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Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
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Joint Special Committee on Public Buildings on Blackwell's Island, Randell's Island and Long Island Farms.

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The Board of Supervisors is composed of the Mayor, (President,) the Recorder, and the Aldermen. The stated annual meetings of the Board, are

R. S. part 4, c. 2. title 4 a rt, 1. § 2. (v. 2. p. 720)

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2 R. L 399.

On the 2d Monday of July, to prepare a List of the names of 600 persons to serve as Grand Jurors during the ensuing year.

On the 2d Tuesday of July, (at the City Hall, Laws relative and at such other times and places, as they to the City, shall find necessary,) to examine and ascertain 128. Act April what sums of money are by law imposed on the 9, 1813. § CL. said City, in that year, for Taxes, &c.

7. L. N. Y.

NOTE (The Annual Tax Law empowers them, as soon as conveniently may be after the passing of the Act, to order and cause to be raised by Tax, etc.

On the 3d Tuesday of August, (at the City a 123. Laws Hall, or at such other places, and at such other relative to ci times as they shall find necessary,) to examine April 6th, 18:5, the several Assessment Rolls, &c. They are

ty, 173. Act

§ 2.

to cause the Assessment Rolls, when corrected, (or fair copies) to be delivered to, the Ward Collectors respectively, on or before the 1st day of October.

2 R. L. 399 Between the 3d Tuesday of November and Laws relative to City, 128. the 1st Tuesday of December, and at such Act April 9th, other times and places as they may direct, to 18. 13. § CLI. examine and audit the books, accounts and vouchers of the Chamberlain of the City.


The Board of Health consists of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Assistant Aldermen, (seven members with the Mayor constituting a quorum). The officers are

Hon. Robert H. Morris, (Mayor,) President, 5 City Hall.

[32 Varick st.

Samuel J. Willis, (Clerk C. C.) Secretary, 8 City Hall, 175 East Broadway.

Alfred A. Smith, (Comptroller,) Treasurer, 5 Hall of Record, 276 Madison st.

The City Inspector, his Assistants, and the Deputy Health Wardens, are officers connected with the business of the Board of Health for a list of which see page -.

The Board of Health Commissioners is composed of Officers appointed by the State Government. The following are the Officers

A. Sidney Doane, M.D., Health Officer, Quarantine Ground. John W. Francis, M. D., Resident Physician, 1 Bond st. William Turner, M.D., Health Commissioner, 161 William st. William H. Robinson, Agent of Commissioners, Quarantine [Ground.


The financial condition of the city on the 1st May, 1841, was as follows, as will be seen by the Mayor's Message, from which the following statement is taken

"I have requested from the Comptroller and received a statement of the City Debt up to the 1st of May last, from which the following appears:

New-York City Stocks of 1820 and '29.. $500,000

Less amount held by the Commissioners

of Sinking Fund........



Public Building Stock..


Less amount held by the Commissioners

of Sinking Fund...



Fire Loan Stock, a contingent liability,.. $882,000

Less an equal amount of bonds and mort

gages owned by the Commissioners
of Sinking Fund.....



Fire Indemnity Stock.


Less amount held by the Commissioners

of Sinking Fund...


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The City Stocks which will be held by the Comissioners of the Sinking Fund at the close of the present fiscal year, will be sufficient to cover, and in effect cancel the stock of 1820 and '29, and the Public Building Stock. The Fire Loan Stock and Corporation Bonds are contingent liabilities of the city, for which bonds and mortgages, and other real estate liens, are held by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, which can be realized and applied to the liquidation of the debt at any time. These, therefore, may be properly considered as no part of the city debt, but rather as a loan of its credit on full and perfect securities.

The Fire Indemnity Stock is, for the most part, payable in twenty-seven years; the provision for its redemption is an annual tax of $25,000 to be levied upon the real and personal estate of the citizens, one-half of which tax would, however, accomplish its redemption in the time fixed.

The Floating Debt Stock is payable at the rate of $50,000 per annum, to meet which, a tax of the like sum is annually to be imposed.

It will be seen, therefore, that the principal of all the stocks here mentioned (and which constitute the entire debt of the city, except that for the construction of the Croton Aqueduct,) is fully provided for, and capable of being redeemed without resort to the revenues of the Sinking Fund after the present year; or, in other words, the proper income of the Sinking Fund, on and after May next, when the Croton water will be introduced, will be applicable, solely, to the cancelling of the Water Stocks.

The water debt, as estimated, will reach $12,000,000. It is computed that the income of the Sinking Fund, as at present constituted, will alone be sufficient to meet and cancel it in forty years. It is to be remembered, too, that the Sinking Fund will, long before that period, be greatly enlarged from the avails of such real estate as the Corporation may sell from time to time."

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