XXI. When a question is under debate, no motion shall be received, unless 1. To amend it. 2. To commit it. 4. To postpone it. 5. For the previous question, or 6. To adjourn. 3. To lay on the table. XXII. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order, and shall be decided without debate. XXII. The previous question, until it is decided, shall preclude all amendments and debate of the main question, and shall be in this form-" shall the main question be now put?" XXIV. Every member who shall be present when a question is put, shall vote for or against the same, unless the Board shall excuse him, unless he be immediately interested in the question, in which case he shall not vote; but no member shall be permitted to vote upon a question, when a division is called, unless present when his name is called n its regular order. XXV. A member called to order shall immediately sit down, unless permitted to explain: and the Board, if appealed to, shall decide on the case, but without debate. If there be no appeal the decision of the Chair shall be submitted to. XXVI. All questions shall be put in the order they are moved, except in filing up blanks-the longest time and the largest sun shall be first put. XXVII. Upon a division of the Board, the names of those who vote for and those who vote against the question, shall be entered upon the minutes; not only in the case required by law, but when any two members require it. 66 And in all appropriations of public money, the ayes and nays shall be called by the Clerk, and recorded." XXVIII. In all divisions taken by the Board, on the call of a member, it shall also be the duty of the Clerk to enter on the minutes the names of the members so calling for the division. XXIX. All appointments of officers shall be by ballot, unless dispensed with by the unanimous consent of the Board, and a majority of the whole number present shall be necessary to constitute a choice. XXX. No member shall absent himself without permission from the President. XXXI. All Committees shall be appointed by the President, unless otherwise ordered by the Board. Committees appointed to report on any subject referred to them by the Board, shall report a statement of facts, and also their opinion thereon, in writing; and no report shall be received, unless the same be signed by a majority of the Committee. XXXII. Whenever the doors are directed to be closed, all persons, excepting the members and the Clerk, shall retire. XXXIII. Every petition, remonstrance, or other written application, intended to be presented to the Common Council, is to be delivered to the President, or any other member of the Board, on any day, but not later than our o'clock on the day on which the Common Council convenes, except on extraordinary occasions; and the President, or other member to whom it shall be given, shall examine the same, and endorse thereon the name of the applicant and the substance of such application, and sign his name thereto; which endorsement only shall be read by the President, unless a member shall require the reading of the paper, in which case the whole shall be read. XXXIV. The STANDING COMMITTEES, to consist of three members each, shall be as follows: 1. Applications for Office. 2. Assessments. 3. Arts, Sciences and Schools 6. Finance. 7. Fire and Water. 8. Lamps and Gas. 9. Laws and Applications to the Legislature 10. Markets. 11. Police, Watch and Prisons. 15. Cleaning Streets. 19. Ordinances. XXXV. The members of the Board shall not leave their places on adjournment, until the President leaves the chair. XXXVI. The President may call special meetings of the Board, whenever, in his judgment, the interest of the city may require it. XXXVII. The applications and resolutions relative to streets above 42nd street, shall be referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals. XXXVIII. The President shall be, ex-officio, a member of all Committees ; but a majority of such Committee, exclusive of the President, shall be sufficient to agree upon a report. SAMUEL J. WILLIS, Clerk. RULES AND ORDERS OF THE BOARD OF ASSISTANT ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW-YORK, 1841. I. UPON the appearance of nine members, including the President, the members shall be called to order. II. In case the President shall not attend, the Clerk, on the appearance of nine members, shall call the Board to order, when a President pro tem. shall be appointed by_the Board for that meeting, or until the appearance of the President. III. Immediately after the President shall have taken the chair, the minutes of the preceding meeting shall be read by the Clerk, to the end, that any mistake therein may be corrected by the Board. 2 IV. The order of business, which shall in no case be departed from, except by the consent of ten members voting therefor, shall be as follows: 1st. Presentation of Petitions. 2d. Reports of Committees. 3d. Communications and reports from the Departments or Corporation Officers. 4th. Unfinished business of the preceding meeting. 5th. Special Orders of the day. 6th. General Orders of the day. 7th. Motions and Resolutions. 8th. Messages from the Mayor or from the Board of Aldermen, may be considered at any time. V. Whenever the President may wish to leave the chair, he shall have power to substitute a member in his place, provided that such substitution shall not continue beyond the day on which it was made. VI. When the Board shall be equally divided, including the vote of the President, the question shall be lost. VII. Whenever any five members shall require the Board to go into Committee of the Whole, the President shall leave the chair, and shall appoint a Chairman of the Committee of the Whole, who shall report the proceedings of the Committee. The rules of the Board shall be observed in the Committee of the Whole, excepting the rules respecting a call for the ayes and nays, and limiting the time of speaking. VIII. On motion in Committee to rise and report, the question shall be decided without debate. IX. No amendment shall be allowed in the Board on any question which has been decided in Committee of the Whole, unless by the consent of two-thirds of the members present. X. The President shall cause the Clerk to make a list of all the messages, ordinances, resolutions and reports not finally disposed of, which shall be considered "the general orders of the day." XI. If the question in debate contains several points, any member may have the same divided. XII. A motion to refer or lay on the table, until it is decided, shall preclude all amendments of the main question.' XIII. When a question has been once put and decided, it shall be in order for any member who voted in the majority, |