Is only my obedience. What can happen 2. KATH. Have I liv'd thus long-(let me speak myself, Since virtue finds no friends,)-a wife, a true one? Have I with all my full affections Still met the king? lov'd him next heaven? obey'd him? Been, out of fondness, fuperftitious to him?? WOL. Madam, you wander from the good we 2. KATH. My lord, I dare not make myself fo guilty, To give up willingly that noble title Your mafter wed me to: nothing but death Shall e'er divorce my dignities. WOL. 'Pray, hear me, 2. KATH. 'Would I had never trod this English earth, Or felt the flatteries that grow upon it! 3-fuperftitious to him?] That is, ferved him with supersti tious attention; done more than was required. JOHNSON, 1 Ye have angels' faces, but heaven knows your hearts. What will become of me now, wretched lady? Shipwreck'd upon a kingdom, where no pity, WOL. If your grace Could but be brought to know, our ends are honeft, 4 Ye have angels' faces,] She may perhaps allude to the old jingle of Angli and Angeli. JOHNSON. I find this jingle in The Arraygnment of Paris, 1584. The goddesses refer the difpute about the golden apple to the decifion of Diana, who setting afide their respective claims, awards it to Queen Elizabeth; and adds: "Her people are ycleped angeli, "Or if I miss a letter, is the most." In this paftoral, as it is called, the queen herself may be almost faid to have been a performer, for at the conclufion of it, Diana gives the golden apple into her hands, and the Fates depofit their infignia at her feet. It was presented before her Majesty by the children of her chapel. It appears from the following paflage in The Spanish Masquerado, by Greene, 1585, that this quibble was originally the quibble of a faint: " England, a little island, where, as faint Augustin saith, there be people with angel faces, so the inhabitants have the courage and hearts of lyons." STEEVENS. See also Nashe's Anatomie of Abfurditie, 1589: " For my part I meane to fufpend my fentence, and let an author of late memorie be my speaker; who affirmeth that they carry angels in their faces, and devils in their devices." MALONE. sthe lily, That once was mistress of the field,] So, in Spenser's Fairy Queen, Book II. c. vi. ft. 16: "The lily, lady of the flow'ring field." HOLT WHITE, You'd feel more comfort: why should we, good lady, riage. The hearts of princes kifs obedience, So much they love it; but, to stubborn spirits, vants. CAM. Madam, you'll find it so. You wrong With these weak women's fears. A noble spirit, you; Beware, you lose it not: For us, if you please To use our utmost studies in your service. 2. KATH. Do what ye will, my lords: And, pray, forgive me, 6 The hearts of princes kiss obedience, So much they love it; but, to stubborn Spirits, They swell, and grow as terrible as storms.] It was one of the charges brought against Lord Effex in the year before this play was probably written, by his ungrateful kinsman, Sir Francis Bacon, when that nobleman to the disgrace of humanity was obliged by a junto of his enemies to kneel at the end of the council-table for feveral hours, that in a letter written during his retirement in 1598, to the Lord Keeper, he had said, "There is no tempeft to the pas fionate indignation of a prince." MALONE. i : If I have us'd myself unmannerly;" SCENE II. [Exeunt. Antechamber to the King's Apartment. Enter the Duke of NORFOLK, the Duke of SUFFOLK, the Earl of SURREY, and the Lord Chamberlain. NOR. If you will now unite in your complaints, And force them with a constancy, the cardinal Cannot stand under them: If you omit The offer of this time, I cannot promife, But that you shall sustain more new disgraces, With these you bear already. SUR. I am joyful To be reveng'd on him. 7 SUF. Which of the peers If I have us'd myself unmarmerly;] That is, if I have behaved myself unmannerly. M. MASON. 8 And force them - Force is enforce, urge. JOHNSON. So, in Measure for Measure: Has he affections in him ". That thus can make him bite the law by the nose, " When he would force it?" STEEVENS. Have uncontemn'd gone by him, or at least CHAM. My lords, you speak your pleasures : NOR. O, fear him not; His spell in that is out: the king hath found The honey of his language. No, he's fettled, SUR. 9 -or at least Sir, Strangely neglected?] Which of the peers has not gone by him contemned or neglected? JOHNSON. Our author extends to the words, strangely neglected, the negative comprehended in the word uncontemn'd. M. MASON. Uncontemn'd, as I have before observed in a note on As you like it, must be understood, as if the author had written not contemn'd. See Vol. VI. p. 31, n. 5. MALONE. 2 when did he regard The ftamp of nobleness in any perfon, Out of himself?] The expression is bad, and the thought false. For it fuppofes Wolfey to be noble, which was not fo: we should read and point; when did he regard The stamp of nobleness in any perfon; Out of't himself? i. e. When did he regard nobleness of blood in another, having ! I do not think this correction proper. The meaning of the present reading is easy. When did he, however careful to carry his own dignity to the utmost height, regard any dignity of another? JOHNSON. 1 |