Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

VI. Thou shalt do no murder. VII. Thou shalt not commit adultery.

VIII. Thou shalt not steal.

IX. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.

labour truly to get mine own living, and to do my duty in that state of life unto which it shall please God to call me.

Catechist. My good child, know this, that thou art not able to do X. Thou shalt not covet thy these things of thyself, nor to walk neighbour's house, thou shalt not in the Commandments of God, covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his and to serve him, without his speservant, nor his maid, nor his ox, cial Grace, which thou must learn nor his ass, nor any thing that is his. at all times to call for by diligent Quest. What dost thou chiefly Prayer: Let me hear, therefore, learn by these commandments? if thou canst say the Lord's Prayer. Answer.

Ans. I learn two things; my

duty towards God, and my duty OUR Father, who art in Hea

towards my neighbour.

Hallowed be thy Name

Quest. What is thy duty to-Thy Kingdom come; Thy Will wards God? be done on Earth, as it is in Hea

Ans. My duty towards God is, ven; Give us this day our daily to believe in him; to fear him; bread; And forgive us our tresand to love him with all my heart, passes, as we forgive those who with all my mind, with all my trespass against us; And lead us soul, and with all my strength; to not into temptation; But deliver worship him; to give him thanks; us from evil. Amen.

to put my whole trust in him; to Quest. What desirest thou of call upon him; to honour his holy God in this Prayer? Name and his Word; and to Ans. I desire my Lord God, serve him truly all the days of our heavenly Father, who is the my life. giver of all goodness, to send his Quest. What is thy duty to- grace unto me and to all people; wards thy neighbour? that we may worship him, serve Ans. My duty towards my him, and obey him, as we ought to neighbour is, to love him as my-do: And I pray unto God, that he self, and to do to all men as I will send us all things that are would they should do unto me: needful both for our souls and To love, honour, and succour my bodies; and that he will be merciful father and mother: To honour and unto us, and forgive us our sins; obey the Civil Authority: To sub- and that it will please him to save mit myself to all my governors, and defend us in all dangers both teachers, spiritual pastors, and of soul and body; and that he will masters: To order myself lowly keep us from all sin and wickedand reverently to all my betters: ness, and from our spiritual enemy, To hurt nobody by word or deed: and from everlasting death: And To be true and just in all my deal- this I trust he will do of his mercy ings: To bear no malice nor ha- and goodness, through our Lord tred in my heart: To keep my Jesus Christ; and therefore I say, hands from picking and stealing, Amen: So be it. and my tongue from evil speaking, lying, and slandering: To keep my body in temperance, soberness, and


TOW many Sacraments hath
Christ ordained in his


chastity: Not to covet nor desire Church?

other men's goods; but to learn and Ans. Two only, as generally

necessary to salvation; that is to tender age they cannot perform say, Baptism, and the Supper of them? the Lord.

Ans. Because they promise them Quest. What meanest thou by both by their sureties; which this word Sacrament? promise, when they come to age,

Ans. I mean an outward and themselves are bound to perform. visible sign of an inward and spi- Quest. Why was the Sacraritual grace, given unto us; or-ment of the Lord's Supper ordained by Christ himself; as a dained?

means whereby we receive the Ans. For the continual rememsame, and a pledge to assure us brance of the sacrifice of the death thereof. of Christ, and of the benefits which

there in a Sacrament?

Quest. How many parts are we receive thereby. Quest. What is the outward part Ans. Two; the outward visible or sign of the Lord's Supper? sign, and the inward spiritual Ans. Bread and Wine, which the Lord hath commanded to be grace.

Quest. What is the outward received. visible sign or form in Baptism?

Ans. Water; wherein the person is baptized, In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

Quest. What is the inward and spiritual grace?

Quest. What is the inward part or thing signified?

Ans. The Body and Blood of Christ, which are spiritually taken and received by the faithful in the Lord's Supper.

Quest. What are the benefits Ans. A death unto sin, and a whereof we are partakers thereby? new birth unto righteousness: For Ans. The strengthening and rebeing by nature born in sin, and freshing of our souls by the Body the children of wrath, we are and Blood of Christ, as our bodies hereby made the children of are by the bread and wine.


Quest. What is required of persons to be baptized?

Quest. What is required of the who come to the Lord's Supper?

Ans. To examine themselves, Ans. Repentance, whereby they whether they repent them truly of forsake sin; and Faith, where- their former sins, steadfastly purby they steadfastly believe the posing to lead a new life; have a promises of God made to them in lively faith in God's mercy, through that Sacrament. Christ, with a thankful rememQuest. Why then are Infants brance of his death; and be in baptized, when by reason of their charity with all men.

The Minister of every Parish shall diligently upon Sundays and Holy Days, or on some other con venient occasions, openly in the Church, instruct or examine so many Children of his Parish, sent unto him, as he shall think convenient, in some part of this Catechism.

And all Fathers, Mothers, Masters, and Mistresses shall cause their Children, Servants, and Ap prentices, who have not learned their Catechism, to come to the Church at the time appointed, and obediently to hear, and to be ordered by the Minister, until such time as they have learned all that is here appointed for them to learn.

So soon as Children are come to a competent age, and can say the Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and the Ten Commandments, and can answer to the other questions of this short Catechism, they shall be brought to the Bishop.

And whensoever the Bishop shall give knowledge for Children to be brought unto him for their Confirmation, the Minister of every Parish shall either bring, or send in writing, with his hand sub scribed thereunto, the Names of all such Persons within his Parish, as he shall think fit to be presented to the Bishop to be conûrmed.





Laying on of Hands upon those who are baptized, and come to Years of Discretion.

Upon the Day appointed, all that are to be then confirmed, being placed and standing in order before the Bishop; he, or some other Minister appointed by him, shall read this preface follow





UR help is in the name of the

Ans. Who hath made heaven

Bishop. Blessed be the name of

Ans. Henceforth, world without end.

O the end that confirmation and earth. may be ministered to the more edifying of such as shall re- the Lord; ceive it, the Church hath thought good to order, that none shall be confirmed, but such as can say the Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and the Ten Commandments; and can also answer to such other Questions, as in the short Catechism

Bishop. Lord hear our prayer;
Ans. And let our cry come unto


Bishop. Let us pray.

are God, who hast vouchsafed to are contained: Which order is ALMIGHTY and everliving

very convenient to be observed; to

the end that children, being now regenerate these thy servants by come to the years of discretion, and Water and the Holy Ghost, and having learned what their God-hast given unto them forgiveness fathers and Godmothers promised of all their sins, strengthen them, for them in Baptism, may them- we beseech thee, O Lord, with the selves, with their own mouth and Holy Ghost, the Comforter; and consent, openly before the Church daily increase in them thy maniratify and confirm the same; and fold gifts of grace; the spirit of wisalso promise, that, by the grace of dom and understanding, the spirit God, they will evermore endeavour of counsel and ghostly strength, themselves faithfully to observe the spirit of knowledge and true such things as they, by their own with the spirit of thy holy fear, godliness; and fill them, O Lord,

confession, have assented unto.

¶ Then shall the Bishop say,
O ye here, in the presence of

now and for ever.


Then all of them in order kneeling before the
Bishop, he shall lay his hands upon the head of

Child for, this thy Servant]
EFEND, O Lord, this thy

every one severally, saying,

D God, and of this Congregation, renew the solemn promise Congregaand vow that ye made, or that was made in your name, at your Bap- with thy heavenly grace; that he tism; ratifying and confirming the may continue thine for ever, and same; and acknowledging your-daily increase in thy Holy Spirit selves bound to believe and to do all more and more, until he come unto those things which ye then under-thy everlasting kingdom. took, or your Sponsors then undertook for you?

And every one shall audibly answer,
I do.

¶ Then shall the Bishop say, The Lord be with you.

Ans. And with thy spirit.

And all kneeling down, the Bishop shall add,



And these Collects.

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Let us pray. Jever be with them: And so lead UR Father, who art in Hea- them in the knowledge and obeven, Hallowed be thy Name; dience of thy Word, that in the Thy Kingdom come; Thy Will end they may obtain everlasting de done on Earth, as it is in Hea- life, through our Lord Jesus Christ; ven ; Give us this day our daily who, with thee and the Holy Ghost, bread; And forgive us our tres-liveth and reigneth ever one God, passes, as we forgive those who world without end. Amen. trespass against us; And lead us ALMIGHTY Lord, and not into temptation; But deliver everlasting God, vouchsafe, us from evil. Amen. we beseech thee, to direct, sanctiLMIGHTY and everlasting bodies, in the ways of thy laws, fy, and govern both our hearts and God, who makest us both to and in the works of thy commandwill and to do those things which ments; that through thy most are good, and acceptable unto thy mighty protection, both here and Divine Majesty; we make our ever, we may be preserved in body humble supplications unto thee for and soul, through our Lord and these thy servants, upon whom, Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. after the example of thy holy Then the Bishop shall bless them, saying thus: Apostles, we have now laid our HE blessing of God Almighty, hands; to certify them, by this sign, the Father, the Son, and the of thy favour and gracious good- Holy Ghost, be upon you, and reness towards them. Let thy Fa- main with you for ever. Amen. therly hand, we beseech thee, ever And there shall none be admitted to the Holy be over them: Let thy Holy Spirit


Communion, until such time as he be confirmed, or be ready and desirous to be confirmed.



The laws respecting Matrimony, whether by publishing the Bans in Churches, or by License, being different in the several States; every Minister is left to the direction of those Laws, in every thing that regards the civil contract between the Parties.

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And when the Bans are published, it shall be in the following form:-I publish the Bans of Marriage between M. of, and N. of- If any of you know cause or just impediment, why these two persons should not be joined together in holy Matrimony, ye are to declare it. [This is the first, second, or third time of asking.]

of Matrimony, the Persons to be married shall

left, the Minister shall say,


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At the day and time appointed for Solemnization creetly, advisedly, soberly, and in come into the body of the Church, or shall be the fear of God. Into this holy ready in some proper house, with their friends estate, these two persons present and neighbours; and there standing together, the Man on the right hand, and the Woman on the come now to be joined. If any man can show just cause, why EARLY beloved, we are they may not lawfully be joined gathered together here in the together, let him now speak, or sight of God, and in the face of else hereafter for ever hold his this company, to join together this Man and this Woman in holy Matrimony; which is commended of Saint Paul to be honourable among all men; and therefore is not by any to be entered into unadvised- dreadful day of judgment, when ly or lightly; but reverently, dis-the secrets of all hearts shall be

And also speaking unto the Persons who are to peace.

be married, he shall say, REQUIRE and charge you both (as ye will answer at the

disclosed) that if either of you from this day forward, for better know any impediment, why ye for worse, for richer for poorer, may not be lawfully joined together in sickness and in health, to love, in Matrimony, ye do now confess cherish, and to obey, till death us it: For be ye well assured, that if do part, according to God's holy any persons are joined together ordinance; and thereto I give thee otherwise than as God's word my Troth. doth allow, their marriage is not lawful.

The Minister, if he shall have reason to doubt of the lawfulness of the proposed Marriage, may demand sufficient surety for his indemnification; but if no impediment shall be alleged, or suspected, the Minister shall say to the Man, VILT thou have this Wo


Then shall they again loose their Hands; and the Man shall give unto the Woman a Ring. And the Minister taking the Ring shall deliver it unto the Man, to put it upon the fourth finger of the Woman's Left Hand. And the Man holding the Ring there, and taught by the Minister, shall say, VITH this Ring I thee wed, and with all my worldly


man to thy wedded goods I thee endow: In the name Wife, to live together after God's of the Father, and of the Son, and ordinance, in the holy estate of of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

Matrimony? Wilt thou love her," comfort her, honour, and keep her, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?

The man shall answer, I will.

Finger of the Woman's left Hand, the Minister shall say,

Then the Man leaving the Ring upon the fourth


Let us pray.

UR Father, who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy Name; Thy Kingdom come; thy Will be ¶ Then shall the Minister say unto the Woman, done on Earth, as it is in Heaven; N. VILT thou have this Man Give us this day our daily bread; WIL to thy wedded Husband, to live together after God's ordi- And forgive us our trespasses, as we nance, in the holy estate of Matri- forgive those who trespass against mony? Wilt thou obey him, and us; And lead us not into temptation; But deliver us from evil. serve him, love, honour, and keep Amen. him, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?

The Woman shall answer, I will.

Then shall the Minister say,

and Preserver of all mankind, ETERNAL God, Creator giver of all spiritual grace, the author of everlasting life; send thy blessing upon these thy servants,

Who giveth this Woman to be this man and this woman, whom married to this Man?

we bless in thy name; that as Isaac ¶ Then shall they give their Troth to each other and Rebecca lived faithfully to

in this Manner:

with his Right Hand to take the Woman by her

¶ The Minister receiving the Woman at her Fa-gether, so these persons may surely ther's or Friend's Hands, shall cause the Man perform and keep the vow and Right Hand, and say after him as followeth : covenant betwixt them made, M. take thee N. to my wedded (whereof this Ring given and reWife, to have and to hold, from ceived is a token and pledge) and this day forward, for better for may ever remain in perfect love worse, for richer for poorer, in and peace together, and live acsickness and in health, to love and cording to thy laws, through Jesus to cherish, till death us do part, Christ our Lord. Amen. according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I plight thee my Troth. Then shall they loose their Hands, and the Wo

Then shall the Minister join their Right Hands

together, and say,

Those whom God hath joined

man with her Right Hand taking the Man by his together, let no man put asunder. Right Hand, shall likewise say after the Minister, ¶ Then shall the Minister speak unto the Company: N. I take thee M. to my wedded NORASMUCH as M. and N. Husband, to have and to hold, have consented together in


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