ber- the banner of Charles Albert, and Pio thier established the Roman republic, de- Nono, as pontiff, found himself obliged prived the pope of his authority, and to interfere. Disaster, bloodshed, and conveyed him as a prisoner to France, anarchy followed, and he had himself to where he died the following year. seek safety in flight. A Roman republic Pius VII GREGORIO BARNABA was proclaimed (Feb., 1849), with MazCHIARAMONTI), pope, zini at its head. Louis Napoleon, presiborn at Cesena in 1742; died in 1823. dent of the French republic, sent an At the age of sixteen he was received into expedition to Rome, which defeated the the order of Benedictines, served as Italian patriots under Garibaldi, and teacher in several abbeys, and subse- occupied the city (July 3). The pope quently became professor of philosophy returned in April, 1850, but he left the in Parma, and of theology in Rome. direction of state affairs principally in Pius VI created him bishop of Tivoli, the hands of his secretary of state, Carcardinal and bishop of Imola; and his dinal Antonelli. On the death of that friendly attitude towards the Cisalpine distinguished prelate, Pio Nono again Republic secured him the favor of bestowed his whole attention on the France, and the election to the papal church. He recalled the Jesuits, canonchair in 1800. After his accession he ized saints, countenanced miracles, and

Pius X


defined new dogmas. The immaculate soldier. The spirit of adventure which at conception of the Virgin was settled by that time pervaded Spain prompted him a papal decree in 1854, and the dogma of to seek fortune in the newly-found conpapal infallibility was established by the tinent of America, where he participated ecumenical council of 1870. By this time in various military and trading expedithe pope's dominions had been greatly tions. While resident near Panama he reduced, and what remained of the tem- became associated with two other adporal power was secured by the presence venturers, Hernando Lugue, or de of French troops at Rome. But the Lugues, and Diego de Almagro. In 1524 downfall of Napoleon III caused their they jointly fitted out an expedition with withdrawal; the Italian troops took pos- a view to exploration and conquest, and session, and the political rule of the holy on their second voyage discovered Peru; see was at an end. The Vatican was but finding their force inadequate for conleft to the pope, and his independence quering the country, Pizarro returned to insured. The later years of his cap- Spain for assistance. He arrived in Setivity' were cheered by the proofs of ville in 1528, was granted the necessary reverence displayed by Roman Catholic powers and a small force, and recrossed Christianity, which accorded him mag- the Atlantic in 1531. The following year nificent ovations as his period of jubilee he arrived in Peru during a civil war, began to fall due. The twenty-fifth anni- treacherously seized the person of the versary of his pontificate was celebrated reigning inca at a friendly interview, and with great splendor in 1871; for he was after extorting an immense ransom, put the first pope to reach the traditional him to death. The whole empire was years of Peter.' He died in February, gradually conquered without much oppo1878. sition, but its settlement was long in Pius X pope, abeyance owing to a feud between Pizarro was born of humble parents and Almagro. Hernando Pizarro, a at Riese, near Venice, in 1835. He brother of the general, strangled Almagro studied at Treviso and Padua and was in 1537. This act was avenged in 1541, ordained priest in 1858, being soon after when a son of Almagro murdered Franmade chancellor of the diocese and vicar cisco Pizarro in his palace at Lima. of the chapter of Treviso. Leo XIII Lima was founded by Pizarro in 1535, appointed him bishop of Mantua in 1884, and his remains are interred in the catheand cardinal and patriarch of Venice dral of that city, also founded by him. in 1893. The papal nomination to this


Pizarro, GONZALO, half-brother of

Nuñez, and the latter was defeated and slain near Quito in 1546. But Pizarro did not long enjoy his success, being beaten, taken prisoner, and beheaded in 1548.

office was for a time disputed by the the preceding, was born in Italian government, which claimed the 1502. His brother appointed him govright to nomination. But the new ernor of Quito in 1540, and after the patriarch's simplicity of life, vigorous assassination of Francisco, he raised an repression of abuses, and sympathy with army against the new viceroy, Blasco the poor endeared him to the people, and on the death of Leo XIII in 1903 he was a prominent candidate for the papacy. He was elected in August, 1903. As a pope he was distinguished rather for piety and administrative activity than for learning. His term of service was one Placenta (pla-sen'ta), the structure long zealous effort to combat the docwhich, in the higher Mamtrines of modernism, at which the encyc- malia, connects the foetus, or unborn emlical known as Pascendi of September 8, bryo, with the circulation of the mother, 1907, was especially directed. Further thus providing for its due nutrition. In condemnation of modernism and the pre- its most typical form it is only met with scription of the duty of the teaching in the higher Mammalia, which are thereclergy to oppose heretical tendencies were fore called placental mammals, while the published by him from time to time. He lower Mammalia are termed implacental died August 20, 1914.

Piute, or PAIUTE (pi-ūt) INDIANS,

or aplacental, from their wanting a placenta; the latter include only the two the name of a small tribe of orders Monotremata and Marsupialia. southwestern Utah, but generally given to Certain analogous structures also exist a number of Shoshone tribes of Utah, in connection with the development of the Nevada, Arizona and southeast California. young of some species of sharks and Pizarro (pe-zar'o), FRANCISCO, a dogfishes. The human placenta presents Spanish adventurer, the dis- the most perfect type, and is a special coverer and conqueror of Peru, was born growth on the part both of the womb in 1471, the illegitimate son of a Spanish and the ovum. By the end of pregnancy officer, under whom he served as a it forms a disk-like mass, measuring 7


By permission of American Bureau of Ethnology.


The ghost dance is a religious ceremony which originated among the Piute Indians in Nevada about 1889, so named from the fact that the dancers wear white robes

over their ordinary dress.

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